Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1614

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§ 502 . TITLE 48.-·-TERRITORIES All the Territory of Hawaii. All edema which statute ia 3 . force oa that date were punishable `as the`Ré·· 1 public et Hawall shall be punishable as ommaw the · ,governmeat— of the Territory of Hawaii, unless auch statute is _ 1 iacooslsteat with "the provisions `ot this chapter, or shall be 1 — repealed; or changed * by law; `No person éhall ,be subject to ‘¤ imprisonment for noapaymmt oi taxes . .m·i1·` for debt, All ·1 Y criminal and penal proceedings pending in the couriw of the ¤ Itemhlic et Haévail an mid Apfll 30, 1960, shall ._be prosecuted A

 to mxaljudawt and execution ein the name of the Territory 4

as, Hawaii: all auch proceedings, all actions at law, salts in equity, and othe1·— pending in the courts of the 1 public of Hawaii on said date shall be carried on to Baal judgé i mem; mid uwudoa in the c0 ndim courts oo! the Ter- 1 rltory at Hawaii} and all procm ‘aak1,_`se¤teacw‘imy ,.

 before said date shall he as valid as   or imposed i

in the %e of the Territory of Hawaii. (Apr. 80, 1900, c. 339, Q ¥§18,,81§t.nt.1¢3.,) ,_ ‘-je e , 582; Seite for speeiic performance at- personal labor com- A tncts.-:—No quite or proceedings mall be Jmaintalned for the e 4 - apecillc performance ct any contract entered into for •»· : •—· : _. I lahor or service, ner shall remedy exist or bej enforced for y hrach of any contract, except in a ‘ civil salt or pmceedlag instituted solely to recover damages for such breach :` " Provided, That the prcvlaions ct sections `501 to 504 of this z “ title shall not modify or change the, laws of the United Statm l inpplleahle to merchant seamen. (Apr. -30, 1900, c, 339, { 10, :4 `31Stat._1$8.) o _`o · -, * 593. Contracts holding persons to écrvlce void.-—q—All con- · tiracta made since Augusto 12, LSQS, by which peraona are held · for eel·vice,for a dehultepterm, are null and void and terminated, 4 EEG no law- shall be passed to eatoree said contracts in any · way (Apr. 30,*1900, c. 339, § 10,*31 Stat,. 143.); " _ ‘ ·~ · 584. Immigration contract labor law applicable.—;—Section 141 of Title 8, shall extend to aad be made applicable to the Ter- t rltory of Hawaii. ° (Apt. 30,1900, c. 339, §.10_, 31 Stat. 143.) ~1 ‘ ~ -595. Style of pmceaa in` courta.e—-'Ehe style ‘ of all process in the Territorial courts ahall rua in the heme of ‘»‘ The Territory of Hawaiif i-and prosecutions shall be carried 011 in the name and by the authority of the Territory of Hawaii. (Apr.

  • 30, 1wO, e, 339,"§`·11, 31 Stat. 144.) _ _ " ‘ 5 _ l

i' .» 596; Fisheries , free to United States citizens subject, to cer-_ · tain veated rights.-—-All Heherlea in the sea waters of the Terri- = tory ot Hashaii hot Qcladed in any Hah poxid or artihclal in- a closure ahall hetree to all citizeha of the U_x1ited· States, sub- 4 Sack ophowever, to vested rights; but ho such Yeated right shall ; the valid agtelr April 30, 1903, uuleea established ulpoa petition w flled ia a cl;rcait court of the Territory — of Hawaii before April ; .30, 1902. (Apr. ,30, 1900{ c. 339,} 95, 31 Stat. lw.) ` ,507. Same; condemnation of private iighta.-—-It auch Hahlhg l right was eatabllahed, the Attomey»Geoeral of the 'lierrltory ot ’¤ Hawaii may proceed in auch manner aa may be provided by law for the CGQGQEIIRQQR ot property for `pabllc use to (EOD- ‘ tleam auch priaate right 913 Sailing to the use ot the citizens ot ;

 the Uaitm htatea upon making juat compexiaation, which com—· ,

pe:1aetloa,whea_lawfully aecettalned shall be paid out ot any money la the treaemiy ot the Tetrltoay of Hawaii not otherwise l

  • §§§1;Ggltlt6d. (Ap1·..·30, 1900, c‘.·339, { 96, 81 Stat. 160.) i `,

568. Quaraatiae·‘atatiem; regulations: health laws.-—+Quera;» · tihe atatiorla ahall `he established at such places, in the Ter- B· ‘ rltoxy/of Hawaii aa the Surgeoa the Public Health §ewlce et the United Statea shall direct. and the Quarantine regulations, for = aaid islands relating to the importatolon oi . diaeaaea from othexj countries ehall he made: the control of he p ~» Government of the_Uuitetl States. `1'he quarantine, station and grenade oat the harbor ot Honolulu, together: with alt the 1 public property belonging: to that service, ~ahall he tz·ana£0rl:·ed· » to the Public Health Service of the United States,. and said · quarantine grounds shall Q0l1tlIlllB to he ao umd and cm¥— hl

VD INSULAR ·PQ1SS.E8BI6N‘B' 1600 J ployedi until the smtion is changed to other grounds which may be selected by order otgthe Secretary of thIe_Treaaury, The health laws lot the gove t of Hawaii relating to the harbor of Hono1i1lu,and‘other` harbors and inlets _ from the sea and to the internal control ot health ot- the inland}; shall remain in the jurisdiction of the government o the flierritory gt, Hawaii, subject to the guarantinve laws regules tions ·ot the United States., (Apr. 30, 1900, c. 339, §, 97, 31 Stat. 160; July 1, 1902, el 1370, § 1, 32· Stat. 712; Apr. 14, IQI2, e. 288, 37 Stat. 309.) ;· ‘ — _ J ‘ ·_ ·` ~ `509. American registry of , Hawaiian registerea yeaaels; trade with United States.-·¤—Al1_ vewele carrying Hawaiian reg- · laters on the 12th day; of Anguet, -1898, and which yvere: ovyned bona tide by citizens of the United States, or the citirws ei Hawaii, together {With the following-named vwaele claiming Hawaiian reg,istex·,’ Star of France, Enterpe, Star. oi Bosnia, Falls of Clyde, Wilscott, be to be rmistereo as Arnerimn vmela, with the benents ann priviiegm appentaiuing thereto, and the coasting trade between the islands atoresald. and any other portion of the United Stat&, shall he regulated .411 accordance with the provietm et hw applicable to auch trade between any two grmt roasting dlatrlete. (Apr. 30, 1900, c, 339, { %, 81 Stat.“161.) v " ;· -510. Wharves and langlinga ;’ tells.-;-¥Unti1 further provision ie: ` made by Congress the vvharves and landings constroeted or controlled by what was formerly the Republie ot Hawaii on any emcoest, bay,`roa<lat&tl, or under the eontrol of the government of the Turitgry of Hawaii, which shall receive and enjoy all revenuee derived therefrom on condition that said property shall be kept in good condition for_the`uae and-,conv*enlenee of tht no or chargw_ shall be Trnade by the ‘governmentrot the iwlltory ot Hawaii for the use of any such by the United l States, orby any vessel of war, {tug, revenue or other boat or tranwort in the servtce of the illulted Statm. (Apr. 30, 1900, c. 339, § 89, 31 Stat. IH.), ~ o " e

  • 511. Poeoeeeion and control of public property ceded to

United States; Territory and etibdiviaiona.——Except as otherwise provided, , the puhlig: property cgled and transferred to the United States by the`. Republle of Hawaii, under the joint resolution of annexation, apbroved Julyt 7, 18%, · numbered 55. (Thirtieth Statutes, para $50), shall remainln the poameioo. uae, and oontrol of the government off the ferritory or Hawaii, and ehall be malntalned,`·maneged, and eared for by lt, at its own exponee,`unti1 othervyiae preview for by Congress, or taken tor the ueee and purpoew of the United Statm by direction ot the Prnident or oi the governor ot Hawaii, Anal any oooh public property so taken for the new and purpoam of the United States may be reetored to its previous statue by direction or the Preeldent: and the title to any such pmblie property in me D¤¤@i<>¤ and me e5 the Territory for the pnrporee of weter, sewer, electric, and other public works, penal, charitable, selentlilc, and educational i¤etitutiona,ioeme teriea, hospitals, parks, } highways, wharvee, _ harbor improvements, publle buildings, other public pm-poem, or require;} for any auch purpoaea, may be to the Territory by direction of the Preaident, and the title to any properly so transferred to the Territory may thereetter be transferred to any city, county,. or other political aulxliviaion thereof b3' dlreetion ot the governor yéhen thereunto authorized by the legleleture. (Apr. M, 1900, c. 339, 5 91, 31·Stat. 159; May 27. 1910, o. 258, 5 7, 36 Stat. 447.) t - — 512. Personal or movable property ceded to United Statee.—~··· All peraonab and movable property ceded and transferred to the United States by the Republic of Hawaii under the joint reaolution of annexation approved July 7, 1&8, numbered % (Thirtieth Statutes, page 750), may be sold, leased, or other wise disposed of in oooh manner an may 4 provided by the [awe ot the Territory or Hawaii. All aalea, leases, or other die- Q