Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/736

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 5. 1924. 705 departmental services in the District of Columbia the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, name y: EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND INDEPENDENT ESTABLISH- MENTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE E¤¤¤¤¢iv¤ <>¤5<=¤- For repairs, fuel, and so forth, Executive Mansion, $11,040; for ,,,§‘°°“""° M’“‘“°“* improvement and care of public grounds, Executive Mansion, $2,640; for lighting, and so forth, Executive Mansion, $480; and for salaries, l’Vhite House police, $15,260; in all, $29,420. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION For salaries, field force, Civil Service Commission, $64,920. S°"’°° °°m' INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION For Bureau of Inquiry, $760; for Bureau of Accounts, $15,760; C§,1},*§§§P°“"“°’°‘“’ for Bureau of Valuation, $3,060; in all, $19,580. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS $3%; or salaries, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, m;$”"‘“"' °°“" 000. , TARIFF COMMISSION For salaries, Tariif Commission, $1,260. Tartu Gommisicn- UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU For salaries and expenses, United States Veterans’ Bureau, V•°°¤¤¤’B¤’°¤“· $1,225,000. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE ..,.*?..:,.¤%**¤·°¤°°'***’· Office of Experiment Stations general expenses $23,280. E"°"“°“°S°°fi°°* Oflice of Extension Service, geineral expenses, $2,860. ;'°°°:':,r°°Bs°”'°“ Weather Bureau; For salaries, $67,520; for general expenses, °" ‘“"'“" $259,980; in all, $327,500. _ mm, hd Bureau of Animal Industry: For salaries, $63,740; for general "“”· GXPGHSGS, $313,509; for meat inislpection, $833,270; in all, $1,210,519. H tm Bureau of Plant Industry: or salaries, $9,540; for general ex- °" ‘*“’°”‘ peuses, $130,191; in all, $139,731. Fam, smh Forest Service: For salaries, $824,120; for general expenses, ‘ $439,256; in all, $1,263,376. _ _ Bureau of Chemistry; For salaries, $28,260; for general expenses, °"°'°”*”· $70,700; in all, $98,960. _ Eu Bureau of Entomology; For salaries, $6,780; for fgeneral expenses, ‘°“'°*°"‘ $54,150; for preventing spread of moths, $17,800; or prevention of Spread of European com boi-er, $7,280; and for preventing spread of Mexican beau beetle, $1,780; in all, $87,790. momwsumy Bureau $gf Biological gérveyz For salaries, $3,340; for general ' Expenses, 1,490; in H 830. _ P m Bureau of Public akinadsi For salaries, $1,800; for general ex- B°°°" PBIISBS, $16,220; in all, $18,020.