Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/947

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INDEX. 2255 . Red Lake Agency, Minn.; P¤8°· Reformatory, D. C., PNG- appropriation for support, etc., of In- appropriation for salaries .. 567, 1241 diane at, from tribal funds- - - 411, 1 161 or constructing buildings, etc- - - 567, 1241 deficiency appropriation for civilian for maintenance, etc ..,..__.__,_ 567, 1241 employees at . 1329 for fuel, repairs, etc- ... 567, 1241 Red LakeBa1_1dofChippewaIndia1ts, Minn., deficiency appropriation for mainteappropriation for constructing sawmill, nance 679 etc., from tribal funds .. _ 412 Reformatory, Industrial (see Industrial for constructing roads and bridges on Reformatory United States). Reservation, from tribal funds; Refund of Erroneous Collections, D. C., Indian labor .. 1163 appropriation for .____,___ 545, 1222 Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., deficiency appropriation for ... 674, 1319 appropriation_ for constructing roads Refund of [Meme; Revenue Taxes, 1*1111, bndggsr f1'°m tube funds? appropriation for erroneous collections 72 1***1**%**1** rt -------—---—-- 4*3 1163 iimillegally connected - .. 72 Red _L‘-Ike I”dW”8» mf'-; deficiency appropriation for erroneous reimbursement of individual, for garden eeueeuene ____________________ 49 plats taken for school farm .. 357 58 6 8 ’ R , _ , _ , 62, 9 , 701, 757, 761, 1350 ed Lake leeevetwc Preaeet Ace-. rm-, iuegauy coueaei .. 49, appropriation for maintenance, ctc., 698, 701, 757, 761, 1349 _ (11 —--—-—-- r —--— q -—----—·—- 400» 1151 directed, if erroneously or illegally col- Red Pzpestone Quarries, mn., _ _ 1eeeed, eee ____________________ 342 1nteresi10ofbg'a&¤;l;et<;;i§;<:i¤€)}1¤g1;¤l11:t lg; repaymemégo colleglor of money re- , ’ cove agains im ... 342 Cl¤¤z¤¤ ----- r --------------—- 730 damages wings omcms . 342 Red 'egrher Sioux Indians , 730 report to ,,9,.989 ______________ 342 _ » _ _ claims for erroneously collected etc. bridge %v.g(horized across, lll1n0lf—13f111ls 664 gg liggggught in four year; after 342 Red River. Ark-, _ _ ameri l'>y iimiiiisii §»B2`£1i6€vé21}`1§iZ pl'61l]])1!]A]éy Qximination, etc. , author- como tax exc6ption_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lee f°1'11°°d °°11t1`°1 01 ------· - - 249 granwd farmers, etc., insurance com- Rcd 1,90 be mlagebéiulion to mouth of __.,,_ I 195 peniee _______________________ 343 iver 0 l e or! 1 *11 1, . time extended rm-’ bridging, N. mk. d °" °'Q1°,,,}'{,e‘§, ,§‘§,?l‘Q°§‘;, ",§‘§d ‘§},‘ {$,2 and Mlm) --——--—----·-—--———- 1312 cess of $2.20 a gallon .. 860 for dbar;ikacr1>ss,§g grand 1`iorllgs, Refunds of Income TM . o s ran or s, · ’ Mini----------_____________ 998 time extended forallowing claims for, on Redd, Zum A. excess pa ments .. 22 pcuyéu incruéednu-__"N,-"“_" 1405 taxable year 1918 included .. 22 Redlands, Calif., Refund; of Toeee. lands anted to, for water conservation- 979 P1`°V1¤1°¤¤ for. N t° °Vel'P¤Yme¤*¤» eww Red,,,e,,,}g119, Calif., of income, etc 301 prelimina;7 examination, etc., to be Register of the Treasury, m e of channel to San Fran- appropriation for operating force, cisco Rayfrom ... 1196 Annex for-, - ,.. , - .. ... 65, 764 Reece. More A- (wvivw). Registered Mail, Postal Service, Pe¤¤l°¤ ----—--— q ---—-—-- -4 ---—-·---- 1448 appropriation for indemnity for lost, Reed, Dorcas A. (widow), demeetie ____________________ 88 786 Pe¤¤1°¤1¤°'°“°d --—--————------———-- 1517 deficiency appropriation for indemnity ’ Regghseggvgggrgkéed 1388 H rgrissegereiinstaonn .. 47, so R·;·111g1·;_=411;1»;18··;·1ii·»5I ‘‘‘‘````````‘`` 1.,26 ?é2",§.h?é‘d‘E,r r°t'ZeE{Sa2.;;a;uw1,;;;:;; {S23 Red, m..b..». S. (.2,2,2;;,1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Reg·—··~· of {<<=···*,°Mee;· . d . ioni,m_e”ed___________________ 1592 pproprga ion or sa aries an commis- R,§;",“‘j,,,,,,,, L 9,,,,,,,,, ¤·<>¤¤ . 395. 1145 ’ . ° ’ lidation of offices of registers pension ... .. 1524 mmm . . Reee Meeehe J- <··e<*e·¤>· ,,,5 $i‘§1aT‘E°f’}Y?? - {Y- .‘i'i“f€‘}?T‘E‘i 395 R¢1;§;°:"};1u};1°{;,2§$?D$ ‘‘'‘`‘‘‘'‘`‘‘’ vacancies prior to _June 1, 1925, to ·. . • effect consolidation of offices 395 pension Increased '‘“`“ 1*18 consolidation of offices of re isters Rudy Istand_Ouorantine Station, Del., and receivers havin twg 0m_ R appr1>priat}on for improvements ... 80 cms 8 1145 eese saac . . . ```'`' . ``'`'````` T T ’ ' R military mia: qsmem . 1563 Rev·e¢r¤¢_,1e~ _¤¤<i Se¢e¢¢·<»• fer Meiwv °;‘ei{e,p::r¥_{';§ ____ tg; _______________ 1395 deficiency appropriation for . 62, 761 Rupee, Adidqmiah (widow), balances of appropriations covered in; pension ________________ _ ___________ 1518 for expenses, military police . 934 Reeves, Mary C. (widow), Rehabilitation of Disabled Discharged Solpenrion 1441 diers, etc., Vocational, Reeves, Marg E. (widow), aggropriation for providing ... 533, 1211 pension .. 1474 d ciency appropriation for providing- 681