Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1228

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9 § 421 TITLE 38.--PENSIONS, BON Usa See. . , — 474. Sense; partial and permanent disability; reduction in earning newer. C 475. Same; total and teroporary disability; rates. _ L 4753. Same; partial and temporary disability; tubercular ex-service mon after complete arrest of disease. · . H?. Sclnedule of rating in reduction ofearning capacity; readjustment

  1. of ratings. · _ . · ‘- .

1478. Disability requlrlnlglnurse or attendant; additional compensation. 47%. Medical, surgical, and dental treatment in addition to compensav tion; rgrtiileinl limbs, trusses, etc. · _ 480§Insane persons maintained in institutions; payment of compensation; additional allowance on recovery of reason. · -_ · 4Ql. Pompensatima of veterans in institutions; rate ‘af_ter June 30, 1927. , 482. Director to` prescribe regulations for allowing apportionment. of - eemprnwsation- of hospital patients; deposit of portion of compensation lu Treasury investments. ‘, · " ‘ 483. Additional medical, surgical, and convalescent treatment. _ ' 484. Iiospitalizationwfor veterans of other wars; hospitalization in the _ insular possessions. ’ · _ ° U 1 _ .__. 485. Sale of surplus supplies; snle or disposal of articles produced by patients. ~` _ . ‘ . 486. Anportionlng compénsation. 487. Definition: “wife"; "husband." _ _ _ :· 488. Discharged members ot militaryf or naval torces ot allied Gov-_ ` - ermnenta. ‘ . ’ . _ . 48$. Surrender. of prior gratuity or pension be(ore`recelvlng`e0mpensa- 4_9G._Compenaation during periogl ot vocational rehabilitation and super port. . ‘ . . [ . ‘ _ ‘ 491. Change in rates of compensation not retroactive, ei ' 492. Examination or applicants for eongpensation for disability; necest sity ter; neglect or refusal to ‘submit to._ . . ° _` 493. Examination of persona recelvmg.compenaation for disability. 494. Review by bureau ot awards; increase or decrease of compenna- _tion. _‘ ,. ‘ _ · " l 495. Time of- occurrence of heath or_ disability qs affecting liability, W _ therefor. _; _ _ ` 496. 0& record ot death necessary] compensation for period re- · . · ‘po»rted` " missing? ` 497. Arrestetor crimes in hospital reéervationa. . Q — " ·_ 498. Timeior illing_ clainrfor compensation or treatment;'extenaion » of time.- W . . ~ · 499. Payment otlcompenantion for gieriod prior to claim; retroactive ‘ . ”eKect of, increaaqof compensation; · l Y - - - _5G0. Compensation of xnennbern of Army or Navy Nurse Corps (fe-. _ male). _ . _· 501. Conapensation to benenciarim aufiering injuries. or aggr`nvation·of. » . injuries due to training, hoepitalimdon, or medical or surgical _ Q- » treatment.- - _ ‘— . " ‘· 502. Amignment of right ot. action to` the United_ State; for injury eanslng death or disability? . . _ · ~. ‘ ‘ PART _IIl.-q-—INSURANC‘E !Sll.`Peraona entitled to; amounte: time for application Io}; to wlmmy _ _ pe3ral:le;‘expense of; premlunr rates. _ _ . _ $12. Term insurance; wlgep ,.terml¤•téd;·;eenver•lon to elected polii ·clen;pay¤ent.__;_b . - . · ·» 613. Liability ei United ,8t¤te• for- matured converted alnsurance; _ sfunda nnaole for payment _¤t';- reeerve {und. " I . M4. Payment ot lnmraneé to estato ot ·¢lcee•¤ed_ benedcl ry'; ,e•che•t‘_ I ‘ teUnlte68t•%ed. · ~. h ‘ .. `- 515.. Lnpseq or en&d lnauranee: reinstatement; proeedure; termination of ter¤_'l¤auranee_ nnalocted. ‘ · 2.- v 516. {lame; avasxaraaszyfqr eo§pensation to revive lmmranee. . 517. Waiver of lapse of yenrlrnneweble to _ laneranee from nonpsye ment of premiums; ruixlatiena tor. ‘ ·, · . _¤l8. Pollclu lncontestable; "exeemlons: ee t donned. . Paar IV.-——VOCATl0NAL REHABILITATION J 531. Vocational rehabilitation; persona entitled to; réhabilltation al- “ ° ree.d3.eon1n1onced. ‘ ¤ — ._ I 532. Some; maintenance and support allowance to personaundergolng: . · — exnonato; alternative ·pays¤enta.’ . 63.3. $&m@; other persona entitled to for limited period. _ 534. Same; failure to- eemmenes training; time for comnnencementtet ` ‘ training. - (U I he- "? 585. "&me; test~·ror·,rell•b1lltatlen; maintenance éqndwnpport allow- 5 . . ence and llehtlltfo! United States to cease, when.;_ .; , .. 536. time for application for vocational training. _ I "'B31. Same: time after. wnleh trafnlng. and allowance shall not be · \ l · Q3, ‘ {

ES, AND _VETERANS’ RELIEF 1214 gm. Sale bydirector of surplus vocational-training material, guppyim and equipment. . 539. Equipment gland supplies retained by tralueés. ` PAR'} V.--I’ENALTI·ES 551. Amount permitted, to, be paid agents or attorneys; S0;gc;mU,m etc., of l1D£l\ltb0YlZ€d.f€€S or compensation; Pilnishment. , 552. False statements} gmplshménf. ‘ 553. Fraudulent aeccpvtance of payments; punishment. 554. Receiving money, etc., without being entitled theret0;,puim¤%1-` ment. X 555. False or tradduleht ailldavitsl, etc.; punishment. { 556. Embezzlement by guardian, etc.; punishment. _ ·


571t Acts, preceedings, etc.; funder certain prior lawn unsmected. 572. Onfeuses, ctc.,.uhder repealed acts hot nltccted. ‘ 573. Limitation laws not zzttectcd. · 574. Partial invalidity; etfect ·0t.\ .575. Recovery ofaIotme¤lts. in certah1 cases. he - 576. Cére of alien pujsons discharged from imllltarj service. mm I.-—GENERAL` ‘Section 421. Citation.—¥El`his` `chapter.- maj ue 01{HI ak me 'f‘ World War-Veteru1is’ Act, 1924."` (Jurle 7, 1924, c. 320, § 1; 43 $mg.gsgf1.)*_ - ‘ ·_ ‘ _ ‘ 422; Pufpcsei other gratuities of penbiom; nllltgry "cr “ naval rcti§e¤ient. lgws'; ccmpcnaatipn to persons receiving " active serv ce or retirement 1mYw-'1'his chapter is lntended w provide in system I0; the relief 015 persons who were disabled, and for` the dependents 01 thomzvjho. died gs a result of disability suffered ih the; military servlée of the `_United States between April 6, 191fZ, and Juli 2, 1921.` For such'disalJili*tios` and deaths 110-bther'ws-or laws providingffqaf gmtmties 01{payments in theféventl of death in the séwice shall fhv applicablezj Provided, however; Thét the laws relgtlng to lhv retirement of persons in` the regular mllitary bt haw:] servimf Shall not be` considered ·t§> °be laws prdvidingltmr pe¤_s'§e»us. gratuiti ¢ oxépayments within theimeahlug of this mction`: And provide; eir?her,“'1#hat compensation uhder Part I of this vhawter shall of be pdid while the (person Jig in receipt of active! service retirement Parts II"a·¤d iv pt this clxnpmt shall `n0t\~be¥ Applicable to an§ `dlmhility et resultant deéth in _ the service it lunch, disgbilitj occurred as n result at service prior to April 6,° 1917; dr after July 2,` 1921. ‘(J`u¤e- 1, 1924, c.-820, §.212,,43»Stgt.`f®.)· . _ l \- n . ‘ ` ‘ 423.· General dehnitiimqlv-—When Used in this chapter-} The t;er_m "‘ bureau "‘ meads t_he' United , States Yetemrw t Bureag; _· -4 y e _ · — _ —` ‘ _ The term" dimctor " means the Director at the Unitéd States V§tB1'§:l}Q° Btxrcaul (June 7; -1924, c; Sm, §-2, 43 Stat. 007.) _

 424:¢‘De6¤lti¤ns‘ at wards md plu·qse¤;#—-In Parts II, Ill, _

and IV ’dl{this» chqpténé imlemthe centegt otherwiae requlres~—· (1) The texjm *‘ child ""i¤c1udes--`_” ‘ ‘ ‘ ` .`(¤)_"A"lég§tlmate child. _; · ‘. (b) ,A··cl1l°` legally gd0i>t$._‘ · — -, '(c) rA* ste:>ghild€ if A meme} nf the égxfs household. . (d') Auillegltlmate child, but, P88 to theiather only, it nc- knowlédged in `w1jitlnK`$i8¤ed by mm; Qt itj he has Been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute to such chlhfs lsuppqrt, or has judicially decreed to ·‘be_ the putative father oft suehchild., e . _ _ . , (2) The term “grn¤dchlld ’? means} child as above detlued of al child aa nhbve dedned- ‘ . = { · _ - ' ‘(3) Except up used in section 511* the terms *‘chlld" $1114 . · “8randchlld” ure limited to ‘tmmarrled` pexfsons either (rl) under elghteedyears ot age, or °(b) ot miy_ag·e,`l1’ p0flhQH€DYlvy‘ incapable of sewnupport By mma at mental or plijgicsl dee

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