Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1063

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1032 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 364. 1925. gr;g¢gs°f;g,¤g{,¥·g}§:]; The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $200,000 conances :0;, continued tamed in the first deficiency act, fiscal year 1924, approved April 2, “'j‘,’,”;Q‘;;p_,,“_ 1924, for the erection of a factory or factories an other buildings, and for the urchase of ui ment for the manufacture of shoes, rooms an rus es s a remain avai a e im 1 une · b dll) h h lleq p` `l bl flJ 30 1926 Worms ¢¤¤iF¤¥· The appropriatiori of $250,000 for the fiscal years 1924 and 1925, Reapproprlation. . . . . . .4»a,pp.1,4.s. for a working capital fund, is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year 1926; and the said working capital fund and all receipts credited thereto may be used as a revo ving fund during the fiscal year 1926· In all, Leaveiiworth, Kansas, Penitentiary, $730,000. g:¥;:¤é¤€g;· Atlanta, Georgiaé Penitentiary: For subsistence, including the paeme Ob]8(;l§ ]?>ec1 ed$21§1éd§)16 this head for the penitentiary at avenwor ansas · m<;1¤;&i¤g.¢ra¤sp¤n»- For clothiiig, transportaltiori, and traveling expenses, including ' ‘ the same objects specified under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, $115,000; Maeeuamom. For miscellaneous expenditures, including the same objects specifieg under thigls heaél5 for} the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, an not exoee in 00 or maintenance and repair of horse-drawn and motor-propeged passenger-carrying vehicles, $183,000; nwpim. I•`or hospital supplies, including the same objects specified under this head or the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, $10,000; sauna. f For salgries of all officers and employees, including guards and oremen 220 000· 8p§;gg|F,i*;¢“,{_°P*¤' *°· _ The appropiiatibn of $150,000 for the fiscal year 1925 for a worka»a, ing capital fund is reagpropriated and made available for the fiscal yeair $26; and th; said dworking capital flfulilpd and all receipts credite thereto may e use as a revolving d during the fiscal year 1926· Inlall, Atlanta, Georgia, Penitentiary, $764,000. w¥_’§§_N¤¤ I='·*¤¤d· McNeil Island, Washington, Penitentiary: For subsistence, in- Subsimma cluding the game objects s§ec1fied undier this head for the peni- ` tentiary at avenworth, ansas, an for supplies for guards, $44 000 · ,G1¤zm¤g,zm¤¤p¤n¤- Por clothing, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the °‘°“* °‘°· Emo objecgs pg>ecified$ under this head or the penitentiary at avenwort ansas 32 000· Mmuauwus. For miscellaneous expenditures, including the same objects specified under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, $51.500· rnspuai. For liospital supplies, including the same objects specified under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, $2,400; sauna. f For the$s?.laries of all officers and employees, including guards and oremen 1 600. wemsupplv- The uhexpended balance of the $60,000 contained in the first demU¤¤cg>_•;s;i_;;idb¤;%v¤;,¢; ficiency Act, fiscal year 1924, approved April 2, 1924, for drilling abizm p 45 wells and providing necessary storage facilities for water during · · · the fiscal years 1924 and 1925, shall remain available until June 30, ggykgér addmoml 1926: Pmqided, That not exceeding $10,000 of this amount may be 1a¤a,ea. used, within the discretion of the Attorney General, for the purchase of land at McNeil Island, Washington, of which not to exceed $1,000, in the discretion of the Attorney General, may be paid to lessees of lands ceded to the United States by the State of Washingtoré for ang inhconsidgration of the relinquishment of their leases an all rig ts thereun er. _ _ _ In all, McNeil Island (Washixigton) Penitentiary, $201,500, Sc§gg;°g_§B’%;;*,g{¤g§ o National Training School for Boys: For salaries and compensa- Salaries. tion of all officers and employees of the National Training School for Boys, Washington, District of Columbia, $67,010.