Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1066

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§ 75 TITLE §3.~·—-NAV] G.4 TI ON ieee than six feet apart, and of such a character as to be visible all around the horizon at a distance ofat least two miles;_and shall byudny carry in a vertical line one otjer the other, not lessi than six feet apart, where they canbest be seen. two black balls or shapes, each two feet in diameter. (b) A yossel employed in laying or inc picking up a telegx·aph cable shall carry in the same petition as_ the white light mentioned in article 2 (a); A and if al steam. ·ves.·.5e1 in lieu of that light, three lights in a vertical line one over the other not less than `six feet apart. The‘highesfand lowest of these lights shall he red, and’the middle light shall be white, and they shall be of;suc·h a character as to be visible all around. the horizon, at adistanee of at least two miles! By day she shall carry in a vertical line, oneovor the other, not less than éix feet apnrtgwhere they can ·be>=t· be seen, three ’shapeS not less` than two feet ’in ‘di;ame.ter,* of, which the {highest and- Iowest shall be globular in shape and red in color, and the middle one diamond in shape and white,. _ · _ . · _ » " (c) The vessels referredvto in this- article,. when not making way through the water, shall notcarry the side lights, bnf . ‘ when making way shall carry them. f · ‘ _ . (d.)‘ The lights and shapes} required to be shown by this article are to' be taken by other vessels as signals that theveasel snowing them -is‘ not under coxninand and can- not therefore get out of the Xtay. ‘_ - · / ,° · _ 45 _ These signak are not signals of vessels `in distresé and requiring assistance. Snell, signals are contained in _ article 31. (Aug. 19, 1890, c. 802, § '1,` 26'Stat. 322.) . 75. Lights of sailing vesecl "under way and of vessel in t0w.—¢.4rt.` 5.-A wiling yeasel under way and any vessel being towed Shallcarry the same Ilighto as are prescribed by article 2 for a.steam vessel under way,“$vith the. exeepiiouc of the white lights inentioned the·rei11,‘*w»l1ich they shall never cat‘ry. _ (Aug._19, 1890, c.·S02, §· 1, 26 Stat. 322.). · _ · _78. Lights'of small vessel under way in bad we_athe”r.e-Art. "`6.»——\Vhenev’er, asin 'tlio}-ase of small vessels under way mduring had vfveather, the green and red side lights can not be. iiiced, these lights-shall he kept at hand, lightt—:d and ready_for_ use; and shhll, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited V on their respective sidesin oumoient time to-preyent collision, in suqh manner as to make them most visible, and so that the green light shallnot be seen on the port side nor the red lighf, onthe starboard side, nor, if practicable, there than two points ahaft thelheam on their respebtive sides. · _ · » » To make the use of thesio portable lights more certain and easythe lanterns containing them shall each`be painted outside with the color of the light they respectively contain and shall be provided with proper screens. (Aug. 19, 1890, c. 8Cl2,~§·_1, 26Stat.322.) _ . j c 77. Substitute lights forismall vessel and rowing boats.——·— Art. 1.-——·Steam vessels of less than forty, and ves¤~¤els·under'0ars or sails ot less; than twenty tons grosa tonnage, respectively, and rowing boats, when under way., shall not be required to carry the lights mentheigd in article 2 (a), (b), and .(c), but it they do not carry them they shall be provided with the following lights: · “ · . ·. . ` First. Steam vessels of less. than forty tons ahall\ carry--—· (tn) 'In theltore mrt of the vessel. or on or in (rent of the funnel, where it can best be soon, and at a height aljove the gunwgtiee ot not less than nine feet, a bright white light canstructed and Bred as prescribed in article. 2 (al. ind of such a character. as to be visible at a distance ot at lehst two miles. ~. -’ -2 _· . ‘(b) Green sndred side lights. constructed and Med ns pr¤·‘ scribed in article 2 (b) and (c), and of mmh d chnnétar as _ to be vlqlbie_,at~¤"dlstan@ of at least onemlle, or A combined lantern showing an green light and a red light from right nh@.d to two boints abaft the gm their mqpecdva sith!. · Such,

Azvn NAVIGABLE w.4:1·ER.sq;§.l 1052 lanterns shall be carried not less than three feet below the white light; ’ _ ,_See0nd. Smell stenmbents, such as ere carried by sengeie;5 vessels,“may carry the white light nt a less height than em, feet above the ‘· gunwnle, but it shall be carried above ze,. _<~6mbined lantern mentioned in `subdivlelon 1 `(b). » » Third. Vessels ·u,rider` ours or isaileeg less than twenty tv :_, shall have ready nt hand a lantern with a green glass enum., ·side`and a red glass on the ether, which, on the appreaeh of I ; teether vessels, shall be exhibitedln sutilelent time to prev — eellision, so that the green light shell `not be seen on the yew side ll__O1‘ the red light on the starboard side. .. I · Fourtlxi Rowing boats, whether under ears or nail, ehnl.l\ll;_ ready at hand st lantern- showing- za xéhite llght whleh shell E temporarily exhibited in `sudleient time to prevent eelllsien. U . The vessels referred to in this article shall not be,obli::¢· to carry the lights prescribed by nrt-iele 4 (en) end nrtlele ll inst paraemph. (May 28, 1894, e._ 83.28 Stat. 82) , . 1,8.. Lightsef pilot vessel at and e5 `dnty; steam pilot vmsel.¢—;~Art. 8.—ePi1ot vessels when engaged on their station f . pilotagex duty shalhnet show the lights required for et.?~·· vessels, but.s»hnll carry. a- white light ntthe masthead, vieli. ·8Su &1'Ol1ll(l the h0rizen,.zmd shall also exhibit a 'tkxre-up lieif or flare-up .lights`at short intervals, which never ex¤·e{·l fifteen minutesf _ .- · "` M ` On the near approach ofer te ether vessels Htey shell lute their side lights lighted, ready for nee, and Shall Hash or slam. them at short internals, tu indicate the direction in whilyil they are heading, but the green lihglnt shall net be shown"“·-:;. the port side, neg the red light- on the starboard side. _` A pilot vessel of such e class as te` be obliged ite go*nhn·;- _ t 'side ein vessel tcfput {1-plk)1', en beard may show the vtllise light instead of carrying it at the masthead, and ¤uny,·`in:·r`ee·i of the colored ligllts :1_b<iveanenticmed, hate nt hand, ready `for use, sylgmtern with ngreen glnse on the one side amide rel glaisien-»the“ether, to be used es prescribed abeve. , __ Pilot vessels when not engaged en their station on pilot:t;:*· ‘duty_ shall eztrry lights similar to theee Qfo{1l€31‘_Vt£SS(31S ufl ` their tonnarze. __ · _ " A steph: piI~0t‘1·£*sseI,, when en;:agedAn_her station on pilet; -82.*0 duty and lu Waters of the United States, and not at aneher. _ sl1ull,"in.£l<ltlitien to the lights requliietl for all pilet beats. ,ca1rry at sn distance of elght feet below ller white masthead lighta red light, visible ell around the horizon and et eneh an character as to be visible on `a dark night with a clear atxznesphere `at tl~‘(]iSt8l1(‘€'0f nt least twoiinilee, end niso“°the colored side lights required `te be enrrled by Yessels when [under way. - * · , . ° _ I , · V When engaged en her station on pllotnge duty end in waters of the United States, nnd_nt a.neher,_ she shall carry in addi-· tion `to -the»1ights requlredr for ell pilot boats the red light above mentioned, but'net the eolored side- llght.e.__ _ _ When net engaged on her station on plletege duty, she shall ·eerry the same lights es other/éeteamr vessels. (Aug. 19, 1800, .e. 802, 5 1,26 Stat. 3%;‘Feb. 19, 1900, c. 22, 5 1, 81 Stat. 30.) _ 79._ Lights and day slgnalsef. Eshlng veaek and Leate.·——— Art; 9.=-·-Fishing vessels and Bening beets, wl1en_1:inder`wey and I when not required by thie ertlele to earry or show the lights .hereinat'ter‘ speeifled, ehnll`ce.rry or_`ehowithe lights prescribed ter vesselsof their tonnage under way; _ -· · . _ V (e) Open boats, by which ie te be nnderstoodbosts not protected, tron: the entry et sea wnter hy means of a eontln~nous__ ydeck, when engaged `in· eny Hshlng’ at night, with eutlyin8 tackle extending not more than one hundred end Rfty feet Yhorisontnlly from the beet into the eeevigny, shell one allround whltellght. , `_ » _` ., · ‘ _ I Open beats, when melting at night, with outlying tgelrle eftending- more than one hundred and fifty feet herinontally from __