Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1210

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§ 113 t TITLE 38.--PENSIQNS, nom at the discretion of the court. (R. S. § 5485; July 4, 1884, c. 181, § 4. %;Stat. 98.) · ' ‘ 113. Same: for procuring pension legislation.¢—-No pension attorney, claim agent, or ,other person shall beentitled to receive any compensation for services rendered in securing the introduction of n bill or the passage thereof through Congress granting pension or increase of pension, and any person whe shall, directly or indirectly} contract for, demand, receive, 01 retain any compensation for such services shaw be deemed guilty of an oienseg and upon conviction thereof shall, for each . and every such offenee, `fined not exceeding $500 or imt prisoned not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion ‘o1 the conrt. (May_28, 1908, cQ 208, 35 Stat. 419.) — ‘ . ` 114. Same} agreement for fee tiled; fee in case of failure ‘ to tile; form; amonnt paid deducted from ·fce.··—The agent on attorney of record in the prosecution of the case may cause tt be Bled with the Commissioner of Pensions, articles of agree · ment, witlnoutf additionalycost to- the claimant,. setting forth· the fee agreed upon by the partiesgwhtch agreegeut shall be,exe ( cuted in the presence of and certiiied by Soma! officer competent to administer oaths. In all cases_.£vhere` application is made fox -`[3€3ilSi0I1,· and no agreementis tiled with the commxssioneri as herein provided, the fee nhalllbe $10 and no more _ And sncl articles of agreement as may be tiled withthe Commissioner oa Pensions are not authorized, nor will they be recognized. excep¤ in: claims for original pensions., claims for increase of [pension on account ot la. new disability, in claims for restoration where a· pensioners name has been or may hereafter be dro?ed iron the pension rolts on- testimony taken €y` a special A xaminer showing that the disability .or_cause ot death; on account o which the pension was allowed,.did not originate in the line ·o: duty, and In eases of dependent relativesi whose narnes have been or may hereafter be, dropped fron; the rolls on like tésti mony`, upon the ground ot nondependence, and in such othe1 caeeedof `diflicnlty and trouble as the Commissioner of Pension: · may eee tit to recognize them. No greaterdtee than $2 ishalliba demanded, received, or allowed in anycluim for pension grantee by special act of Congress, nor in any claim torvincrease or `peneion on account of the increase of the disability for yvlnlcl the penstoxnhad been allowed. Noriee shall be. demanded roeeived, or allowed in any claim for arrears of pension o1 arrears ofincrease of pension allowed by any act of Congres: paseesl subsequent to the date ot. the allowance of the origina L claims in which such arrears of pension, orof increase of pen sion, may be allowed.? The `articles of agreement herein pro _; vided for shall he no substance as follows, to wit; r ‘ Articles of Agreement · Whereas}, —-—-····· -—--·;-——-,’la,te_ a in company -—··---··-— of the ·-—-·-—————— regiment of -—--——-·—· volunteers, War of 1861 (or it the service be different, herestate the same), having) raadapplication for pension under the laws `ot the. United States Now, this agreement witnesseth, that for and in consideration of services done and to be done in the premises; I_ hereby? agro to allow my attorney, -·——--—— ··—-·-·—-` of -4-—4·-—-—-·, the fee of dollars, which shell include all` amounts to be paid for an; service in tnrtheranee ot said claixn; and 'aeid fee shall not vb demanded by or payable to my said attorney (or attorneys) in whole or in part; except in case oi the; granting of my penaioa by the Commissioner. of Penaions; and then the same shall b paid to him (or them) in accordance with the provisions o existing law; < - - · ‘ ` - _ ’ (Olalaaanthl slgnature.) a (Two witnmaef signatures.) State of ···---—·= t _- · ` County of ·-··--——··—-—, ae. . p Be it known that on this, the ·—-—-g--; day of _ , Anm Domlnl 19-- ·--·;-·——-··, personally appeared the ab0v

fSIs3S,WA1\'D VETERANS RELIEF , 1196 , =-=-—-··-·—-, who, afier having had read oyér 10 ·——-—-Q, iu`th¤1¤ear ing and presence} of {hu two attcstipg witnesses, the e§1m·m;a n n of tl1a.foreg0ing {81110198. of agnjeement, voluntarily simgmxd 21i11I_ -· ucknwwqlpdged the smue to bc ——-—-—-·———= free act and deed. · . (()@cia1 siguzzturo.) 5 Ami m»w,·‘ to witl this -——-—-· day of —-——-—·, Alum Dumhgii > 19-: —-—, I (op pvc) accept the provisions congaiueq in me fn foregoing articgeg of ‘{lgI‘€(31I}€llt; and will, tc the bm: of ,,,4 my l pur) ability, endeavor fah{hfully‘ fo' regpyesent the_i;»xm»$; gf i .the claimaht in the premises, · . ‘ - Witness my (or our-) hand, thé day and year fmt Mme F written; ii " _ Q ‘ ‘ . . . (Signatuxwbf ~attorn<»y,) !_ County of -4-- _ . — ‘ - F , State oi as.- .` > · Personally cmiuf -4--—, Whom I `kfww to be the person ‘ · 11B represents himself to be, dnd_ who, having signed above B acceptance->_ of agreement, abkqpwledged the same to be -—._ · fxjeeact and deed.; _ " . · ·¢ t _ . Q _ ‘ (()Hi€ia1 Slgnzntznrm . V . And it in Vthé adjudication 91* any claim for pension in wtiipht 3: such articles of agreement hpvé been, or may be, med, it shan ‘ gppeur t,hat’ the clajmaht muy, prior to the cxeéutipn them.; I, paidj;0 thé attorney any sub fo_1t his scrvicw in buch Gaim,

 and the zimouut so pai is not siipialéted t§ere·i¤,- then every 1
  • such claim shall be indjgqicated. in. the same marmér asthouzh

B no articles _0£ agreement had §led,`dedt1cti¤g_ from Lb`; fee ° of $10 allowed by law such sum as claimant shall show that `* he_11as· paid to -his°sa1d atfoi·ney.· Any Qgeat or attbrnéy ar t other person instrumental in {)l'6S€C\lti¤g`¤ any claim fonjhpen-‘ f sion, who Shall; directly or iuclimcily contract {pr, demimd_ or E- receive or retain any greater c0ugpeusation°for his serviues or " instruméutality in· pl‘0S€(‘\1tiDg‘J claim for giénsicm than, is_ r` `herein provided, or for payment thereof af any 01her·time` B or in any other manner than is herein provided, or who shan Bj wrongfully withhold fromva pensioner or élnimsntl-the whole g Gr any part of thé pension ‘0r claim allowed gud dtnispch pm-

 sioner or claimant, or any agent; att0rucy,’_0r other person inii _,S¢1'€1¤1`€¤t8l in .Dl‘0Se0¤¥ing shy cl¤im for mcrense of pension qu

' account 01 the inqrgase. at disgbiiity· which pensim; was r i allolwed; who shu1l di1je<;tly`0r indirectly contract fof, demand, S ~recéfve, or retain `auy compensation for such services, except I as hcrcinbefore provided, shal1‘*be deeximd guilty at n nnisde·` " méanor, and upgm cdnyiction Therecf shall, for each eudeverre k such offense; Be lined not exceeding $500 Nor, imprisoned, not exccedixgg two yea_rs,· or both, in`, the discretiqn of. the court. (R. S. § 4788;`J1;ly 4, 1884, k:. 181,] 4,- E Stat. %;‘M¤lj. 3. 1891, c. 548, 26 Stat. 1Q82,) _ ‘ _· — ‘ 1. ‘ ‘• :115. Same; commissioner may reject caniraci fd `fecs.-·· °• The commissioner $112111 have pbwer, subject to review DF E the' Secrc-.·tax·y,·t0 rejeéthdr refuse to rgcognige any contract f·’¤‘ z fcés, pmvgaea for in section 114 of this titleg whenevgér if _ ° shall bq made to `appwt that. guy undue advantam bps been ° taken ot the claimahfin respect to éubh contréct. .(J¤¥¥ *· ` 1 1884, c. 181, I 6, $ Stati 101.) Q ( · A . ‘ Z ° 116. Same; progecutipj chime for arena.-—Na,cl¤i!¤¤i°·¤1i;¢·>¤¤¢_ or other person shall ba entdtlcdto receive my compensation I; for services ih makipg applicayion for nrréaré of pension.- ° (R. S. S 4711;‘Ja¤. %; 1879, c. K I 4. 20_Stnt.·265.“) - t 1`IRREGULARITIES IN commczrrqw WITH PENSIONSS ~ _ ’ FRAUDSAAND INYESEIGATIONS · — — ~ 121. Iqv@g1ti¤3 spedsl ‘•¢rvi¢e.——-L-flhe Commiip * stoner at Fandom is mthnxined to detail {mm time tc tin? _ ° clarks 0:. mpmyml in· mm go make. apqci¤1;e¤· n •ml¤sti¤m"1¤tc‘ the merits qt · suck pmsicn claim `whnthv -¢ pmqling op an & mm ca investi-