Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1139

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1108 S1xrY-E1G1rrH CONGRESS, Sess. II. Cns. 423, 424. 1925. I¤2;>¤¤¢*¤¤¤ *¤*¤*¢€§ per centum per annum payable semiannually such interest as i>u¤ii{a·.ii.°° use of Li income, being subject to ilisbursement by the Librarian of Congiress §'g;"6;w]m,,,d_ for the purposes specified: Provided, owever, That the total of such prlincipal sums at any time so held by the Treasurer under this authorization shall not exceed the sum of $5 000 000. ,m_'f;g§°°° '*¢"*·° °°¤‘ Sec. 3. The board shall have perpetual succiessidn, with all the usual powers and 0l)l1g8.t1OI1S of a trustee, except as herein limited, in respect of all property, moneys, or securities which shall be con- _ _ veyed, transferred, assigzged, bequeathed, delivered, or paid over m{,°'gg1$fn!*g§g'°ur§",;j to it for the purposes a ve specified. The board may be sued in sum. the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, which is hereby given jurisdiction of such suits,,for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of any trust accepted by 1t. mggtl-; ggyt =¤ the Sec. 4. Notlnplgb in this Ac:] shall be fponstrued as prohibiting or restricting the rarian of ongress om acceptin in the name of the United States or bequests of money for Tmmediate disbursement m the interest of the Library, its collections, or its service. s§,"§f“‘T°,‘g§,,§,”,,‘?““°‘ Such gifts or bequests, after acceptance by the librarian, shall be 8t ¤g;=g_¤;g¤ff<>, ¤¤ paid by the donor or his representative to the Treasurer of the ` Unite? Sigue?} whgsesreceiptpl slliall be thlpir acquittance. The Treasurer 0 the United States s a enter them in a special account to the credit of the Library of Congress and subject to disbursement by the libigrian for the purposes ip eacih case specified. Taxamnption. Sec. 5. `ifts or bequests to or or the benefit of the Library of Congress, including those to the board, and the income therefrom, shall be exémpt from agl gedergl taxesi C . E¤¤v*·>Y¤¤¤ ¤°° Wt Sec. 6. mployees o the Li rary o ongress who perform speiiiiiistuieeeipiiiiiiiiigiiiiisli cial fimctions for the pérformance of which funds have been en- §{.*,?,‘§_ °°"°""“°“° S"' trusted to the board or the librarian, or in connection with cooperative Y0]- 3°· v- 1****- undertakipgs, in wlhich the Library 03 Coniresgk is engaged, shall not be su ject to the proviso containe in the ct ma `ng appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for thedfilsqal ylear endéng JW 30, 1918, and for other purposes approve arc 3 191 in irty-ninth Statutes Rrgggggntigzggbgg at Large, at pinge 1106; nor shall lany aidditional compensation so v¤1.:so,p.ss2. paid to such employees be construed as_a double salary under the , provisions of section 6 of the Act making appropriations for the legislative. executivie, and judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year enc Env · une 30 1917 as amende (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 582), i ’ Cging nvm ¢¤ Sec. 7. The board s iall submit to the Congress an annual report gr of the moneys or securities received and held by it and of its operations. Approved, March 3, 1925.

 CHAP. 424.-—An Act To authorize the establishment and maintenance of a

lP¤b1¥¤, N°· #*2-1 forest experiment station in California and the surrounding States. _ _Qe it enacted by the Semte and House of Representatives of the ,,,,§‘§;$,°’j‘ °""’“‘“"°‘ D nzted_ States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to thersésgglisgnyogggyggjrg determine and demonstrate the best methods for the conservative wm,_q,.m0rm ,0 ds- management of forest and forest lands and the protection of timber f,‘§"¤;g§S€§§§f,g“‘§;§,;‘%; and other forest products, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized ami products. and d11§%e§l1 f(1) to esgabhsih and maintain, in cooperation with the . tate o a ornia an wit the surroundinv States. a forest ex '- ment station at such place or places as he mcsiy determine to be iriidst. suitable, and (2) to conduct, independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Federal Government, the States, universities,