Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/975

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l\1>l.X 23~.;§ iqluqyii hQ‘ ( <m!11¤·11~1I ’“Q• .\4<,¢1,€.»r» ¢·K.» h¢~ (`¤>1i\t‘1ilI•vH1tspN·\|·hl, of ltV<v\1~"|e1!;f ap;~r~»pnnt,·1_f—·1 •,·»·gu·,41;1 n~|,;ml1\;. liquors 11110 l :,11•·<l blair- ill! [_ 11 ui 14 dur?-argul ¢1»•l»1•¤i {,3,4 I2]! (l•·ru1ax.¤ iii; _.`,_;_,‘,0, ,,m,,“1 `llll (hrlhlll "Tl1I\1li .""'U’,,`.‘l,,h."'f gin Irrqb

    • 11* 11*1) 1`H iieficwm » appr·»priau·»n for assistant 1- •

`nh N"”‘} ITT}? rsiiurring lntrntatr lkmiuirrw with Panauia l*•7f» Arr. -;.,6 with $\‘¢·¢lrx1 , , lhllll rw: I M R ' Snake Rirrr, Idaho and Wash . WMM nl mn" rum"' I prvliminary examination, Mr., ui, 1-- iw _ .1'l""1'f°“"" l"' a Q"' 1"Z·’ mgd9_ _________ _ _ V lull ·`0l|fi'0V of lh! U¢p¢NH¢‘•\l of rtrmltrrrs, Sy“g{"”0rr’ Md O ‘ appropriation lor, and uH1r•· penunnnvl III}, patent to, aulgioriud for lands in Minn- · _ 10*.25 um`. with nuwdvx r.gr__ ri‘hQ. I bolinfor of thy Ikpcrimrnl of Labor, rgq-g·vg·d_ _ __________ _ , _ _ 1502 Appropriation lur, and ¤»Hie·•· pe-run.m·l ;§|t3_ Snohomish Rwer, Wash., . M25 prelimiuar examination, etc., author- 80l¤‘¤!¢>f of th} Ufpvffvnrnl of Mah. iwjoh ru., good comml _ _ _, __ |()()0 •l’P1'°P"*$1*°¤1¤? ·--.. . W Y _ _ _ gid lm}; Snoqualmie National Forest, Wash., Solicitor of the Interior Department, 1|¤<1¤ Nldvd lv ..· . - - . . V V »»... 107| appropriation for 1 . . . 1- . , ., 21•‘·, 1025 pr0(.L·rn·'i"n greg Oil _ _ _ _ _ 1 Kit Unlkw |.R!fB(llll|¢i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A i _ r _ V 39-L I S”,§'£'5i"..,’i'.1‘§£"§I;..Zl§I‘i.'{z:... .4.. »..,, sdm ··f *'·# T °·¤·=**···~·*· S G dbh; flood control ..»..»- 1000 qlpwpgqatlfl _ f fltvll . lglli, 1025 new ce., . ., . . appropriation for removing, from S°l‘°‘°"• °" Om" D'5’“"?'“°”’· _ _ , r s".6€u’Bidc`,·1k¤_futwn,ctc_ 551,1228 1 appropriation for,au office personnel- M, ml S dcfiriincy appropriation or removal of- 1323 Svrncrut llvtrpllalf (`GPG Team, Af1‘it?,i now, 'erner, appropria ion or annua contri ut on pension ,... 1383 to 214, 1023 S11 rtf and Still! Fl01lf, Sgnyyggglrqhk Ely N_, internal revenixetéax on manufactured Chim of uhm Of! referred to district QT imno ‘ --------- - ----·--- 317 court .,..,.,,_,_,________ 1372 ackages, etc., required- ... 317 · · · - S"rZ;§;{0C}”'l°" Hr S‘”" °-Y mg Revolution, ;(,,,,,,,,,,; n _________ _____>____ __________ { i i . •’ Snyder! Herr!] E., l m mtg:] Odzd number of trustees of, 808 pension increased - - - 1390 ’’`’'’'‘'’’‘‘"’ Snyder, Wdliam Eq Sorpggsggrtram B. (son), 1434 pension 1404 -----·-·-------—-—-—-- ~ ----— Social Welfare Organizations, Soper, paiherine E. (widow), exempt from income tax . 282 pension increased ... 1482 Sodium Nil1‘}¢6» _ . . Sorrells, Ruth J. (widow), proclamation increasing tariff rate on, pcrmon ____ _ _______________________ 1514

  • ¤ ·=¤¤=·**=¤ <**¤¢~¤¤·=¤ 1** Mts 0* som Ada (mrow)

roduction ... 1949 1 ’ Soil Bactgriology, etc., pension ‘'“‘’‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1494 appropriation for investigations, etc- 441, 831 S"”l°¤ g‘°"9° Fw testing bacterial cultures for inocu- Pcnsion m°l’€$·$°d --—----—-·--------- 1405 isms nsgumes ._ 441, 831 Sound, _ _ _ _ _ publishing tests; names of dealers “PP1'°P1'1¤t*°P_fo1' ¤PP1YlY{8 P1'1¤¢_1P1€S O1`, S I F gu impure, etc .. 441, 831 gzsgllwry ¤¤d mdustnei pgrgz 1042 oi erti it , -—----·- - -—----—----- » appropriaztion for investigations ... 441, Sour, Addie (widow), 448, 831, 838 pension _.__________________________ 1451 Soils Bureau, Department of Agribulture, South Africa, Union of, appropriation for chief of ureau, and proclamation including mechanical office personnel . 447, 838 musical reproductions in copy- for chemical and physical investiga- right privileges to . 1957 tions .. 447, 838 South America, for investigating fertilizers, etc--- 448, 838 persons born in countries of, construed for cooperative investigations of soils, as nonquota immigrants, in mapping, etc ... 448, 838 Immigration Act ...__,... 155 for classification of agricultural lands- 448, South and Central America, 838 appropriation for expenses promoting for administrative expenses --..-.- 448, 838 commerce with ..--.--.,.__ 225, 1035 deficiency appropriation for general ex- for expgnsgz tproxpofirég commerce penses ..--------.--.- 55 wi a i iona , 9 5 .. 706 Solar Eclipse, 1926, deficiency appropriation for expenses appropriation for expenses for observe.- promoting commerce with .-.-- 1348 tions of total . 869 South Bend, Ind., Soldiers’ aind Sailor8’ Home, D. C., Grand S terling of éourt Ant? _________,____,,_ 751 rmy, out roo yn, . ., appropriations for expenses; persons amount authorized to acquire addition admitted .--.---.------ 570, 1244 to naval supply depot at .-- 1276