Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/360

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EXTRADITION TREATY—VENEZUELA. JANUARY 21, 1922. 1707 The undersigned, John Camp- Los suscritos, John Campbell ·*“d“*°““‘“"*°*°· bell White, Ch é d’Affaires ad White, Encargado de Ne ocios ad p°·Q·§,f,*§;",i,*;‘g* by Pl°"*‘ interim of The8United States of interim de los Estados I§nidos de ` America to Venezuela., and Dr. América en Venezuela, y Dr. Pedro Itria o Chacin, Minister of Pedro Itri o Chacin, Ministro de Foreign Agairs of The United Relacionesllghlxteriores de los Es- States of Venezuela, have agreed tados Unidos de Venezuela, han upon the following Additional convenido en el siguiente Artieulo Article to the Treaty of Extradi— Adicional al Tratado de Extradition signed by the aforesaid on ci6n Hrmado por los mismos el the nineteenth instant: dia 19 del corriente mes: ‘ It is agreed that all differences Se establece que todas dife- ,§*f§§,;“§,$‘b°°(§Qc'}_§$ between the Contracting Parties rencias entre las Partes Contra- Ry¤rbi¢r¤¤¤¤- relating to the interpretation or tantes, relativas a la interpretaexecution of this Treaty shall be ci6n o ejecucién de este Tratado, decided by arbitration. se decidiran por arbitramento. In witness whereof they have En fe de lo cual han firmado el S‘¥“°*‘“°’· signed the above Article, and precedente Articulo y han puesto have hereunto aflixed their seals. sus ellos. Done in duplicate, in Caracas, Hecho por duplicado, en Carathis twenty first dai of January cas, a los veintifm dias del mes de one thousand nine imdred and enero de mil novecientos veintitwenty-two. dos. [sun.,] Jomv CAin·1;nLLWnrrn. [sam,.] P. Izmueo CHACIN And whereas the said Treat and Additional Article have been ch§§,;Q,{°“"°“’ °"° duly ratified on both arts, and, the ratincations of the two governments were exchangedp in the City of Caracas, on the fourteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three; Pmhmmm Now, therefore, be it lmown that I, Calvin Coolidge, President of ' the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty and Additional Article to be made ublic, to the end that the same and eve article and clause thereol) may be observed and fulfilled with gooyfaith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the cit of Washington, this second day of January in the ear of? our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty- ' [sum,.] {mr, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-eghth. .u.vm Coouocm By the President: E. HUGHES Secretary of State.