Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1129

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1098 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. Cns. 396, 397. 1925. the Lansing and Howell plank road forty feet westerly from the intersection of south line of said road with the township line between town 4 north, range 1 west, and town 4 north, range 2 west; thence north, seventy degrees three minutes west, one hundred and thirty-eight feet; thence south, seven degrees twenty-one minutes east, two hundred and twenty and sixty-eight one-hundredths feet; thence south, sixty-five degrees forty-three minutes east, seventy- seven and sixty-eight one-hundredths feet; thence north, eight degrees thirty-three minutes east, two hundred and six feet to the point of beginning; the tract of land so described containing forty- nine one-hundredths of an acre, more or less; including all the buildings and improvements thereon and all rights, easements, and appurtenances thereunto appertaining, and to execute and deliver in the name of the United States and in its behalf any and all con- ,dL,,§“,‘;’c,,%_°"°'°"‘ veyances or other instruments necessary to effectuate such transfer, upon the conditions (a) that the State of Michigan shall, in consideration thereof, transfer and convey to the United States a good title in fee simple to a parcel of ground located on the lands of the Michigan State Board of Agriculture at East Lansing, Michigan, approximately equal in area to that hereinbefore described, which shall be acceptable to the Secretary of Agriculture as a site suitable for the erection and maintenance thereon of buildings and other structures for Weather Bureau purposes, and (b) that said _ State of Michigan shall, in addition, pay to the United States the - P""‘°""“"*°‘°°"’ sum of $25,000. After deducting from said amount the necessary expenses of making such transfers the balance thereof shall be depyositeg gy the Secretary of Agriculture in the Treasury of the _ _ United States as misce aneous receipts. ,,f%‘§§q§§§,‘§?,'§g* The Secretary of Agriculture is further authorized to erect on the site so acquired a building for the use of the Weather Bureau and to paky for all necessary labor, materials, and expenses, plans and speci cations to be prepared b the Secretary of Agriculture, and _ the work to be done under tliie supervision of the Chief of the A“‘°“”°“"°“°“”°d‘ Weather Bigeau, at a cost not to exceed $38.000, from funds to be appropriate . Approved, March 2, 1925. _T;;?§iF§i;%___ neS(Z§AP. 397.-An Act To create an additional judge in the district of Min- IC, A . . 8· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represematives of the d,§QgQ°’°‘“ J°*“°‘“ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President Additional ludse of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, ‘$?.§2$2¥f"‘ °° nu “ by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint a `udge v¤1.42.p.s:ss. to fill a vacancy created in the District Court of the United States for the District of Minnesota, occasioned by the death of Honorable John F. McGee, who was appointed as an additional judge in said district under the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act for the appointment of an additional circuit judge for the fourth judicial circuit, for the aippointment of additional district judges for certain districts, provi ing for an annual conference of certain judges, and for other purposes," approved September 14. 1922. No dygeaicydmtwtg Sec. 2. A vacancy occurring more than two years after the passage ii%ea.° is of this Act in the office of the district judge appointed pursuant to this Act shall not be filled unless Congress shall so provide. Resi<ie¤ce.¤tc. Sec. 3. The judge appointed hereunder shall reside in said district and his compensation and powers shall be the same as now provided by law for the judge of said district. E¤¤¢¤v¤ ¤¢¤¤·=¤. Sec. 4. This Act shall take effect immediately. Approved, March 2, 1925.