Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1180

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 28. 1923. 1153 tion of bodies and their arms and wearing apparel from the place of demise to the homes of the deceased in the United States; stationery and other paper, printing and binding; telegraphing, rent of te ephones; purchase, repair, and exchange of typewriters; apprehension of stragglers and deserters; employment of civilian labor and draftsmen; purchase, repair, and installation and maintenance of gas, electric, sewer, and water pipes and fixtures; office and barracks furniture, vacuum cleaners, camp and garrison equipage and implements; mess utens1ls_ for enlisted men and for properly constituted officers’ messes; packing boxes, wrapping paper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, quarantine fees, camphor and carbonized paper, carpenters’ tools, tools for police purposes, safes; purchase, hire, repair, and mainte— V°*=*°*¤=·¤*¤· ness of such harness, wagons, motor wagons, armored automobiles, carts, drays, motor-propelled and horse-drawn assenger-carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes, and other vehicles as are required for the transportation of troops and supplies and for official military and arrison purposes; purchase of public horses H°*`¤¤¤»¤*°· and mules; services ofgveterinary surgeons, and medicines for public animals, and the authorized number of officers’ horses; purchase of mounts and horse equipment for all officers below the grade of major required to be mounted, shoeing for public animals and the authorized number of officers’ horses; purchase and repair of hose, hre extinguishers, carts, wheelbarrows, and lawn mowers; purchase, installation, and repair of cooking and heating stoves and furnaces; pu1·- chase of towels soap, combs, and brushes for offices; posta e stamps for foreign and registered postage; books, newspapers, and periodicals; improving parade grounds; repairs of pumps and wharves, water; straw or bedding, mattresses; mattress covers, pillows, sheets, furniture for Government quarters and repair of same; packing and crating oi‘l:icers’ allowance of baiggage on change of station; deodorizing, lubricants, disinfectants; or the construction, opera- I‘°°'m°°‘ tion, and maintenance of laimdries; and for all emerg)encies and extraordinary expenses arising at home and abroad, ut impossible to anticipate or classify, $1,940,000. _ _ In all, for the maintenance of Quartermaster’s Department, Ma- *****1 °°‘ rine Corps, $8,604,9-L3; and the money herein specifically appropriated for the maintenance of the Quartermaster’s Department, Marine Corps, shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with the existing law as maintenance, Quartermaster’s Department, Marine Corps; and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. INCREASE OF THE NAVY. ’“°’°”°°“*‘° NWF- The Secretary of the Navy may use the unexpended balances on mggiimig. b°1` the (late of the approval of this Act under appropriations hereto- I;‘”'·P·*5“-_ _ fore made on account of “Increase of the Navy,” together with the 1`*°“"’*’*""P“““°“· sum of $19,097,000, which is hereby appropriated, for the prosecution of work on vessels under construction on such date, the construction d,,l"Q2_§§,§§m*F,*§§;*§nY" of which may he proceeded with under the terms of the treaty providing for the limitation of naval armament, concluded on February (3. 19;:2. published in Senate Document Numbered 126 of the second Converting mms session of the Sixtv-seventh Congress; for continuing the conversion cruisers mm mmm: of two battle cruisers into aircraft carriers, including their complete °°"‘°”‘ equipment of aircraft and aircraft accessories, in accordance with P the terms of such treaty; for the settlement of contracts on account al,€§‘§‘,?§§§vQ§dY§S§1S of vessels already delivered to the Navy Department; for reimbursement to contractors and subcontractors of carrying charges heretofore and hereafter approved lg the Secretary of the Navy to cover additional expenses resulting om the deferring of deliveries or payments under contracts and subcontracts for materials for ves- 42150°——23--73