Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/223

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192 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 203. 1924. cables, galleys, and chains; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shall give fair and free competition; canvas for the manufacture of sails, awnings, hammocks, and other work; interior appliances and tools for manufacturing purposes in navy yards and naval stations; and for the purchase o all other articles of equipage at home and abroad; and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels therevgilth and maniifacture of such articles in the several navy yards; nav signals an apparatus, other than electric, namely signals lights la11terns,runninglights and lamps and their apgendhges forzgenerdl use on board ship Ear illuminating’purposes; an oil and can es used in connection therewith; buntin and other materials gifgr mgking and gepairing flags of all kinds; ger all permanent ey ttings an equi age; rugs, carpets, curtains, and "°¤‘*°· hangings on board naval vessels, gis 605 000: Provided That the sum C1°mu’°w"s°m°°S' to be paid out of this appropriationfunder the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical, drafting, inspection, watchmen (ship keepers), and_messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, and_ oiiiges og§u:p§&nmnél1:iIg;]pava;l constrngitoso 536- the fiscal year ending une , ,an no exceed , , . sannms, Navy nnranmmiwr. ¤**i'i¤¤r>¢¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤ For personal services in the District of Columb' in acco d ”°"“""‘°“‘· was the onsmeaien Act of 1923, saiaooo. la r °°°° ¤¤·¤=¤¤ ¤¢<>r¤¤¤¤·=¤~ BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. ommaxcn ann onnmmcn scvomus. mu*’{_:¤¤j;}· For procuring, producing, preserving, and handling ordnance mm. materia _; for the armament of ships, for fuel, material, and labor to be used in the general work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Qrdnance; for furniture at naval ammunition depots, torpedo sta- Pmm,p,,mmS_m_ tions, naval ordnance plants, and proving grounds; for technical books; plant appliances as now defined by the “Navy Classification of Accounts "; for machin and machine tools; for maintenance of proving grounds, povtydhr factory, torpedo stations, gun factopy, a11;1nun1t1o;1tdepots,dar•`g<§Or:)ix):·$a@ ordnance plants, and for ar _ prac ice- no o excee or m' t t buildings, grouhds, and appurtenances, and alzngrcougtpdgzegilegxdeed

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— an mo or- ro e t - carrying vehicles, to be used onlyllorpgiiicial miigposdtsll at i)1zaSvS:ll§e1f1`- mumtion deipots, naval proving grounds, naval) ordnance plants, and pggcaiéprpeldolstgzgzgpss ;r op the pay of chemisgss, cleriial, drafting, in- _ , s rvice in navy yar nava st t' l ,,§‘§§,g'§"°"’°“"”°‘°" ordnance plants, an? naval ammunition depots, and gorogiieiuhhad operation of schools durmv the fiscal ear 1925 at ordnance stations

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C et.e.,serv· _ _ _ T 7'0_ 6 8 to °d t f lm- this appropriation under the directidn of the8SS;l:etary ogiheolglagy for chemists, clerical, draftinv, inspection, watchmen and messenger service m navy yards, naval stations, naval ordnance plants, and pgggluzrpigtzgétion degggs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, r. ’ ° i‘;‘;i;‘i;?‘ZZ;f“ tix; astaszhzs;::s¤;i“:.22:,::tSa°%€’€nP°Wd"» $"2=°00· to be mints until expended, sssopoo. or °°S and °PPha”°°S’