Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/359

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1706 EXTRADITION TREATY—VENEZUELA. JANUARY 19, 1922. mauding the extradition before Gobierno que la pida ante los the respective judges and magis- respectivos jueces y magistrados, cmpanum. trates, by every legal means por todos los medics legales que within their or its wer; and esténasualcance,sin que pue an no claim whatsoever {fi- compen- reclamar del Gobiemo que pide sation for an of the services so la extradicién remuneracion alrendered shui be made against guna por los servieios prestadosthe Government demanding the sin embargo, los fimcionarios del extradition, provided, however, Gobierno que concede la extrathat any officer or officers of the dicion, que hayan prestado su surrendering Govemment so giv- concurso para misma y que en ing assistance who shall, in the el ejercicio ordmario de sus funusual course of their duty, re- ciones no reciban otro salario ni ceive no salary or compensation remuneracion que determinados other than specific fees for serv- honorariosdpor os servicios presices performed, shall be entitled tados, ten an derecho a (percito receive from the Government bir del Gobierno que pi a la demanding the extradition the extradicion los honorarios acoscustomary fees for the acts or tumbrados_p0r los actos 0 serservices performed by them, in vicios reahzados por ellos, en the same manner and to the same Eual forma y proporcién que si amount as though such acts or chos actos 0 servicios hu iesen services had been performed in sido realimdos en procedimientos ordinary criminal proceedings uu- criminales ordinarios, con airgggg der the laws of the country of a las leyes del pais a que di which they are officea·s. funcionarios pertenezcan. Article XIV. Articulo XIV. um mm at or- No person shall be tried for any Nadia podra ser juzgado por

 "“°“ '“"°“‘ crime or offense other than that delito distinto del que motive su

for which he was surrendered. extradicién. Article XV. Articulo XV. mnt This Convention shall take ef- Este Convenio entrara en vigor · feet from the day of the exchange desde el dia de las ratificaciones; ,mmum_ of the ratilications thereof; but ero cualquiera de las Partes either Contracting Party may at Contratantes puede en cualquier any time terminate the same on tiempo darle por terminado, avigiving to_ the other six m0nths’ sando a la otra cou seis meses de notice of its intention to do so. antfcipacién su intencién de hacer 0 asi. rzxangeeznunet- The ratihcations of the present Las ratificaciones de este Con- ‘*°"’· Convention shall be exchanged at venio se canjearan en Caracas tan Caracas as oon as possible. pronto como sea pcsible. sipna. In witness whereof the respec— En testimonio de lo cual los tive Plenipotentiaries have signed respectivos Plenipotenciarios han the above articles, and have here- firmado los precedentes articulos unto their seals. y han uesto sus sellos. Done in duplicate, in Caracas, Hecllio por duplicado, en Carathis mneteent day of January cas, a los diecinueve dias del mes one thousand mne hundred and de enero. de mil novecientos twenty-two. veinte y dos. [sn.u..]Jo11N Cammmm. Warm. [sum,.] P. Irruaco Crmciiv