Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1593

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157 9 1*1:ms. 48.-—=TERR.ITORIE8 ai capturing nlw or pmvmtiug ar impediing thar ascent t· gw Ysmwning adams. and the Secretary ot Commeree 1; » ¤u¢1m»ri:ed` asé directed to have my . and all" such unmwru o1>structi0m_re§i¤v&.0! destroyed. _ For the purposes dt thi é . gqticm, the m`outh·¤£ such creek, wtréam, or ri§er shall. be mkea to bé the point determined, as mc]: wuuth by the _Secretary 9 Commerce dm maiked ih aécardance with this determinatim It be unlnwfxd tc lay or sefnuy seiue ax pet ot_ any kim €·ithi¤` one hundred yards of my other seine, net, 0: bthe ·iishiu g’ appiigmée which is being or which has been laid 01'_: se in any at the wateis of Alaska; or to drive or to coustmiét au; trap or any other had §qhi¤g appliance within sj.: hum1m yards latcmliiy *0; wtt.hin um hundred yards emdwisé of an; éther trap ox. hre;} Bshiug appliance. (J uine 26, 1906, c. 3541 g 3, 34 Stat. 479; June 6, 19%;-c. 272; § 3; 43 Stat. 465.) _ _ ° ’ 234. Closed »· sessan far salnpng stationary, and doatini

  • traps.-It shall be zmlawtul to hgh tot, jake, or kill any ssl

mon ct any species in 8l'1Y!iI38IlD€1'_ or by any means iexceiu by h&i1§·1‘0({, spear, or`g&E fdr personal usg grid nq{ for sale c ‘ barter in any of the yvatexs of Alaska ·0V€1’.¤Whi(!h the Unite Siadtes has I jurisdictioh from six tfclock zppst meridian ‘. c Saturday of -each week'unt.i1 SiX,Q’C10k!k Qxtemeridian of th Mmaklay following, "cr during such mrther glmed time as ma be declared by nuthority»§c0¤férre·d by l;1w, `bui; quch authqniit shrill mi be éxcfciscd tcvrprohibit tha taking éf ish for lbcs fobd requirements or for use as dog reed. Q Whenever the, wry ct"O0mmm·ce shall End that conditions in anydshiug are makeq mw action advlsablé, pe mdy advangea twelve. hours bot thé opening gud ending time ot theabovfe minimum ¢hirty-s11 hour clcged period stipulated. ·Thr¤ugh0ut the weekly 'élosé ' season above the gate, mouth, or ~tu¤ne1 of dll sts tionnry and mating traps shall be closed, and twenty-five Ieé of die webbing or ugt of the ‘? heart". of such traps on. each sid next to the " pbt 1’ Shall be littqd orlowered in such ms4mer` a to permit the. fl‘€€·@8S&gB_ 0t.·sa1m0n_ and Ether `ilshcs`, (Jun 26,»190&, c._ 8547, {5, 34·Stnt. 479; June , 1924, c. 272; §·I 43Stat.4€6.). __ · ‘- _ 235. {Banning ar calling salmqn,-—-It shall be_ii¤lawfu1—to_caor .ml; 10: sale fof food my 'éslmon more yhgu `tort;-gigln hours nite; iti ha: been - (June 26, Nw; c. 3547. { 7,— 3 4Stai;.4»w..)  » ·_ , · 235. Wade as destruction of · food Bah.;-·-It shall be unldwtr 4fo:_a¤y person;. Qcmpaay, 0l‘·éQl'@1'h¤0l1 wantonly .t0 waste, ¤ away mlmou qt other food . Ashes taken opcaught in any < the ct Alun. (June 1906, c. 85-17;‘§`8, 84.Sta 4m;) ’ . _ I · » · 2 . · I i 237, · lnbelhs 9; br@¤£ of psckagu af Tim.--1 shall be · tb: dis;. peraw, company, . or corporadd lcaaniug, www, Pr auxin; §@ ot nxxispcctaq in Alaska to ua any label, brand, or tr¤.d¢mgrk which_ah&11 tend tcmtswpresar

~ the ccuimts ot any p9chncf¤@9§ered‘fot‘sn1e. hom

at the ·*‘ md,” f‘ :ed,#' “~pi¤k," "`¢hum;" and ° a forth, as ngmligd tc_the vnrlcus gentes of Pacimi salmon uma present trade umm shin mt be-‘d@d in with th . .pr<;wid¢m ct when to dmigmto salmon c thasekucvu modes. (Jum·28, 1966, c. W7, {9; 84 Stak 480. 238. of Qgnged in Qshmi indmry.-—-Ever verwu. emma!. wd wrmrstiw mm ip wtchinz. _ curim 0r in my utilidug pwdactl, 01 in Q ‘hatelm·ien in Alnkn, shall i det;•.ile¢1 manual Mmm there: to the covering all mglrtncts al may be mqui M with them fc: the intarmauou at the depar@qt, Each mmm shall t ‘ swam to by the sqperinmudent, manager, nr param: hav ing pt the {acm, a. scpqérntc blapk {mm being ust ._i’cx· each utabiiahwti in when more ¢•n nm camera mltery, ax other pmsblkhment is conducted by · n person, can _;_ wg ‘

AND INBULAR P0»88E8Bl0N8’ ’§ 243- 0 pany, or corporation, and thesazne shell be forwntded to the s department at the cloee or the nshing seaeonand not later than · .1 December 15 ot each year. (June 26, 1906, e. 3547, I 10, 34 s Stat. 480; Mar. 4, 191, c. 141; { 1, 37 Stat. 736;) , - _ n — 239. hillllléf of catching er killing §sh.-The catching for t killing, except .with.·;·od·, spear, or get, of any deh of any kind 1. n or species whateeever-'in any of the ‘weters‘ of Alaska oyen d ._ wlxieh the UDit€d_St8tQ8‘h&S jurisdiction, shall be subject to the . r lprovisions of sections 230 to 242 of this title, enddhe Secretary et of Commerce is authorized to make and establish such `rnles y and regulations nctizeensistent with law as znnysbe neeessaryto d' carry into effeet the proyisions olsaid abpvementioned sections. · Y (June 26,1996, c. 3547, 5 11, 34 Stat. 486; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, I, 51, 37 Stat. 736.)· Q ; —`» ·»._ _ 240, _Agent- and assistant agent.—For the protection or the g salmouidsheries in Alaska there shall be appointed by the l-" ·President, by and with the edylee and consent of the Sennte, vt one agent and one assistant agent. (June 4, 1897, c. 2, §_ 1, 30 »¤· ism;. 29.) ._ __ `· “ ‘ Q t ‘ , ` d. .` 241{ _Same;_ omcere end enployees of Department of Cem- »t »_merce for` enfercentent of l8Y•··T0"€dfol'C€ the provisions et le _ Hseetions 230 to 242 of this title and such regulations as he may y establish in ·`pursuanée thereof, the Secretary ot Commerce is yr nnthorized and direeted to depute, in addltiozfte the agent end nl assistant agent of salmon Bsheriee otherwise provided by law, Sa? from the officers and · employees of . the Department l ot Cem-° _ a meree, a force adequate? to the neriormance of all hy work required for the pxveper Investigation, inspection, and

- tegulationh of the Alasmn -¤Sb€1'i%` and hateiwriwt and lne

d shall annually submit to Gon@·ese estimtea to cover the. cost 1- of the establishment end maintenanee et Heh hateheriw ein at j Xlaskzl,. the salaries end actual travellng exbensu of meh m omclals, lend for sueh other expenditures as may be txecwry ls_ to carry outrthe provisions of said sections. (June 26, 1906, ne -,c. 3547, 5 12, 34 Stat; 480.) __ _ _· _` h ` 5, 242. Same} jurisdiction of —pro0ecu·tions.——The_ violation et - any provision of sections 230 to“242_ot this title `may be prom— n cuted in any district conrt of Alaska or any district eenrt. et gt the United States in the States o£· California, Oregon, ei: Wash- 34; lngton; And it wallelg the duty of the Secretary ol `Com—· mace to enforce the provisions `otbnid sections and the rules nl Q1ld‘!@’\1l&¤0I}8 made _ And it _ shall `_be the dnui »r ot the district attorney to whom any violation is reported by it nny agent er repreeentntive et me Department ot Commerce l t. ’t6 institute. proceedings ne&ry _ to `caery `ent the provisions " · of said section}: (June'2d, 1906, c. 3547, 5 14[ 3d Stat. 481; It Har. 4, 1913, c. 141,] 1, 87 `Stat. 738.) _ _· ` »n 248; Fishing by aliens; te aliens.--It shall be nnznwmz we for any permn not at citizen ot the United Stdtes, or who hee xt declared l1is_intentien_to become a eitinen. et the United States he ua, isjnot n bona dde `reddent therdn, et for any cpml>¤¤$’{ ro corporation, or amodation, not ergemm or nnthorlzed`to·trans»· ar net Bnelnun nude: the laws of the United States ot nnder the me laws of any state, Territory, e1·,Disti·ict thereof, or for any >f person not A native of to eiteh or kill, er` attempt to — .) catch or kill, eneept with rod, epwr, oi- gen,. 8·¤Y*H8h of any ·y kind or species whatsoever in any of the. waters of Alaska S. ‘ under the jnxrisdletlen of the United Staten. Nothing contained

 ‘ln sections 245 to 247 of this title shall prevent those lawfully

xt taking Heh in the said waters from selling the . same, fresh orrt, cured, 1¤‘ln,m ox in Alasknn.waters,· to guy nlfeu person, . to 'c0mDQ¤Y• or then being lawfully in said waters. Noth- IG iu: EODEIIHBQ in men sections shall prevent any peron, ilrm, v- corporation, or gssociation lawfully. entitled to· ilsh in the nd intern 0 Alaska from employing asylaborers any nllens who 7, un M l%vfnlly employed under the existing laws of the United me States, they at étated wages er by piecework, or both, in