Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1073

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105 —·-·NAVIGATIO.P{ Al ‘ _` {.;;,33 te. bass on the part Side Gi the ether; and either iessal lglgll give, as a signal; G! her intantiah, ana shunt and distinct 1 lass:. · at? her whistle, which the other vwel? shall answer

,i·lss;;lly by a similar Blast af her whistle; and thereupon meh ·1

xw·~·:<l>ls_sl1ar1 pam on the-pcrbside at each ether. . · . » _ _1

 last if the courses at such vessels asew far on the starboard 1

all anal: ethex? as not tube censldgred 35 lmggtigg bgd gm} head? _1 sgi new vessel shall i¤mcdiate1y £‘lYa two shaft and ldistlnct 1 Y malls of het whistle,. which the ether vessel shall answer lsdsmptly hy two_sin2Har blasts cfehefwhistle, and they shall, 1 pass an the Slalfbéard side of each nthegt -.1 - · i The fnregoing, ml1y1_spp11es_ to eases where vessels are meet- ` lss sndhnn or lnearljl and cm, in such a manner as tot involve 1 ljélsk of collision; lh ether words, to cases liu which, by day, sasl; vessel sees the masts {Bf the other ln a line, or nearly in < sllne, with her own and by night to cases in wjhichimch vessel is in »saeh a position as to see both the- sidellghts of the 0thQ1‘.' 1 It dnes not apply by day to eases in pwhich a vessel sees snslher ahead crossing her own €6H1‘S€,,01" by-night to cases · xx‘1ss_·1*é the ned light af one lvfessel is cpposéddto the red light of J {lss alhe1·,_ er where the green light of one vessel isi 0DPOsed‘ · ns the green iight of .—the·0the1·, or where a rédfilgh-t Withtmt a gz-een light or a green light wjlthontsa red· light;-is seen ahead, . hr where both green and red lights are seen; anywhere but Q nl;lia·11._ ‘· , `Z _ I '1 ·· _' Rule III. If; when steam vessels are approaching each other, ·_: ‘aiihei* vessel falls ta understand the course er intention of the · · ether, from any cause, the vessel so ihdouht shall immediately · signify the same by givi¤g_,several_ short and rapid blasts, not y lass than four, of the- steam whistle. _ _ · l , ' Rule QV. Whenever a-steam vessel isi nearing a shopt bend 1 jksnj cnrgve, in the gchahhel, where, from the height of the banks ·` l ether cease, a steam vessel appreaching from the oppdaite 1 'llll’¤’(§{l(}!1 emlupg. he seen for a distance of halt a mile; suizh i ·S¥i?2lI1i1 vessel, when she shall haveharrived within halt a mile ` ef sash fcm·sje,`cr bend, shall give ·a signal by one long blast of. ~‘ me steam whistle, which signal shall he answereduby a similiar " 1 lhasa, given by any approaching steam vessel thntmay be with- l in hearing. Shauld sash signal be so &I}$?S¥&1'€d‘ by a steam vessel np<>n.the’ farther side nf sugh bend, thenlthe usual signals 1 flaynteeting land passing- shall immediately _ be given _ and 1 a:sss:edred";-·hat, lt the mst alarm signal of such vessel be not 1 answered, sha is {tb seaside: the channel clear and goyierxi her-, z self accordingly. l I " ‘ ‘ _ ; When vessels are mnved from theii e docks _-O1" berths, _¤ land other hmm are liable ta pass {rem gany- direction toward al »1lwm,‘ they shall gise the same signal as in the ease nhvessels • meeting at 1a mad, but lmxnedlatelyrafter clwrihg the berths d so as to he tnlly- in aight they shall he governed by the steering · 1 and sailing mlea, ‘ Z . d l J · —_ 1 _' { Ride VH1. llvhen steam vessels are running in the {same 1 direction, and the·1iressel·which la astemi shall desire to pass I an the right er sta_;rhcard~ hahclef the vessel ahead, she shall give eas shnrt hlast of the steam whistle, as a signal et sqch ‘ desire, and it tha vessel ahead answer; with <>ne@.h1ast,»she l shall. pnther helm tenort; or it she-shall denim to pass onthe 1 ‘l<·ft nr part sid;e’;¤1~the wessell ahead, ishelshell given-two short F blasts of the steam whistle as a signal of such desire; and lf the _ vessel ahead answers with two blasts, shall mit her helm to `l sta ¤·l»ea1=d·; or if the vexal ahead dans not think it safe for the, l vessel astern taattempt ea pass at tal: paint, she shall im· ·< mediatelg " signify the same by giving several shert and rapid l l:»la.sta_ at the st@m whistle, nat lm than {nur, ander no l circumstances shall _’ the vgsel ushers attempt to pass the 4 vessel ahmd until ”aneh‘ time as they ham reached A Imint » where, it-can he sately dana, when said semi ahead shall signify l her willingness by blowing the pnjbpexj signals, l I ‘ s

PVD INAVIGABLE WATERS 212 - `-; s »» . s Y»“ W , V V & A;__ __s_s __M_ W V» M _ % 4 The vessel shssd shall in mj cass gzttsmpt to émss the bow ng crowd npcs the ¢m:u·&’ot the pswng vessel. . L _· . Ruler IX. The whistle signals provided is the mlw sander this srticis, for steam vessels msstingg ps@isg,Q sr svsrtakisg, __ are ngzvsr to be used sxcspt when stssmsrs srs is `sight of esch other, and the course sud position of ssc}; can be dstsrxsised `~ ln the daytime by u ght of the-S vessel itssI1,.s;·,by night by seeing its signal lights. ‘ ~ s -· · Z In fogjmist, falling. sow or ·hesv§ rsisstorms; wher; vesséls cam not .s0’ see saéh dther, fog signsls only must bs given. (Juné 'Z, 1897, ·c. 4, § 1,— 30 Stst. 190.) ‘ f . ‘ - 204; Stems vessels ¢rsssi¤§.—-—·Art. 19.-e—Whss two steam was-` ssls are crossing; so as fo] involve risk of éoliisicn, the vessel Qhich `hss the other 0i1_`h—er ovm stsxibosrd side. shall Resp out bf {she wsy di the oijher. I (luuisfl, 1897, c. 4, §· 1, 33 Stat. 101.) ` 2056 Steam and sailing vessels;—·Aft. 29.-=—-When s stesm Yms1’un‘d a saiiiugi vessel srs pfdresédisg is sssh dizsc·` dans, as to_-involve riskpt »sq>11isi<m,» this xssm vessel shall kssp out of ithe way of the sailing vessel. (June 7, "1S9T,`c. 4, { $1, - 30 Stst,101.) ·’ » . _ A- , ‘ · P " 206. Vesssl h;vii1g_right·¤f way to keep camfse.-——¥Art, 21.-· ‘ Where, by any of these `I; i1}.§3S; one bf the two ivmsels is ts kssp S out . of the way, the othes shall keep her éemrse and speed. _ (Jung 1,,1897, c. Z, § 1, 39 Stat IQI.) ‘ . · P .· _) . 207. Crossing ahead of jesse] having right. of vmi.=—-·A¢1. l 22.-——Evci·y vessel which is directed UF these miss Ito keep out of the way of another vessel shall, it the hiresmstsucss of the case admit, sv0i,d..cr0ssi11g shgsd of thesthsr. (JmisV7, 1897, » {2.-4, 51,20 sm. 101;) " ‘ I i J J 208. Duty dfisgegni vmsel to slsckés speed.-j-Ari. 25.--;-¥E*ssr3+ ` steam Ygésssl which is dipsctgsd by Qzhwsrulm to késpsst of the wsy of snotber vessel shall, cm sppresching her? if B€C€SS&FY; slacken hot sbsed or s§0p_s1·?revcrss. (gums 7,`1897, ·<_;. 4, §®_ 1; ‘ 30 Stat. 101.`)·· .. _ . 1 ‘ ’ ? 209. Ovértskingwtessei ts kssp but of the wai; éf-‘§nitis1i sf ‘¥"overtaking vessél."———Art; 2§_.~———N_otwithsts:1di¤g ssytxhing css- . tained in ‘thess_ru10s .ev?s—ry vessel, svertakisggny athsr, shsll, keep oqtibf the way of the ogertsksn, vswsi. ·· {V { Every- vessel sowing up with sucthsr vésssl fmm any dissetiousmores thszftwca points sbsft her 'bssm,`thst is,`is sash s. positioh with reference to the vessel which sbs is sssqtskisgn thst'·st· night she would bs unsblsfto ssssithsr of tlést vssssFs side lights, shsllhe deemed ts· bean sv:srtsk_isg’vssssI;§ssd us ·s subsequent sl;srst·ion of the bearing bstwsexiths tws vessels V shsll msks the overtaking sssssl ss crsssing tems! within ths meaning 01[thesa rules, or rsliévs hss of xths dsity of keeping zlssr of the civertuksn vessel utitil sbs} is snaily past sad slssr; ` As by qsy 'tltis 0vE;:tski¤`g*vesssl css nstilwsys lmsw wish certainty ·whs!;hé1.·,shs is Lorwsrd of sr shift this direction from the other Yéssél sbs shoizld, if ih_d<nibt,_sss1:xi1s·ths-xt sbs ls sn ovsttsking vesml and kssp”s¤t» st the way.! (June 7, lS9’¢$, of 4, § 1, 30 Syst, 101.) `· .· . ‘ _. 210, Steam- vessel in imrmw cl1sm:él.·———·Art. 25.·~——·I¤ ssrrsw¥ zhsnusls géséy stssm vesssI~&sl1, szhsgz it is ssfs and parse- ; ticsblsykssp ts »tk;st sids of the fairway on midvshssssl which tics sn the sfsafbosrq sids of such vssssl. (June T, 1897, 'c. &Q§1,30Stst.·101.) j . Y I V __ 211. Right of way sr Gshing vsss·el_ sr hosts; ubstrsstisn of · ?six·wsy.-—··—Arjt, 26:-——~·SsiIing»vssss!s under way shslf keep sm; st

hs waxy ofsailing vssssls sr boats Hshing with nets, sr lines,

arwtrswls. This ruls sbs}; not givs to ény vessel sr bsst ss-` , {aged in Hshing the right. of obsfructing s fsirwsy used by résscls aétbsr than? Hshingsssssls 0: hosts. (June 7, 1897, c. L, § 1,_ 30 §'»ts§. 102.) ‘ * _· ~ _ s H2.- Spécisl circumstances requiring departure from m1es.;~—·· _' art. 27.—·——·In obeying sud ecssstruisg thess miss rsssrd shall bs bsd tb sl} dangers cit xcisvigstion and qollision, and to;