Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/234

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1674 ARBITRATION AGREEMENT—SPAI.N. Mancn 8, 1919. of America and the Government § el Gobierno de Su Magiestacl ,el of His Majesty the Kmiof Spam, ey de Espana, cuya _ uracion the dmation of which y Article fiiiaba en `l1I1&BI'10dO·d€ cmco anos V¤!·35·P- 1958- III thereof was fixed at a period e articulo I del nusmo, partir of Eve years from the date of the de la fecha del canje de ratificacioexchange of ratifications of the nes de dicho Tratado el 2 de Junio V¤1-38·1>·1¥65- said Convention on June 2, 1908, de1_908,cuy0 pcrwdoy POP 6} C011- which period, by the agreement of vemo de 29 de Mayo de 1913 entre May 29, 1913, between the two los dos Gobiernos fué prolongado Governments was extended for por cmco anos mas a partir de la five years from June 2, 1913, IS echa de 2 de Junio e 1913, se hereby renewed and continued in extiende por la presente y contiforce for a further period of five nuara en vigor por un nuevo peyears from Jima 2, 1918. riodo de omco anos, a partir del 2 de Junio de 1918. ARTICLE II. ARTICULO II. ¤°*jL*°h¤¤¤°¤*¤**¤¢>¤· The resent A¥eement shall be Egdpresente Convenio sera raratihedp by the resident of the tilic o or el Presidente de los United States of America, by and Estados lllnidos de America con with the advice and consent of the el consejo y consentimiento del Senate thereof, and by the Gov- Senado, y or el Gobiemo de Su ernment of HisMajesty, the King Majestad el) R%y de Espana., de of Spain, in accordance with its acuerdo con su onstitucion y con Constitution and laws, and it shall sus leyes, y entrara en vigor en la become effective upon the date of fecha del canje de ratificaciones, the exchange o ratiiications, el cual tendra 1 ar en Washingwhich shall take place at Wash- ton lo antes poslile. inggon as soon as possible. _ s’¤°“‘”¤¤— one in duplicate, m the Eng- Fecho por du hcado en lengua lish and Spanish languages, at inglesa e espanoiiz, en Washington Washington, this eighth day of el dia 8 de marzo de mil novecienglrzrieh, Sue thousan nine hun- tos djez y nueve. an nmeteen. [snare] FRANK L. Pour sean.] JUAN Rufio r Garimeos. _,,,’fg,f,'f*“°°’ •*· And whereas the said Agreement has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratiiications of the two govermnents were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the fourteenth day of October, one _ thousand nine hundred and nineteen; P'°°'“““"°“- Now, therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United_States of America, have caused the said Agreement to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine- [smut] teen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-fourth. By the President: WOODROW WHAON Ronnnr Laxsmo, Secretary of State.