Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1613

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1599 . ~ r11•w;48.—-rp:1c1z1a*01z1.n1.s . _ DmL_EGATE T0 CONGRESS · Sec. —, _ · · — 051.] Delegate 'tb Congress ; election ;— powers, · - · PUBLIC LAtNDS _ 661. Public lands; `management and disposition. (:52. Crown land property at Government; _' 6G3. 1’ybllc linda;,dq§hitious.[ i . , . - ` 663. Publicland laws ‘ot `Hawaii ln t0rce; certain- pales, grants, zetc., fratfiled; words substituted for othefworda in land laws, ‘ 663. Leqscs of publtclands; terrgmhnd conditions. _ { 666. Disposition ot tqndn from sale, etc., ot public lands. · 667. Seco3;d· 01- subscqucht .c¢rti¤cate¤ ot qccupntiou, right oz patr-

 jchape lense, cash freehold ngreemént, or ppeciql homestead

•gm¤m·ent.' `- ‘ 668. Alicnatiqu ct public lands for which; ccrtidcates DI Qccupstion, ` {etc., have issued. · " · · · _ 609. Forfeiturbot lands.- ‘* —. _ » _ ~ , ~ » 670.. Determlnstlcin of persoué entitled to take ,uuder certificates ot “ occupation, etc. - l °‘$_ · ll l _ 671. Preference right to purchnpe lands; `pur<;hne.prlg:eL 67;:. Patents to clmtchen or religious orpntsgtions, .` -_ 673. Board of public ln¤d•;_ reatdctidns ·up0p tiles ‘ uid, leagei *¤t _ _ agricultural lands; exchulgeot lang;. ‘ · -; " e 674. Opening pt agptcultural lands tb: utt1¢mutL= _ · 675. Survey ami opening for kqoméstqnd . gntry agricultural lands; 616. Lenses exparea; continuance ih pouesblon by lessees. . . 627. Control, mxmagcmgnt, disp0~¤itto¤,·` ctc., ot public lands; powers nhd dutlu ot coqlaqioner. . · . ‘ . . ’ HAWAIIAN HOME LAND$ _ _6m. Short title. " ~ 69.2. Bednitions. _ . , 693. Hawaiian Hmines Commission; members; .npp0lntmeut;’ Gscan- ° éies; chairman; executive qmcer and secx·etn¢'Y$ salaries; termi ._ oto¤cs“:rem0nl. "` , ." ‘ ` 694. Same: !'g¤i¤tib¤•; expeudlhnmsy 695. Sam: www- · 3 " 696. Same: bcudpt cxecutivd ollcoaihnd secretary. _ 697. Certain public lands designated “ avallgblc Landi." 6%. Available lands to ba Hnwniign homo liudb :. control by commission; use md d%¢l ot nude. , [ — 699. Sala crleueot available la¤ds.' · _· `. · 700. Avsitabla · la¤d¤· not subject t¤_ disposition by g0vex·ucr,· commuslimgr ol public linda, or bdard ot public lands. · 701. Leng of beam hadn: gmount; title tq leaped lands, 702. Bama; condltiom in leases. · ‘· 703. B¤m•;' successor to. lessees. 704. Bama; 'mncdlatian at Ianni _ 705, Cainmunity pasturuf . _ `” · . = _ .706. Retupn qt lands not leased to control ·ot commlasioner of public ` 707. Hamm; hmm loan fund; how constituted. 1 708. Bun; loans mm. _ = 709. Mme; ccuditionsftn contracts ot loan. · `- l 710. Same; insurnneg by bormwen; violations of {terms °ot loans; · liu to acura loam; torteiturmby lance. · ` 711. Ejectmwtitsinst luna or borrowert l _ · . .· 712. bmeu not to m¤¤lv• loam puder Territorial Fart; hmm Act ‘ of 1919; ‘ · · 713., Agrigultuni exports: `employmentz. coinpeuutiong- duties. 714. Dzvelopmmt pwjects: - appropriations by Territorial leklslnturs:

  • bonu; tammy: lcgiqlntunzl { · · ‘ -~ - '

715., "W•m lie•m•” and “•¤mm• water" ‘de¤¤ed;‘wnt¤r licenneni tree uva! Gavgrnmentyownéd va.tqx·.· . ‘ · 716. Right qt altenticn, pmendment br repeal wservod.' 1 711. Acta eepwm. ‘ , A {{18, Partial unmnntitutibnnlitya dent ot. .· ` ·‘.. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2 Sectiem 491.VT1‘crrit0r7· of Hurst}?-—-'1'h¤ islands acquired by the United States ct América under `au Actot Oongrcan entitled ‘f.loint A raolutlcn tq prpvide for aunexiug the Hawaiian Islands to the United Statuit approved Jul! "T, 1898, numbered 55 _(fI‘hirty-Mtn Statute, 750, 751),`shall belmpwn utha Temtory at Hgwnli. · (Apr, 30, 1900, c;·339, I 2, 81 Stat, 141..) ‘ . ” .

 492.. Govcmmeut mnbhahédg capital-—··A Territqrial governfmegt is eatablishedkaver the uuid Territory, with its capital at

Honolulu, cm the island at Oahu,. (Ami 30, IINQ, cl 839{ I 3, 31·‘Stgt..141.) " _ . ‘ . , ,j A 493. Demaitimns.-—'1fbe phming “ the lawn of Hawallf ca used in this chqptex withéut ·qlmlitylug words, hall mean the mn-

AND INSULAR POSSESSION8 . ~§ 501 " stltution nm} laws ot the Republic of Hawnii; in force on the 12th ·day ot August, ;1898,· at the time of the transfer of the ‘ .s9vgrelguty of the Hawaiiim Islands to. the United Stixtcs ot America. _ " ‘ , . - · _` The constitution and statutelaws of the Republic of Hawaii in force bn said 12th day,—ot August; {898, and set forth in é compilation maple by Sidney Mf Balloh under the authority of the legislature, and published in two volumes entitled “Civil Lavys ’{, and “Penal *Lnws," respectiqely, and in the session laws ot-the legislature for the session nf 1898, are referred tin in this_chapte1j`as ‘f Civil Laws? “Pgnhl Laws,"% and “Session ` Laws."‘ (Apr. 30,.1900, c. 339, 5 1,*31 Stnt.‘141.)‘ V ’ ‘ · 494, Gitizengbipr-All persons wild were pltizém of the Re· Wblic of Hawaii on August 12, 1898, ax·é_dec1ared;t;6 bé citizen; of . the United "States and citizens of the. Territory ct Hawaii. All citizens of thB·UI1it9d`StQt8S xésident in the Hawaiian _m¤¤a¤ who were resident fheré on or since August 12, 18%, ’ and ill- thefcitizéns, ot the United States who shall rmde in . thé Territory fof Hawaii for che shall be lgitizems of the Territory ot Hojvqa.ii.· (Ap:. 30, 1900; c. 339, IA, 31 'Stat. . . 495; Constitution ind laws nf United States in eEect.————’1‘hc , Constltutioxy and, except? ns otherwise provided, all the lawn ` ot the United - Statm, ingglndini laws carrying genunl appropriations, - which are not locally inabplicable; shall have the Sixmé force- and effect within the Territory 0tH'awni1 as elsei where in the United States. 1471_0f this title shall not · apply to Hawaii. (Apr} 30, 1900,.c. 339, 5 5, 31'Stat. 141; `May 27, 1910, c. 258, S 1,' 36 Stat. 443.) A ’ See also phapter, 10 of thin, title. . _ r 496. Lapis continugd in `forcce-—The laws _0t Hawaii not in·— l consistent with tlie Constitution pr inws_ ot the United Stated "or the prpvlsiqnq of this chapter shall continue in force, subject n tp repeal or amendment by the Legislamre ot. Hawai: or D the Gongresg of- the United States. (Apr. 30,[I900,_ c. 339;, { 6, _ 31 Stnt. 142.) · _`·` . · ‘ n `

 497. Same; laws re ting to agrigultnre and f¤redx·y4—·—-The

laws ot Hawaii relati g" tb agrleultum and mrwtry, except as changed by this ch shall " contjnue irn,torce, snbiect tn. r rmodmcgtion by Gon _ {or` the legislature. (Ap»1·._80, 1900, c. Bw,} 6, 74, 31 Stat.`15§.)_ __ . gl l 498. 'Pmtnl savings bunk lays abolished.-——’1‘hef lawn of Ha-·n ` `waii relating tb the establishment and conduct ·ot any postal T isavlugn bank or institution are hereby nbolishedr (Apr.' 30, ' `1900,c.839,§IQ2;31StaLI61‘.) · `, , 499. Assumption nf public debt by United State;.-4-1jne -pub· ' llc debt ot the Republic ct Hawaii, lnwfplly existing np July 17, 1898, including the gmcunta dug to depositors in the Hai ¤" wailan Postal Savings Bank, is gwumad by the Government of , n the United States; but tha. liability ottlm United States in this ` o regard rshqllyiu no $4;900,000._ (Iuly`7, 1898, Nor 55, 30 Stat. 751.) ‘ · - _ t _ _ » 500. Titles of certin *0Bcu ll\\@d0d·······WhBl'€V&1’ the words “.P1‘esldeut qt the Repnblié of Haw¤iI,*’ or “Republic of Ha- -. w¤ii,$’ cr “Government ot ithé ltepnblic of Hnwgll," or their

  • · cquirnlenta, occur in tug laws bt Hs£€*v&i.i· not repcgledn byihis

I chapter théy are émemlnd ,t0 read,".Govqmor qt the Tuxitory r bf Hawaii? n1·,"Tcrritciry`pt Hnws.,Li,"_ cmtheir equivalents, as i the context requirns,‘ »(Ap17._.80, 1900, 4:. 339,} 9, 31 Stat. · 143.) » . · . ~ · ` 501. EEe¢t on mini- rights and ofenses previogsly punish- ·° Iblc.-—-·All&rlghts of notion, rsnits at law and`_in equltyfprusecu-

. ltione, and judgments existiusk D¥‘i¤r td `April 30, 1900. nhall

, continue to be as efeétual as it this ·cl3apter had not been maxed; and thme ln favor olornagainst thepepublic nt Ha- _ L wall, and not assumed by or transferred to the United- States, -·· shall be equally ralld in favor of or against the gnverument ot} _