Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1594

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§ 244 TITLE 48.-JPERRITORIES All eonnection with Alaekan Hsherlee, or with the oauning,. naltlng _or otherwise preserving of asn., (Juno 14, 1906, o, 3299, |`1,i· 34Stat.2i63.) · . ’ 7 · ‘ _ 244.- Same; penalties} liability of ·vesseIa.——Every person,. coxinpany, corporation, or association found guilty ot a violation . ot any provision of- sections‘2·13 to `247 of this title or of- any regulation made thereunder shall, for eavh oiense, bon nned not less than $109 nor thorn than $500,. which ._Bne sha1l,bo a lien to against any `veesel or other property of · the oEend1ng party or ` which was used in the commiesion ofsnch unlawful act. - Every vessel need or employer? ln violation of any provision of aaid sections or of any -regn1ation_made thereunder shall be liable to a ine of not less- than $100 nor more than $500, and may be seized and proceeded against by way ot libel in anyocourt hay- ing jurisdiction ·ot_ the oiense. (June-14; 1966, c. SEQ, §'2, 34Stat.264.)-· ,_ t 245. Same; inriwiction of propecutions.—The violation ot any provision of sectiona 243 to 247 of this tltlo or of any regulation Enade thereunder may be prosecuted in any United States . district court of Alaska, Galifornia, Oregon, or .Washlngton. . (June 14, 1906, c. @9,75 3, 34, StaL*264.) ‘ °· ; K 7 -_ · 246. Same; searches and. seizures of vessels; arrests.—¥—'1‘he l collector ot ’customs of the Territg éof Alaska is autl1orIied` to smrch and seize every foreign yessgi and arrest every {jer- . son violating anyiaroyision of sections 243 to 247 of this title. or any regulation made thereunder, and the Secretary ot Gommérce shall have power to authorize owcerg ot the Navy and . ot the Coast Guard and agents ot the Department ot Oommerpe to likewise make such swrches, seizures, and arrests. It any foreign vessel shall be found withlu the waters to which the aforesaid sections apply, having on" board fresh or cured isn * and apparatus or implements suitable for killing or takingilsh, ` it shall beipresumed that the vessel and apparatus were used in violation ot snot; sections until it ‘-is otherwise aumclently . proved. /And every vessel., its tackle, apparatus, or implements · so selzed shall, be. given into the icnstody of the UnitedxStateS‘ marshal of either of the districts mentioned .in section 245, and shall be held by him subject to the proceedings"proYided for in section·%4. The facts ineonneétjon with such seizure] shall be at once reported to the United States district attorney for the district to which the vessel so seized shall be taken,. whose duty it `shall be to institute the proper proceedingal (June 14, 1906,`c. 3299, § 4, 34iStat. 264.) _ '— __ . _ 247. Same; regulations; - enforcement of flaws.-—{—The Secretary of Commerce; shall have power to make rules and regulations not inconsistent with law to barry into. eftect the pro- t visions of sections .243 t0'2~16 of this title, .5 And it shall be the duty ot »H1B.S6Cl'B(i11*j o£·C»o1nmerce~ to enforce the provlaionalof. said sections and the rules and regulations ·made thereiinde1•,_` and for that purpose he may employ; through the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Navy,. the veeaela of the United States Coast Guard Y and ot the Navy.Q Nothing contained in said 'sections shall__ be construed as‘_aEectiug any

 existing treaty or convention between the Unitedi States and

any foreign power. (June 14,“1Q06, o. 3299, § 5,.34 Stat. 264; _Mar.. 4,1913, c. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736; Jan. 28, 1915,* c. 20, 38 Stat. 800.} r - · — _ ` ’ INTQXICATING LIQUOR · Cross. reference: Edectlveness of this subclxapter: seo section 8 ot _ _Title 27. ‘ l _ ‘ _ . - .. _ 261. Manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor prohibited; penalty.-vit al1all_be'un1awtul for anyperson, house,raas.0cla- \ tion, Hrna, company, club, or corporation, his, its, or, their agents, onléers, clerks, or eervnnta, to manqfaicture, sell, give, or otherwise dispose of any intoxicating liénor or alcohol of any klnd in-the Territory of Alaska, or to pave in his. or ité lon or to transport any intoxicating liquor or alcohol in the Ter- ‘

rn ryevnan POSSESSIONS 1580 ritory `ot Alaska unless the same was procured and is so ` possessed and transported as hereinafter provided; ° . · `Whenever the _ térm’·" 1iquor," ," intoxicdtlng—1iqeor," or **1;;- toxicating liquors ’? ·is used in this subchapter it shall be deemed to include whisky, brandy, rum, Qu, wine, ale, porter, beer, eordlals, hard. or fermented cider, alcoholic- hitters, ethyl alcohol and all malt liquors, lncluding all alcoholic compounds classed h by ·the_’ United States Internal Revenue Bureau as f‘ compound. 1lquors." But the provisions ot this `subchaptershall not apply to methyl or wood alcohol. ~· _, ‘ E ‘, »Any person or persons, or any house, company, association, `club, or corporation,. his, its, or their agents, omcers, clerks; or servants, who shall, directly or indirectly violate the provisions ot this section shall be deemed, guilty. of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be hned d not more than $1,0®` or shall be imprisoned tor; a period of not more than one year, or by both .such· Hue and imprisonment. (Feb. Id, 1$17, c. _262._,Plnarmacists; `pemit for transportation of pure slcc? hel.-#BeTore° a pharmacist shall be authorized to · transport . pure alcohol for sclentihc, artistic, or @a.niul purpom or for `compounding or premriuk -meo1c11m as provided hy this subchapter, he shall. procure an permit for that from the judge- of the district courtin the division where the appli? cant resides. (Feb. 1% 1917,,c. 58, | 2, $ Stat. 993.) ` Q 263. Same; applicant on for.-1n order to procure a permitto transport pure alcohol ‘a pharmaciw shall make and. Ele wl_ththe clerk of the sald—dtstrlct.court a mte@ i¤ IFTiti¤;. under path, stating that he deeixu to pure alcohol tor sciéntidc, artistic, or mechanical purposes hor rot command- _ _. ing, preparing, or preserving wicindes- only, as modded by this subchapter, and giving- his name, the location of his place ot business, u statement that he is »a licensed pharmacistgthat hella regularly engaged- lg tHe practice of `his profmion at the location named, and that he will not violate the provisions ot this subchapter.; (Feb.‘14,—191,7,;c.,53, S 3, 33 Stat. 90-4.) 264. Same; permits; issue; forni.-———If the judge of the die _ trlct court of any division. in Alaska is satisded. of the good faith of the appllcant_be shall issue to such pharmacist a permit to transport `purc alcohol for compounding, preparing, or preserving Hedicines or for aclentidc, artistic; or mechanical purposes. Such permit shall be substantially in the following form `: - ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ · . " §ermlt» to pharmacists to transport pure alcohol tor. compounding,} preparing, and preserving medicines only orfor. 1 sclentlfic, artistic, or Hlafzhanlcal purposes, . p ‘* District court, --—#-—-—- division, Territory- ot Alaska, sa - I “·-——---g· ->-—·-—·-,’ a pharmacist, residing at -4-—-—q—,` is hereby permitted- to transport pure alcohol for compounding, prepar- . lng,-_aud··preservlng medlcin& only or for aclentltlc, artistic, or mecha11lcal·purposes.\ This .D¢1‘mit can only be used for one _ shipment and will be void. after six months fromthe date of . isaue. · f . `· " By order ot the district court atormid. . _ . · “Dated this --·¤-—--— day ot ·-—·-·-L-, `nlneteen hundred and _ , _ . “Judge ot the district eourt.’* (Feb. 14, 1917, c. 53, 5 ·f; 39 Stat. 904.) `·’ _· _ 265. Some: issue and record f permits.———Said permit mentioned inl section ot thf: title shall be lsauedupon forms supplied by the clerk ot the district court and shall contain the permit, a copy of the-_ application for _ permit, and `a copy ot the provisions ot section and ahall be. issued under the eeal of the said court, and shall be void for trans· . portationypurposes after six months tron: the date or xssmce The clerk ot sold district court shall keep ine a separate book provided- for that purpow a record ot ‘ permits issued under ·· this subchapter, wherein shall be entered the date and the