Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1314

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srxrrsnvnnrrn CONGRESS. sm. Iv. Gus. 111-113. 1923. 1287 CHAP. 111.—JointResolutionAuthorizin the - Fehr-nag 192%. sand_wooden folding chairs for the use of the reumon to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 11, 12, and 13, 1923. [P“b‘ R°S‘·N°‘ gm Resolved by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United States of Amfervba in Oangress asseiizbledjr That the Secrldtary ¤¤g?mdmm Vet? of _War be, and he is hereby, authorized to loan, under such regu- 1¤£°£3`y:Xi°¥g&°Ei§§°Z>rZ lations as he mag prescribe three thousand wooden folding chairs “” NW °'1°°“S·L°· to William M. aric, of New Orleans, Louisiana, for the use of the United Confederate Veterans at their reunion to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 11, 12, and 13, 1923. Approved, February 24, 1923. CHAP. 112.-An Act Relating to the omcial bond of the United States marshal F°bT§%§{]1m‘ for the southern judicial district o the State of New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives 0 the United States of America in Congress asémbled, That whe1iever1¤gi2gég’§gi¥¤¢i;;;hm the business of the United States district court in the southern bsiiitisgseliiim my judicial district of the State of New York shall make it necessary, R‘ S" *"°°‘7$" P· 1*7* in the opinion of the Attorney General, for the United States marshal to urnish greater security! than the oihcial bond now required by law, a bond in an amount not to exceed $75,000 shall be given vglhen gequired by the Attorney General, who shall iix the amount t ereo . Approved, February 26, 1923. CHAP. 113.-An Act To authorize the co' eof 50-centpiecesincommeamoration F° j]1m‘ of the three hundredth anniversary of the New Netherland, the Middle States, in 1624, by Walloons, French and Belgian uguenots, under the Dutch West India Company. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Fnited States of America in Congress assembled That in com- §,gy6§·;%¤:>r1g¤d,¤w- memoration of the three hundredth anniversary oi? the settling of to be ¤¤i¤ea°lnili<§°gi$ New Netherland, the Middle States, in 1624 by Walloons French §}"P1v°'“'Y °‘s°m“‘g and Belgian Huguenots, under the Dutch lVest India (lompany, there shall be coined at the mints of the United States silver _ 50-cent pieces to the number of three hundred thousand, such 50-cent l"‘”‘“’°'· pieces to be of the standard troy weight, composition, diameter, device, and design as shall be fixed by the Director of the Mint, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, which said I·°¤°“°"‘*°‘· 50-cent pieces shall be legal tender in any payment to the amount of their face value. _ Size. 2. That all laws now in force relating to the subsidiary ,,,§§,‘f‘“‘i° *““ "P*’“‘ silver coins of the United States and the coining or the striking of the same, regulating and guarding the process o coinage, providing for the purchase of material and for the transportation, distribution, and redemption of the coins, for the prevention of debase— _ me-nt or counter citing, for security of the coin, or for any other purposes, whether said laws are penal or otherwise, shall, so far Pr . as applicable, apply to the comage herein authorized: Provided, ;;.,°2§'{;.,,s., {,,,.1,.,,, That the United States shall not be subject to the expense of maldng °*°· the neccssar dies and other preparations for this coinage. Src. 3. Tliat the coins herein authorized shall be issued only miii$`i°1i§¤kFl%?Nb;$ upon the request of the Fifth National Bank of New York, and Y°¤<· upon pavment of the par value of such coins by such bank to the United States Treasury. Approved, February 26, 1923.