Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1379

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1352 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 148. 1823. culosis in said District of Columbia, approved May 13, 1908, under the direction of the health officer of said District, manufacture of serums, including their use in indigent cases, and for the prevention I”f°¤m°P“·"°'Y“iS* of infantile paralysis and other communicable diseases, including salaries or compensation {or personal services, nog exceeding $25,2100 . h rder d in writing y the commissioners an necessary or - e gifhlichment and execution of said Acts,_ and for the prevention of such other communicable diseases as here1nbefore(prov1ded, purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, an harness, {purchase ¤¤¤Uv<¤ h°*·‘Pi°°*· of reference books and medical journals, and maintenance o quaran-

;,i.,gic,i.,_am. tine station and smallpox hospital, $40,000; Provided, That any bac-
  • ¤¤“¤¤S· teriologist employed under this appropriation shall not be paid at a

rate more than $7 per da for time actually employed and may be assigned by the health oigcer to the bacter1ological examination of milk and (pther dgry lproducts and of lghe watelp supplies if dagly f an to suc other sanitary wor as m the Ju gmen o e hzlaxllipilicegowilil promtpte tlietpéilzlic heplth, whither such examinations or no y re a o con agious iseases. m{d=¤'¤a*§g,¤ For isolating wards for minor contagious diseases at Garfield Me- Hospitals momal Providence lgphspitags, mamgilnance, §§10,0(£0uand $6,500, respectiv y or so muc _ ereo as in e opinion o e commis- · sioners may’be necessary; m all, $16,500. _ _

 fj}; For the maintenance of a dispensary or dispensaries for the treatpemzy- ment of indigent persons suffering from tuberculosis and of indigent

persons suffering from venereal diseases, including payment for P’°°“°•· personal service and supplies, $12,500: Provided, '1‘hat the commisvonunteenerviees. _ . . sioners may accept gch voginteer servicss as they deem fexpedient in connection with e esta ent an maintenance o the dis- PW P'°h“’i“°“· pensaries herein lputhorilied: Progzllcd furtger, That thisfshall not be construed to authorize the expen iture or the payment o any money _ on account of any such volunteer service. _ D’¤¤'°°“°¢’°"“’°· For maintenance of disinfectmi service, including salaries or com- P"“S*°i°'3Sf°’ 5 “’Z22,1i.f§"iZ°f$¤¤Y§i§?;§Z§i2L“$}“a“¥5“3,’1g iii "h§.i’°F3§ missions an n v a purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, 6 000. `1I20¤=;¤¤z;9¤s¤¤{§_g*¤· lfor enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the A I ";u,_;ms drainage of lots in the District of Cblumbia, approved_May 19, 1896, va. au, p. 114. aura an Agt tcgprplvide for the abatemeinté of nplisances in the Distric; of olum ia y thecommissioners an or other purposes approve Fm M mmm Appril 14, 1906, $2,g0g_ . ·’ • · , um · ‘* or special services in connection with the detection of the adulteration of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, $200. ,,22‘;'*"'°‘*°" 1"°°‘ mc·r1nuo1.oe1cAL LABQRATOBY. “'°“*°"“°°’°`°°‘ fFo;· maintainipg ang keepipfg in gochd order, and. for the purchase o re erence boo an scient' c perio 'cals $750. Apparatus, equipment, cost of installatibn, supplies and other expenses incidental to the biological and serological diagnosis of disease, $750. m"“"*°‘u‘°""°“" cnmncsx. Lanomvroxx. “‘i"°“‘“‘°"'°*°‘ For maintaining and keepin in good order and for the purchase of reference books and scientigc periodicals, $1,000. °°i"""“ mm: rum msrnmaox. “"*’°°*‘°°°°‘*"'“°•· For necemary expenses of inspection of dairy farms, inclu ' amounts that may allowed the health officer,_aSsistant hegll-nth officer, chief medical mspector in charge of contagious-disease serv-