Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1380

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six·rY-sEvm~rr1~1 coneiucss. sm. iv. os. 148. me. 1353 ice,_ and inspectors assigned to the inspection of dairy farms, for maintenance by each_of a horse and vehicle at not to exceed $20 per month, or motor vehicle at not to exceed $20 per month, for use in the discharge of his official duties, and other necessary traveling expenses, $6,000. _ mxscnnnannous. m°°°“°'*°°'”· For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act to ,,,;’§§},’“‘;‘,‘}§““*'°€“‘ regulate the sale of milk in the District of Columbia, and for other }’g§¤.1>h71¤·w purposes, approved March 2, 1895; an Act relating to the adu1tera· v¤1.:$o,°°f»1p?1i4%,é¤s. tion of foods and drugs m the District of Co umbia, approved · February 17, 1898; an_ ct to prevent the adulteration of candy in Pmmdbw the District of Columbia, approved May 5, 1898; an Act for prevent- vu. a4,p.·1ssZ mg the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drqgs, medicines, and liquors and for re lating traiiic therein, and or other ur oses ,d J 30 g1l006 $1000 P P i approve une . For maintenancb, includiiig personal services, of the public cre- °"’““'°‘7· matory $2000. For purcihase of motor vehicle for use in lpound service, $735. P°°°d° For the maintenance of one motor vehic e for use in the pound service $400. For iepairs and improvements in dog pens at dog pound, $250. For equipping, maintaining, and operating the motor ambulance, d kee ing it in good order $600. mFor egtablishing and maintiaining a child hygiene service, includ- h”*““° ”"’ ing the establishment and maintenance of child welfare stations for m1gg*;&¤·:w{>f wethe clinical examination, advice, cxgre, and maintenance of chilxen ' d r six ears of a payment or persona services rent el l;ri(ddicals?7and suppligs, $18,000: Provided, That the coinmissionersi may accept such vo unteer services as they may deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the service herein authorized: Provided further, That this shall not be construed N° P°Y‘°'· to authorize the expenditure or the payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service. ooums AND Parsons. °¤··*°·····*¤**·¤·* .mvr:mu: oomrr. '“"°“”°°°"“‘ Salaries: Judge, $3,600; clerk, $2,000; deputy clerk, who is au- SM"' thorized to act as clerk in the absence of that officer, $1,480; financial clerk, who is authorized to act as deputy clerk, $1,200; stenographer and typewriter, who is authorized to act as a deputy clerk, $1,080; stenographer and typewriter for judge’s work, an to a1din keeping mmm wmv records in clerk’s office, $1,080; probation officers-chief _$2,000, assistant chief (who shall also be investigating officer for ch1ldren’s cases), $1,500, two at $1,200 each, one_ for adult cases $1,200,_five at $1 000 each; investigating officer for juvenile work, $1,400; investigating officer for adult cases, $1,200; record and information clerk for probation office, $1,200; clerk for probation office, $900; two bailiiis, at $900 each; telzphone operator, $600; messenger, $600; janitor, $600; charwoman, 240; in all, $31,080. _ Miscellaneous: For compensation of jurors, $900, . M¤¤°¤H¤¤<>°¤·*· For transportation and gggngeling expenses to secure the return of ‘ b f · . _ ab§[?l2§(¢§;,{Eu€s‘i)ng" diiih;Ii·S’of the District of Columbia is authorized to ,0;*§jt¤u$g,;¤(;{;f¤;¤g{ advance to the chief p1‘0bati0I1 OHlC€l' 0_f the juvenile court, upon s<>¤¤<1i¤spr¤i>ati¤¤ers. requisition previously approved by the judge of the juvenile court