Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/755

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734 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 218. 1920. Appeals. In all cases of conviction an a geal shall lie from the judgment of said commissioner to the Unitedp tates Court for the Southern Dis— trict of California, and the United States district court in said district shall prescribe rules and procedure and practice for said commissioner _ _ _ in the trial of cases and for appeals to said United States district court. m,P‘§§§§{"° ‘·‘ °‘“'”‘ Sec. 9. That any such commissioner within his jurisdiction shall also have the power to issue process as hereinbefore provided for the arrest of any person 0l18.?Bd with commission within said boundaries of said Bparks, or either o them, as specified above in this Act, of any crimin · offense not covered by the (provisions of section 5 of this Act, to hear the evidence introduced, an if he is of the Oolpinion that probable cause is shown for holding the person so charg for trial, he shall cause such person to be safely conveyed to a secure place of confinement within the llrgrisdiction of the United States district court in and for the judicial trict to which he belongs, and certify a transcript of therecord of his proceedings and testimony in the case to the court, to which the park rs attached as above specified in this Act, which §g1vi·¤¤~ court shall have jurisdiction of the case: Provided, That the said com- ‘ missioner shall grant bail in all cases bailable under the laws of the United States or of said State. “°""*°’ °‘ P'°°°“· Sec. 10. That all process issued by the commissioner of the Yosemite National Park shall be directed to the marshal of the United States for the northern district of California, and all {process issued by the commissioner of the Sequoia National Park and e General Grant National Park shall be directed to the marshal of the United States S““"""’ “""°“’· for the southern district of California, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed to prevent the arrest by any officer or employee of the Government or any person emplrgled by the United States, in the policing of such reservation within e bormdaries of said parks, or either 0 them, without process of any person taken in the act of . violating the law or this Act or the regulation prescribed by said Sec- _ _ retary as aforesaid. ,,§j“" °‘ °°““”““‘°“' Sec. 11. That the commissioner provided for in this Act for the Yosemite National Park and the commissioner provided for in this Act for the Sequoia National Park and the General Grant National , Park each shall be paid an annual salary of $1,500, payable monthly: iigiiliditt require Prornkled, That the said commissioner for the Yosemite National Park ’”°¤‘—*- shall reside within the exterior boundaries of said Yosemite National Park, and the commissioner provided for the Sequoia National Park and the General Grant National Park shall reside within the exterior boundaries of one of the said last-named national parks and at Tpdplace _ to be designated by the court making such appointment: A pro- ”“P°°°' °' ‘°°’· “"· mkied further, That all fees, costs, and extpenses collected lzimthe commissioner shall be of as provide in section 13 of Act. Umm $°“°°"°‘*‘· Sec. 12. That all ees, costs, and enses arising in cases rmder this Act and properly chargeable to thejliinited States shall be certified, a proved, and Spaid as are like fees, costs, and expenses in the courts D, Wm and ol) the United mes. met? Sec. 13. That all fines and costs imposed and collected shall be deposited_by said commissioners of the nited States, or the marshal of the United States collecting the same, with the clerk of the United States district court to which said parks are attached, as provided in . this Act. rr$lr°°°"”°°°’ °i cw Sec. 14. That the Secretary of the Interior shall notify in writin the governor of the State of California of the passage and approval oi this Act and of the fact that the United States assumes police jurisdiction over said parks, as specined in said Act. Approved, June 2, 1920.