Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1010

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§ 325 . § :1*12*1.E 31.*fMONEY 326. Exchange ofygold coins for gold bars.-·-~The superintendeht of that cojtmge mints mmd of the United Btateé assay q<;?§ice* at New York may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Clweasuryfbut not btherwise, rééeive United. States egold coin from atofh0Ider thereof .ixi sumé of mgt leés than $5.060, and pay and deliver in exgzhangé therefor gold bars in vatue équaling such}c0i¤’ so received. Ti1c·Se<·rctary of me Trvasazry mhy m:1ke>,.in his discretion, such exchangewitlmut éharge, Yer m‘ay`imp0se— a charge therefor. I (May 26, 1882, g-. 190, 2*2 Stat. 97 `; Liar. 3. 1891, c. 541,_,§ 3, 26 Stat. 9-18; Ma:. 3, 1901, E. 867,31 Stat. 1446.-) . T _ ‘ _ _ 327. Caining gold bullion; refusa} of dep0sits.———A11y owxget gf grgld bullicmr may deposit the same at any mint, to be formed inte cci.:1 or bars for his benefit. `It shall be lawful, however, tc refuse any deposit of less valuevtlmn $10Q, or·any bullion _ so base as to be unsuitabi'8 for the operations of the yMiut. In casgs where gold `and si1vcr"·&re"c0mbiued, if either. metal be in sucky smdil f>1r0pb‘rti0u‘t11af it ban not be separated ad- ' vantagectzsly, xxouailowance shall. be made to the depositmf for itsivaluc. S, 5 3519.) ’ t ; ’ " 328. Sfivexxbullitm fqr forming into bats.-yAny owner ot sil·· ver bullion army deposit theyéame at any mint, to be formed. into bars, and :110 qeposit of silver for other coinage shall be récaived. Silver bl1IHO¥1-C0iItRiD9(1i·iD gotd, deposits, gud separated therefrom, may; .h0weve1*,_ be paid for `in silver coin; at such valuation as may ibe, from time to time, estab-, l.is1wd* by the Director of the Mint. (B.;S.y S- 3520; 'M&lf. 3, 1887,`c. @6, § 3, 24 Stat; 635:) · · J * ~ _. ’ “ 329. Weighing md` valuing bullion.-When bullion is deposited in any of the mints, itshall be weighed by thejsuperfnit2:1dent,_a“nd, whed practicable, ixi théprgsencééf ttm dep0sit01•,_` tor whom a receipt shall be given, which shalt state the déscriptim; and weight of the bu1lion." When, howevgr, the bullion is in sixch a state as to ·1'€§Q11'&· melting, ’0i¥· removal 4>t_ base metals,. before its value Egan be ascertained, the°weight,~— after sgch a{1eration,' shalt be considered as the true ‘ wéightv 0f_ the bullion deposited. The iitucss of thé bullion to be .reQ` ceiveii 's.hal1`be determined by the asshyer, aud. the mode of melting by tlie superintendent of meltitxgand refining depa1‘t·- `tmmt. (R. S. $1,3521; Aug. 23, 1912, c.’350, $21, 37 Stdt._.384; Jan. 3,1923, c. 22, 42 Stat. 1103;) I “TX li —‘ , . · _. - . 330. Assay cf. bullion.-5-—Froni evety parcel. of bullion de? _Q p0:sitgd·fb:!,_cc;inage{’0r bars, the superintendent shalbdeliver

 to tlgc assayer a su®ciant portfcm for the` purpose of beixig

assayed. Thgz bullion remaining from the operations Qt tha as:-my shall be returned 120*/C1lB—‘SU])BTiHt£éBd€I1C by the QSSQYBI. (R.S.§3522.) __ “ ~ ~ V ‘ 2

331. {Report of quality of bullion assayed,—————The aséayer shall

report ti.: the superintendent the quality or Hmmass utkthe bullion assayed by him, and such information tm Will enable him to éomputw the amount of the charges lnereinattcr pm-> vided {fox, to bexmade té theédeposttcr. (R. S. 5 3523.) I H . " Q. t 332. Charge?-for converting bullion itgtc min and bars.-··—·~T1m , charges for meiting pr féalljllg bullion, fqr tougheniug `whent metals are cont?uc<1‘in it which render it unfit tut coinage, A for copper used lortalloy when tbé bullion is' above Standard, 1 for separating the_g01d* and silyer. Mwhcpf these metals existkt

together in `thé bullitm, and for the ptapamtion of bars, shall,]

be tixed, from time to time, by themdirector, with the ccmcux·-· ‘·reuce bf the Secretary of the.`Tma§su;·y, so- as `_t0 equal Qui; j not exceed,. bin thai} judgmgqt, the tnctual average coét to each mint and £1S&&)’•0m43é`\0f the *ma.teria.1*, lhbor, svamtaga, and use Y at machinéry employe;] in teach ot the cases afomnxentionédl (B.- S. {1-3524; Jan. 14, 1875, c. 15, § 2, 18 Stat. 296; Mar.·`1Q 1881, cy 85, 21 Stat., 374:1 Mar, 3, 1887, 396, I 3, 24 Stat. _ ‘ 333. Same; stnndiprd gold bullian.—-——N08 charge shhll bé [made for converting standardj géld .bu11ic>h into. {coli:. (Jan. 14,i -1875, c, 15, § 2, 18 Stat. @6.) t fg . J

' AND 1¥’1NANC‘13 .., gg)6 334. Ycrjtication of calculations of value of depcsite; cen;]. tergigning certificate.--The asszlyer shall verify all ca1€:u1;;;5s_,;QS made by the superintendent of the Value of depueitg, mn; if satisfied of the correctness thereof, shall coumctjsign the mf. tificate rcqulrcd·t0 be given by the superintendent tc the dc. QL positor. '(WR. S. § 3525.) · 335. ~Pi1g·cl1'ase of bulli0n for silver coinage; silver-prank fund_.———In_ order to prg>cure\bullié;m for the silver coinage :1x1'z§n»;·. ized by this chapter, other thzu1_the_silvcr "`dclln1·, the sxlymintendents, with the apprcval of the Director of‘tl1_e Mint, ge gi, price,‘tcr1*i1s, and quantity, shall purchase such bullion wim léac bpllion fund. The gniwarising f1’;0Il1 the coinage nf such s<ilv¢~;» · bnllibn into-chin of u nominal value exceeding the cost tlgcn-~t· shall be credited td :1 special fund denominated the ellvc1··pz·· mi , fund. (R. WS. $3526; Mat. 2, 1889, c. 411, 25 Stnt.»955.) ` _ 336.- Paying ’ out, silver ching for gcld‘ceinn.—S{1v'éz· mins `shall be paid out at the scyeml mintsQ and ntthet esseyinnivc A in New ·Y01€k City, in exchange {OI': gold coinsnt par, in sums not less than_$1D0. It shall be lawful, elec, to transmit pamcsl of the sig1me,—trom time to time; to depositnries and`other· officers of the United Stateswunder general regulatfgms proposed by the Director of the I Mint, and_ appmyed by the Secretary of me T1°Q(ISl1l€Y.' Nothing herein contained shell., however, prevent the payment ot silver coins, nt. their nominal value, for sliver patted from gold, as pr6ylded_ in this chapter, or for change less than $1 in settlement for gold deposits.: (R. S. 5 3527;} l 337. Exchange of snbsidihtysilver coin fer livrful meney.-—— The holder `of, any qt the Silver coins *0f the United States ct aémaller dencminations than $1, may, en prwentntion ct the n name: in sums ot, $20, lor any multiple hxereof, ·af the enlce of the Treasurer or `any designated depositary of the United  » t States, which the Secrctarynt the Trwsury may direct fm-. that purpose, receive tlnerefbr 1awtul·‘mo—ney ct the United Statcsmn (June 9, 1879, c. 12,r§ 1,,21 Stat.}; Mey 20,.1920,~c.4 214,` §·1, 41 _Stat."655.) · n '. f l 338. Snmc.-—'.I?l1e Treasurer or nnyldepositery df! the-United _ Statesyvgo may receive any coins_nnder`secticx;g 331, 338, and ` 459 of this title shall- exchange thesnme in sums of $20, er l any; multiple thereof, for lawful money ct the United States., en Ydemnnd of any l10lder·there0f.` · (June 9, 1879, c. 12, § 2, 21 ‘~smt. 8.) _ . Qg z c ~ A I \ ·339.*Free tI‘QIS{}0°l’I8ti0R of silver cnin.-—~'I‘lze Secretary cf ·_the Treasury is ·nutl1grizcd and- directed tc transport tree of bhnrge silver coin when requested to dcrso: P?O1?¥d—€dQ_tTh&€ sm equal amount in coin or cnrrency shell have beeneeleponlted in the Treasury by the applicant cn nppllcnntn. (Ang. 7, _1882» c. 433, § 1, 22 Stat. 312.) J Q, , · _ *1 . 340.`Pm·chese of 1$etal~·fo:·"mincr cn§»nage;_i:r¤§t fund.?-·—·Fcr the pixrchaseofcmetal for the minor coinage, authorized ll? this clnnptenn sum act exceeding $400,000 in lawful money of the United States shall, `upcn the xeccmtnendntion `cf the _ Director of the-—Minf and in such gums; as he may designate, with the apprqynl of the Secretary ct the Tmnenry,`~l:ne transferred to the credit of thennperlntendente ct the mints nt Phil-, adelphia, Snnfrnncisce, and Ijenver, nt which cstablishinente, until 0t11,ei:wine‘pr0»·lded bylaw, such cninnge shell Be carried} om The eupépintendennté; with the approval of the Dii·ec t_;0r__0f the Mint he tc nrlce, terms, and qunrxtltychall purchase the ‘metnl`reqnlrecl for ench coinage by pnl:»1ic_ ntlvcrtlsement, and · the lcwestlcand msg nid ‘el1nll lie nccepteg, thenneness of cthe nzxetelék tc`be determined. cn the mint. nanny. The gnjn arising from the coinage nt such metnls into coin of n ndminal mine. exceeding the cost: thereof, ehnll be credited to the special Lund denominated the mlnc; celnngecprcdtiund: and this fundsnhall be chargeq with the wnstegc incm-req in sinch coinage, end with _ lcthe cont ct distributing Bald coins, ns hereinafter pmvidedc The bnlnnce remaining to the _ credit . of thin {npc}, gnd any limance of the prc¤ts·nccmed_ frcm minor cclnege under former · Acts; shall be, trcmltlme to time, and et least twice n year,