Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/224

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SIXTYSEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 203. 1924. 193 ExrER1MENTs, BUREAU or o1u>NANcE. For experimental work in the development of armor~piercing and E*P°'im°“*·“"°'k~ other projectiles, fuses, powders, and high explosives, in connection with problems of the attack of armor with direct and inclined fire · at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, projectiles, and fuses for the above purposes and of all necessary material and labor in connection therewith; and for other experimental work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance, in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy, $195,000. SALARIES, NAVY DEPARTMENT. For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance Dgeruiiiiiibiiimmelm with the Classification Act of 1923, $142,600. BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS. m§¤;·=¤wgu;t;_S¤vv¤¤ PAY or THE NAVY. PW 0* the NNY- For pay and allowances prescribed by law of officers on sea duty $g.‘f°,'§,;,,,],,,,,d 8,,,,, and other duty, and officers on waiting orders- ay $26,431,298, ¤*$*°¤°¤ ¤“¤w¤¤¤¢· rental allowance $5,438,284, subsistence allowance $3,331,700, in all $35,201,282; officers on the retired list, $3,804,292; for hire of quar- Hm °f°“""°”·"‘°· ters for officers servin with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, and hire of quarters for officers and enlisted men on sea duty at such times as they may be deprived of their quarters on board ship due to repairs or other conditions which may render them uninhabitable, _ $20,000; pay of enlisted men on the retired list, $1,554,489; extra pay E"l'°°°° "'°“‘ to men reenlisting after bein honorably discharged, $1,527,225; interest on deposits by men, $%,500; pay of petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and apprentice seamen, inc uding men in the engineer’s force and men detailed for duty with the Fish Commission, enlisted men, men in trade schools, pay of enlisted men of the Hospital Corps, ; extra pay to men for diving, $66,961,412; pay of enlisted men under- ` going sentence of court-martial, $198,000; and as many machinists ¤c1:i§f:,L'2§'?' °p‘"°°` as the President may from time to time deem necessary to appoint; and apprentice seamen under training at training stations and on board training ships, at the pay prescribed by law, $1,512,000; pa N“”° C°'¥’“· and allowances of the Nurse Corps, including assistant superintenci ents, directors, and assistant directors—pay $713,680, rental allowance $31,200, subsistence allowance $22,740, in all $767,620; rent of quarters for members of the Nurse Corps, $2,000; retainer pay and active-service pay and allowances of members of the Naval Reserve F1¤e¤N¤v¤1 Reserve Force class 1 (Fleet Naval Reserve), $5,309,180; reimbursement for Pwperwlwsw. losses of property under Act of October 6, 1917, $10,000 ;' payment of v°]'°°' p` m' six months’ death atuiiiy, $125,000; in au, $117»O0O¤0005 and the A°°°“°""’°t°‘ money herein specigbrally appropriated for "Pay of the N avy," shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law as “ Pay of the Navy," and for that purpose shall constitute one fund: Provided, That additional commissioned, warranted, appointed, en- f[,'g’,Fg,°g;m, medics, listed, and civilian personnel of the medical department of the Navy, nerS¤¤¤¤1f¤rVe¢¤ra¤¤' required for the care of patients of the United States Veterans’ Bu- §§ir§°§p%g?°°S °°°°` reau in naval hospitals, may be employed in addition to the numbers appropriated for in this Act: Pmvzkled furtiwr, That no part of m,§f,‘,§',,?,§‘}1,‘,,,'j,‘j,;"}j this appropriation shall be available for the pay of any midship- ew ¤¤r¤¤fv·•=r· men whose admission subsequent to February 9, 1924, would result in exceeding at any time an allowance of three midshipmen for each