Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/946

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2254 INDEX. Reclamation Act Amendments-—Contd. P¤8¤· Reclamation Bureau, Interior Depart- P•s•· net profits from power plants, etc.,_to _ ment—Contim1ed. ble: credited on construction 703 deficiency ap&ropr1ation for secondary 685 _ o arges . T progec . - ,.. distnbutiotp of, tzc construction charge, 703 for coopiergtive ixgestigations of 85 opera 1on e ____,.__.,_.,... , s ' ,__.. - .,__..__ 6 none to individuals until Govern- for sulxrtgygngpggsiing unproductive, ment obligations fully paid . 703 etc., projects, from reclamation receipts f1·§i1:,:1e31;r•plus wa;,erl;;tc.,1 to bg V f Lflund,. - - & .. 755 cre projec c ge wit or ar M 11 .. 1330 the construction cost .. 703 for inveygtigaftingliateje irriga- ““"°’ir°$§,"§.f’°i,'i,‘§»§Z2l°§§°u,‘§r”§oi‘€if1§ 1 ii"` ""’l"’°°’5"“"° ‘‘=‘‘ 1 ‘33° O1' 1111181 11'1'l 8 10D l'0 .- ugrzable to pay constructibn costs, Calif E . F. lic. I - - E7 - 1331 G .- 703 for Orlandirri ation t Ca.1if_, 1331 wherggrxéor, etc., made in apportion- 703 for gluma agxiliaryprggfcgect, first 1331 n esa um report to Congress of result 703 amount for investigating feasibility of . expense not chargeable to water irrigation problems of Columbia _ users ... _ . 703 _ _ Basin, reapprogxriated . 721 on adgustments, allunpgid charges, etc., exhibit for Seville position•to be to the added obligation of 7 prepared by ____,_____,_,___, 1257 wsorusor ... 03 lan t.tobe bttodr d'- if farm unit insufficient to support P B, gfted projzztsmlin Vtgyomeigrlg, family, etc., entrgman may Oregon, and California 668 exchange it for anot er . _ -- - 703 Redamation Fund,

  • ut1:; t$ Padd to b° cwdwed 703 appropriation for all e_xpenditures of- 4_15, 1165

p¤;¢for¢¤¤¤ to or-one- - 704 ° °‘°'t$.%;"§§2‘i{‘?Y‘?R{‘Z{'fl'i’€‘i‘i'{‘i‘I ooo °p°”t‘°° gm, 7:3m7’°mm°° ch*“8°S amount for completing first Mesa unit — 1, w‘?,‘1Z$‘.,.,,.° ‘* ...o,'“1§21;,;;"aee ‘‘‘‘ id °‘}{,¤m;,g·;**“·¤ ¤*°1°¤*·A**·-· 2 . » ---- .. 96 (gada g£;g?·:§··éBL;éégBfe· · E 704 repa;:1e1i)trl'rom lrggeipts ,,...,_____ 962 general fund and not to water R°d°"'°“‘Y” P'°j’d’• . umm ________________________ 704 appropriation for aiding, by demonstrarights of way, etc. for projects over d t‘°°°• °°°··*?ld{t'°““l· 1925··: 456v 706 public buds {0 be reserved _____ 704 e5cie1myp:°;3>rc;pnat1otr; fo; surveyipg recording etc ______________ _ ______ 704 uc ve, e ., rom rec a- donated real property not utilized, to R . m"%‘;?d7“":g M:···(;,·: ·····-·· 755 8 I1 Hg '’'’ ''’'*'*•· 1 .,.,.1.:* *?I,§"£*‘12;n· ’°*· :3- ""' ‘""· 68 nv development of arid, semiarid, Rdddfddf df Deeds D- Co pgladxzip, and cut-over timber apgrpprnation for odiuce r?nt---%--- 545, 1232 _,__________,__,____,___ 704 o cnency appropria on or ren .. Reclamation Bureau, Interior Department, •¤¢<>¤d deputy to be appointed by .-..- 1102 ° s 1- - ·¤P*°¤;;·,*,,*°,,,··,‘;;;,:*}:m*{;#:,*,;¤·me .,..‘3.:1E;*:.·· &‘:,*:1‘°°:$,§:?,;::;’,;.··z,1··g,r “°2 sod ... - ’ ---i . lje(·l15, 1165 ployoos to be nxod by; from foes, limit on use for outside head- _ etc .. 1103 quu-wg-; _____________________ 1 136 restnction ou change of pay of deputies- 1 103 {0;- mgintwmm e1;c_ of desi Aged conditional sales of chattels not valid irrigation prbjectg ... T- 416, 1166 N W thifd Piftiddi 11117BSS W1’1i·$¢¤ for gauging, etc., tributaries of Milk _ of Bled with: 1103 moor, Mont., cooperative with mdwns and operative force of; G;-egg Byitgjq ___________ _ _____ -1,171 fees authorised ,., :,-, 1103 for oooooqory progloito-, 418, 1171 doodo of wmv property not valid as for investigating gatxon and other 3 t Putidg 11{1l¤§ ¤¤k¤<>Wl· ,1..1:2*:%:*::::,‘i,·;t:*,*:·:*12,*;m*· 2:1, ,1;% wail: m··d:‘;, “°" "1 °”“°°°‘· 1103 l1fl:£!’Cl18!.l89&bl6 oppropruiiorié; ro- 1¤d•=¤d¤s roénggod, nail? original to be 1103 ' t' - ... 41 1171 0P¢¤ 6 P0 0 ---------.-- allovlgsnlgen for motor travel ex·8, fw authorized for ----..---.-...- 1103 penses 418, 1172 Recreation for Enlisted Mon, Navy, for general expenses, additional, appropriation for ..,... 186, 865 1925 708 Recruiting Marine Corps, for, additional, 1028 .. - 708 appropriation for expenses __________ 203, 880 de1ic1ency_ appropriation for damages R•crui¢mgr,·Navy, clauns-: ... _ -- 43 appro; tion_for expenses of .. 186, 865 for payingtjuddprzgentsa New giexico Rector, ueMynna(w1dow), dlltfl. 'c oo un er con emna- pension 1492 tion proceedings ... 1- - 53 Red 811447, Calif., _ forallesipenditures, from reclamation lands granted to, for public park -- 982 fun ; objects specified . 685 Red Cross, American (see American Nause for new construction restricted. 685 tional Red Cross).