Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1074

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§ QETITLE 33.+—NAVIGA`TION N i31]`Sp€d£¥ whicti may rendért a depmj{ufe from the abate mics uecewary in ordgar tb avoid iummdiafé danger. _ ’__ (Jam 7, 1%%*. $3- 4. { 1.39 Smt. 102.) 3 . ‘ » 213, Signal M fg!} spee¢ inf engines ·—astcru.-——Art. 28.-- When v@»ls mje in sight qi one dnothérz asteam vessel under way whose chgines are goipg at full speed astern shall indicate ‘ that `facf by three 811011; blasts -611 the vyhigfle. ‘(Jtme‘ 7, 1897, L4, S 1, 30·Stat. 102.) _ ·` __ _ · ‘ " _NQ`VESSEL”UNDER _A~NY TO NEGLECT f ‘ . PROPER PRECAUTIONS \ · #221. Usaai; additi0¤al_ precguiions .ii¢q;1ired_ gen¢rsliy.——Art.

 23.--¢Nathing in ·thesa_ tulgs shall exoperate aqy vessel, » og the

i.. owner or mastat or créw theréofg from congequengés _0i au;. mgiect to carry lights &l"SigH8lS,·_01' of guy néggectfo keep d iswper lockout, 0;: of `the uwlécp of any precautidn whiéh ·may be required the ordinary practice of gez1meu,· or by the spegzial circumstances Qi the‘casc‘. _.(Jung=7,-1897, c.` 4, $`1.,30StaL102.)  »· $22. _ Light; an war _¤¤d— Coast Guard vessels; exhibition -_;s¤¤9mdcd.—;-Art. _30.-·-·’1‘ha.exhibitfa>n of may Light Ox; board ;Qi ag yvwml at war ot the United States or`_a Coast Guardvcsscl may uu@ded whenéver. 111* the opinion of the._Sectbtary cf ting Navy, the commander in chie§_.0f a squadxjou, or the pomaaiander of a yc¤sse1¤ acting singly, = the special ‘cha1iactgr of the ’aérvi<;·é may rgquire it,. (June 7, 1897, c. 4, $*,1, 30 S£a_t. ·102.) " ,DIS*].‘RESS SIGNALS . _ Distress Qin daytime md. at. h£ght;·=—-Art. 31,-T Wiwn a. vessel is in and requires assistance from other v@mls mf from me `shore. the following shall- bc’ the signal _t¤ be used pr displayed bi her, either yogether of separately, namely; _ · _ · __ ‘

IH cram uAY·rum.;-——-A continuous `soupding with any {og-signal

apwratus, on ilriaagi gpm. ’ * . 1 ‘· _ ’ ‘ — A1- m¤uj1·.~I·‘irs{. Eflameé on? the vessel as frpm a burning

 {gr marvel, ci! barrel, qnd_s0 forth.- - _ __  · _,· - _
 , Second. A continuous sounding wi·th_ any fog-:sigual"appamms, or tiring a. gmx. (Jupa 7, 1897, `c, 4, S 1; 30 Stat. 192.}

- ‘(3!m§tc}· 4.-·—···hNAVIGATlZ)N RULES GREAIT. LAKES ·ANl} THEIR CQEQNECTING AN D TRlBU'l‘ARY WATEHS. " · I PRELIMINARY _ $42; · _ · · _ - _ ¢}_' _ E}-41. Adaptlgm ¢>£‘rulcs to: uavxation ot Great Lakes, ctc. ‘ , ‘2~1:2.`· ".Sailiug vjesml,'° "ste¤m vessel," and " under vsjay Y' dedncd. 243. Special regnilntion py Secretary 0t·‘C0m¤1ercc and by Board at Ss.:;:•e»rvis1ug Inspéctcga. 244.. Baualty fa: violation of provisions. l ‘ ' ` . L RUL1§$_C`0NC{s;R$¥ING LIGIITS, ETC. E- 251. Thane tai- lights; brescribed lights. exclusive; *‘ visible $" dcfhned. ·25;2._ Lights cf. gteam vmmcl undgr way. " '

5:;. l.ight.b of a_tenm·vcss¤l having A tow other than nit.
.54. Igqggxtg at stogm vessel having rift in tain •

2552 Lighta at saiiixxg vwsel aipdcr way qg1d·ve.bml in tow. QM;. Lights of small, tugboati on river St. Lawrence, ferryboats, rafts, " " and canal boats; rcguiutiqns `by Board of Supervising In- _ _ . gpcctorn. ‘ . I · ‘ , 257. Ildghis of small vessels under way in bad weather. · 258. Light•· of vessel at ancpor. 3 _ _ 2.*39. Light;. Q! produce Lmam, canal boats, etq., navigating by hand or · ‘ harsepcwcx; or by sail or by current, or at anchor. ' ibm. 'Lights at cpm bunt.; . . ‘ _ . . 261. Um of torch by sgiling vwsel .c¤ approach 0{ steamer. · ·; 262. Sumensioa at ugbts by vuml at vim- or Cont Guaxjd vessels. v_ _ Sb(rz~1D SIGNALS FQR FOG, ETC} SPEED ,271; ·Sou¤d_ signal; in` (bg, etc., of ntéam and umn; iressak unda; Q amy, nt_ Angkor or ngrqund. ‘ · · ` · 212. Spud in tenets. °

AND NA V1 GABLE _ WA {ERS __ W_M_______y_____;_'__~ _,___*_; _ , *8 B- · STEERING AND SAILING RULES- · ec. - - e Z ’ 281; Sailing vesselslapproschlng one another, . 282, Steam vessels meeting end cnf · · 283; _S_team vessels crossing. 1 _ e @84. Steam and sailing vessels meeting. _ B 285. Vessel having right of way-. to keep course. - _ 286. Duty ot steam vessel to slackehspeed; . lr 287. Overtsklng vessel tokcep out et the way. 288. Whistle signals of steam vesselite indicate course. . _ _ 289. Steam yessels meeting` in narrow channels having current and ‘_ certain rivers; right ·0£ way. _ _‘ _ __‘· 290. Stems vessels- passing la narrew channels; slackening speed. ‘ 291. Dissent to or` mlsunslerstaudiug of signal given; duty to reduce

 .   ‘ ° .

L_ 292; llepitture from-rules t0·ayert·_immedlate danizer.

293. _Usual`=additlunal peecatxtiona required generally.

, `_ l Q_. °"Cxt0Ss REFEREblCh ,

  • ..7 `As regards light and eutxdisg signal devices on metlir beats, an;}

r sailing -as,d_ steering rules, relating thereto, see sections 513, 51~l.»anll ’ 520 of Title 46, Summwc. , __ ‘ · · '- · » V l` 2 PRELIMINARY l _ . · . f Section 241. Adoption of rules for aixtigstiea of Great l- Lakes, etc.—The fp_l_lowing rules for preventing collisions shall` { ‘be. follclwed in the navigation 'ef all ptiblic and privjate yessels T of the United Stutesupon the Great Lakes and their cennecti e: ing and tributary twaiers as far east as }lentres.l. (Feb. 8,. 1895, c, 64, § 1, 28 Stat. 845.) _ . __ ` _ 242, Sailing vessel? "-steam. vessel," and “ mder way" deined.-¥Rule 1.-Every steam vessel which is ander sail and . _ _ netunder steam, shall be. censlglered a sail yessel; andeverj _ steam vessel which is under steam, whether nude; sail or net, I [shall be considered a. steam vessel. The word stmm vessel .- shall inclugle any vessel propelled bymachlnery. A uvwel is. ' imgler way within- theemeanlxlgibf these rules when she is net L at anchor or made; fast .te the shore er aground. (Feb. S, 1895, c.._64, il .1, _28 Stat. -645.) . { — · * , 243. Special regulation by Secretary of Commerce and by ' _B0ard of Supervising .It{spect0rs.--;-—The Secretar;·.0f_C01nmerce) _‘ ut the United States shall. have authority. te establish all necessary regulatlens, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, required ·t0 carry the. same inte effect. · · , The B0ard‘0t· Supervising-Inspectors et the United States shall hayej authority to establish such. regulatlens to he ehserved by all steam vessels in passing each ether, net lucensistent with the provisions of this chapter, as they shall from time t0_ timedeem neeessarypalid all regulations sdopted by Vthe said Board of Supervising Inspectors under sthe authority ? of this chapter, when approved by the Secretary of Commerce, · shall have the force of law. Two printed copies of any such regulations fer passing, signed, by them, shall be furnished A te each steam vessel, and shall at all thaw be kept posted up lu conspicuous places en. beard. .(Feh. 8, @5, c. 64, S 3, , 28.Stat. 649.)._ ·· _· l · `244. Peaalty fer violation of pmvisiens.————A line, net exceeding $200, may be imposed furthe vielatlen efsny of the .]l!‘0\"lSlOI1S’0f this chapter. The vessel shell be llahle fer the [ sslsl penalty, and may he‘seiaed and proceeded against, by way of libel, in the district court et the United States. for any district within which such vessel may be found. (Feb:. _ 8, 1895, c. 64,} 2, 28 Stat. 649.) · ` s _ RULES CONCERNING LIGHTS, ETC. _ 251. Time for lights; prescribed lights exclusive; " visible ” de§ned.-+e·RuZs 2.—·——The lights mentioned in the following rules an no others shall be carried is all weathers from sunmt , to asnrlse._· The éerd visible in them rules when applied to lights shall mean visible en a dark night- with_a clear atm0i· pliers.- · (Feb: 8, 1@5, c. 84, { 1, % {Stat. 646.) —