2 2P* J I N DEX. $k"*’*’f· Samh M- ("`idml`). Y"‘¢"- Smith, Vopfrun Louvll Ilrrlmrt, A rmy Air Y‘•¢•— _ I¥'¥¤¤¤¤*¤¤. . .. . . - ., . l5l0 Nrrvucr · —-(Ynntimwd. ·V—`¤}*"{¤0'} (`hGY¤¤¢’l, Qrry;. distinguished ¤•·rvi¢·e modal accorded to, preliminary cxmmnatmn, ptr., of, to he and arr-opium-e ot modulo or _ _ ¤1¤d<‘- - H ~ . » ~ ·. r 7 ..77. . ... 1196 decorations from foreign govern- MUU laufy fivmft/» Utah. mentmuuthorized- . ..~. -. L. . 979 appropriation for support, ctc., of Smith, Mary (daughter), Indians at, from tribal funds- 411, 1161 pension _,__ _ _____________ o Y _______ V 15;;:; Skykomish River, Wash., Smith, Mary A. (widow), preliminary examination, etc., author- pension ________ _ ________________ _ _ n ]5]2 ized of, for flood control 1000 Smith, Mary J. (widow), Slwk, lf¢¤¢ S. (widow), pension increased .._. - - , 1498 pension ________,____ _ ... - .. 1451 Smith, Maywood, Sl¤l¢1\,_R¤¢l·d (widow), pension increased- -----_-__-, _ -_-_-_ 1394 pension ___- __ _____ T .-.. - ----..-- 1456 Smith, Lfinerva J, (widow), Slaughter, Lucy W. (widow), pension increased ...-,-------------- 1383 pension _______-,_-,,. -- . - .. 1410 Smith, Pulley (widow), Sliqer, Pheby E. (widow), pension ---.-------.-_._---, _ --_-- _. _ 1528 pension increased - - - 1517 Smith, Raohd (widow), Sloan, Luther L. (son), pension increased __-_,___-______-___ 1515 pension increased ... .. ... 1458 Smith, Raehet J. (widow), Slovcvaes, Serbs, Croata, ond, pension increased -.----..----.---.-- 1413 appropriation for minister to -. 206, 1015 Smith, Sarah A. (widow), Smallpox, pension increased .-...-. 1464 appropriation for prevention of epi- Smith, Thomas A. (son), demic ... 76, 775 pension -----.--.-.--.-.----.-.----. 1520 for prevention of, etc., among Indians 408, Smiths Creek, N. C., 1158 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Smallwood, William, made ___-----,---,,------- , - _ 1193 pension ...-.-.. 1414 Smiths Creek, N. J., Smith, A. W`., preliminary examination, etc., of, to be credit allowed in accounts of ..-.. 1550 madc -.------..----. - 1192 Smith, Adaline (widow), Smithsonian Institution, pension ...-.-...-----.-.--- 1506 apr ropriation for international ex- Smith, Amanda J. (widow), changes- .--... 528, 1206 pension increased -.-..--.-.- 1517 for American Ethnology 528, 1206 Smith, Anna E'. (widow)', for International Catalogue of Scienpension increased ...--.- 1417 tific Literature .. - -- 528, 1206 Smith, Catharine (widow), for Astrophysical Observat0ry--- 528, 1207 pension-- -. . .. .. 1492 for additional Assistant Secretary- - - 528 Smith, Charles F., for additional fire protection 528 pension ----.-.-.-.- 1400 for National Museum ...-... 528, 1207 Smith, Edmond L., for National Gallery of Art .--.-. 528, 1207 pension -..--- - -...-.-.. 1392 for printing and binding for ...-. 529, 1207 Smith, Elizabeth (widow), for care, etc., of grounds ... 573 pension --.--..-...-..-. 1509 deficiency appropriation for interna- Smith, Euphamia (widow), I tional exchanges -.-.---.-- 759 pension --..--..---. 1454 _ for National Museum ...-- 759 Smith, Harriet (widow), 1 reappointment as Regent of Robert S. pension increased --..-. .. .-.. 1407 Brookings .-..-... 821 Smith, J. M. C., late a Representative in of George Gray ...---. 821 Congress, ref und of income tax on gift by Charles deficiency appropriation for pay to L. Freer to .--- - ..--...-.. 1537 widow of ----...-.-..-... - 34 Secretary of, designated on commission Smith, Jane (widow), to select Patent Office models for pension increased ...-----.-.-.-.---. 1463 retention, etc -..-. 942 Smith, Jane W. (widow), Smitten, Susan (widow), pension ,----_------.-.--.--.---.-. - 1491 pension increased --.--..----.-.-.--- 1534 Smith, Lieutenant John, _ Smokeless Powder, Navy, appropriation for markirig burial place appropriation for purchase and manuof, at Bardstown, v ... 926 facture of .. 192, 871 Smith, John H., alias Henry H. Smith, Smoking Tobacco (see Tobacco). pension ____.,._ - ... 1471 Smoky Mountain National Park, Tenn. and Smith, Kato D. (widow), N. C., pension ____________, , .,._._ 1462 deficiency appropriation for expenses, Smith, Laura B. (widow), acquiring lands for 1331 pension ______,____,., - . 1532 determination by Secretary of the In- Smith, Louisa (widow), terior of area of lands recompension increased _____.. ---- 1428 mended to be acquired for . 959 Smith, Ca tain Lowell Herbert, Army Air Smuck, Jacob G. (son), gervue, pension 1485 advanced one thousand files on the Smuggling, _ _ _ promotion list in recognition convention to prevent, of intoxicating of world flight accomplished by liquors into United States, with him _______,_.,., 979 Denmark 1809