Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1128

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. Cris. 395, 396. 1925. 1097 directed to construct a subway and ap roaches to car Van Buren B“*’“Y ‘“’°°°°" °f Street under the tracks and right of wig of the Metropllilitan branch Xg? lllillwidgrgiitlixh of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, in accordance with Bm°hm°kS‘ plans and profiles of said works to be approved by the said commis- , sioners: Provided, That one-half of the total cost of constructing giizliiliiioxmawm said subway and approaches shall be borne and paid by the said pm b"“‘°“*“"’“"· railroad company, its successors and assigns, to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia, to the credit of the District of Columbia, and the same shall be a valid and subsisting lien against the franchises and property of the said railroad company and shall constitute a legal indebtedness of said company in favor of the District of Columbia, and the said lien may be enforced in the name of the District of Columbia by a bill in equity brought by the said commissioners in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia or by any other lawful proceeding against the said railroad company: Provided further, That the said railroad company shall pay to the Dis- P°Y¤*°¤“°*“¥h*i¤¢· trict of Columbia for the lighting of the subway over which the tracks of the said railroad company will pass, in accordance with the provisions of existing law: Provided further, That no street m*;;?§B;F§0“I;f;‘;n°; railway company shall use said subway or any approach herein using subway. authorized for its tracks until said company shall have paid to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia a sum equal to onefourth of the total cost of said subway and approaches, to be applied * to the credit of the District of Columbia. _ Sec. 2. For the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing pro- wgtmmgggw M visions the sum of $71,500 is hereby authorized to be appropriated, "°”·P~ *31”· payable in like manner as other appropriations for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia, and the said commissioners are authorized to expend such sum as may be necessary for personal services and engineering and incidental expenses, and no r¤$`T° §fi”§,lZi$§°‘ii°a: part of the same shall be applied toward the purchase of any land B“"° S"°°‘· for the aforesaid extension of Van Buren Street, but such extension shall be made within the area in which the District of Columbia already possesses the right to extend said Van Buren Street under the aforesaid tracks and right of way. [,;,,,,,,,,,1 md,,,,,.,,,,_ Sec. 3. From and after the completion of the said subway and in of r¤¤r<>¤<i ¤l¤¤•·i . mower on completion approaches to carry Van Buren Street under_the tracks and right armbway. of way of the Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company aforesaid, the highway grade crossing over the tracks and right of way of the said Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at Lamond, in the District of Columbia, shall be forever closed against further traliic of any kind. Approved, March 2, 1925. Mama 2, ms. CHAP. 396.-An Act To authorize the transfer of the United States Weather Bureau site and buildings at East Lansing, Michigan, to the State of Michigan lP¤b¤¤»N0- 571-l in exchange for another Weather Bureau site on the grounds of the Michigan State Board of Agriculture and other considerations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ _ United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the _Secre- §.§,,];,‘}”§,‘“,,}‘,;,,,",Q"§,’§é tary of Agriculture be, and he is hereby, authorized and_d1rected transfenvdw Mishto transfer and convey to the State of Michigan all the right and title of the United States in and to all that piece and parcel of land situate in the city of East Lansing, county of Ingham, State of Michigan, now occupied and used by the Weather Bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture, more particularly de- Dam 6 Scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the south boundary of V °“‘