Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1687

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- 1673Y* ->fTI1‘LE.49.-—r1eg4,

 regulations not inc0nSiStent heréwiph respecting we dis-

”tl-iyuuiozn and Hi&:YI}t9il8liC‘€ nf .suc{1__publicntjons in the sevenal , {·.;.mmuz1ities so Qspecified as willfturther the ingm or this . secfiwil. _ '· In . _ j__ · °— . · · _ (4) Hillel ofIaé1ing._;.form.un{1`·é0nt¢·nt8; Ziabgilitylof 'liniiial (·,m·s(—;:,-S-\\’l1pig· any coxnsignon delivers a_ shipment qt pmper|;y` to any of the blaécs so spéciiiéd by the \c0mmis—s`i0n,_ to be ` I d¤?1iv<·t‘cd by BQ i‘i1H\\’¥1$' carrier to One _0f `the vcsseis. upon which space `lms abech- rescrved,_att :1 specified inte previously kzscermiued, ns provided herein, for `the tfanspcrtatiou by witcr from dud for ·a· port 'namedf in thé-'_8fol'€S8id nsehedule. the railway canfierlshail issue ·n th1‘01igh~ bill of lading to the. poinf—pfAestim1tion. Suéh billfot iaamgi shalljnhme sepafgtvly the'0h&1*ge to be paid fqr -tlie— rnilwgy tmnspdrtatiop,· w41_tri‘* .trunsp0rtnti0u`,_nnd port chargespif ani, not included n »in the mil ot water transportxation charge; lqut"the currierl ·~ }>}’vl'3lil1'(l3(l Shell not be liable t0_ t_he .c0usi;.·;n01·, (!E)I1Sig1l€€,,0i'_l mmgr ]}(‘l`S0}l_ iufbréstcd in the slxipxncnttéfter its delivery to . the vpsspl. The commission shall, in such manner ns .wi‘l1 preserve for the- cat·1jicr··by water. the protection _`0f `1imited· Iiabiliay provided by law, make such Niles and regulations im; inconsietcut he·rewith_`nsi will prescribe the forin, of such.

11:-4.11;:1: hill of lading. In all such cases it shall be the duty `*

`of the carrier by railroad to delivéxy spch shipment `t0‘the`. veeesul as 21 pmzt of its undertaking as n common carrier. `_ ·’ (5% Hill of . Iud§·o:g` as *€‘a:"}·arig¢·mc:n.t for continuous- can riug¢j."—-The 'iesuance of- a thfough bill of lading covering shiyméntsapmvided for `1m·e1i»‘ shall not be hold tp b0hs=titi1tc .‘fan_. urrznngienwnt for continuous carriane_0p shipment " `wiéhiu the meaning of this chapter,. 7 (Feb. 28, 1920, c. ‘91·, §4i1;' 41 Stat. 497.) · A _ J · _ Z ‘ . 26. Installation. ofsafety·devices directed; negligence; pen- d nity.-—The commission m'ay,’ after investigation, cider any car; ripr ·by.rai1rnud subject to this chapter, within a timespeci-' ziml. in the order, to install nutonmtie train-sfob O1; train-

-mntrol ‘devi<-cs, oi- other safety devices, which comply- with*

sp0<.·iii¤·at.ions and reqiiii·ementAs prescribed by the comrnissionj upun the whole qr any parf ut its milmad, such {order to be issued and published at least two yeqrs b€fQI=0;tll& date specitm! fdr its runnxxmeutf: Provided. That a carrier shall not be held to pemcgligeut because of its faihire to install such devices zipou ey portion at its railroad `u0t· inéluded }n the nreler; and any actimi arising because of an dccideht happen-· Ning upon such portion of its railroad shall be determined without consideration of the uée of such devices upon V-another portion of. its railroad. 'Any common carrier ._whi<·h refuses of neglects to comply nvlthuany order of the coxnmisislou made under the authority conferred by this sectiqn shall be liable to apenelty of $100 for each day thht suqh refusal or neglect continues, wnivh Shall accrue to the United _Stzites,, and may be .I’£?('U\’0I'0d in a civil aétion brought by_the United States. " (F‘eb.—»28, 1920, c. 91, 5 441, 41 Stat. 498.) . - . 27.. Ci{8ti0!\i~*']`]1i8 cliaptepmuy be cited as the “Interstate ’ Chuznagrxeu A1:t._" (Feb. 28, 19%, cs. 91, {441, 41 Sint. 499.) . ` (Yhnpt.er_ 2.-·e-·I.EGl;‘5LATl0N SUPPLEMENTARY ·’1`0 “IN¤ 'I‘ER$TATE COMMERCE ACT." S90. ‘ . D ‘ ( · _ 41. Liability of corporation carglers and agents: goffenses and n pen:altiws.» ‘ · · C1-) Liablility of corpéamtion common. cariiers; offenses; _ penalties;. jurisdiction. ‘ ‘_ · (2) Iziuhilities for acne ot agents; departure {porn published mieu. ‘ (8) Receiving `rebatcs§ ndditiom;1 penalty and Recovery I 5 thereof. " · e · {2. Panties included in proceedingsntn enforce law. l · _. 43. Proccedingg In equity to enforce tnritfa, etc.: district attorneys; _ damages; witnesses; precedence. ·

 44. Expedition of suit;. »

.. \ . NSPORTATION °- ” § 41 sec.- A . . _ o f 45. Appeals to Shprcmé Court. . __ . _ ,; - 46. ‘Solt-criminating teatimony ;· perjury {refuaal to testify., l 47. Immunity of witness from prosecution; perjury. _ " 48. Immunity extendcdxo natural gmrsons only. . · -

 Mandamus toobtain equal- facilities for .shi'ppcrs,` -

, 50. Agcht in Washington for service; service iadcfault of dcsignation:

 5).. Proccédings rolating to rail and watcinroutcs; o`rdors: _ L

l 52, Railroads to scrvocmployccs iu- valualiion work `; compensation. · 53, Exception- fo law prohibiting frcc`transportation_.‘ Q ·` .. 54. Statements showing cmploymonts under appropriation '. ·° A 55. Policy in xnaking ~ rata _ adjustmcutsi investigation ot rates _· - authorized. - » ‘· , . _ _ ‘

 Statement of expoixdituréa of commission.

57.. Auditing éiccouuts'_of commission, 58. Exchange ottypcwritor . ctc. _— .· __ Q ’_ _ ‘ c Section #11. Liability of corporation ·cai·rié`rs' and; agents;-·

 offenses and penalties,-— (.1)` Liability of corporation common

jcmjriors; oycnses; penalties; juztisd·io§£ozz.—·»Anythi11g done or Omilimd till)? d0!1€* by 8 .<361‘l>01'&ti0!1 common carrier, suhjoct, to the preceding chapter, (which, if donor or omitted. to he dom: by anyjlircctor or officer. theréof, or .auyr,rccéivo1‘, trustco. lessee, agent, onpérsou acting for or ongployéd by` such corr poration, would constitute a mis<lo1néanor.°untlcrnsaid chapter ’ orfundcr sections ,41,, {$2, or 4.':§, shall also bc hold to bo, a misdemoauor_·committcd by such .,coi·poration, and upon conviction thorool!. it shall be subject to like ponaltios·—as arc prescribed in said chapter or by sections -41, 42, oi·‘ 43, with__f reference to such pcrsons, except as>1xaltios.arc heroin changed, The willful fail1l1‘c`upoIf.the part; of any; carricrn subject to said chapter to filo and publish thotarius or rates ' and charges as required by, sa-id chapter, or strictly to observer such tariffs until. changed according to law, shall. be a misdcmoanor, and upon convictionthorcof the corporation offending .‘ shall be Subject; to a fina of not loss tl1anC$1,00Q’nor morothau , $20,000 for éach offense; and it shall. be unlawful for any person,. pcrsons, orweorporation to offer, grant, or give, or to solicit, accept, orrocolvc any rcbatge, concession, or, discrimination lu respect to_the transportation of any property in inter- `state or foreign commerce by any commou carrier subjcctito J said chapter whereby any such property shall¥by any gdcvico whatcverrbc transported at a less rate. than that named- inftho tarlffa published and such carrier, as is rcouired by said chapter, or whereby any other adyantago is given or._ discrimination is practiced. fivory person. or corporation, whothorcarricr or shipper, who nshall, knowingly; odor, Agrant,. · ·or given or solicit, accept, or receive any such rebates, concession, or dlscriniiuation shall bc `docincd__ guilty of. a `misdcmoanor, and on éonvictionjthereot shall be punished by ahtino ‘ of not loss than $1,000 ;'nor inoro than $20,000.: Provided, `That auy`person,` or any oilicor or director of any corporation , subject to tho; provisions of sections 41, 4:2, or 43; or ortho preceding chapter, or annydrocciror, trustee, lossoo, agent, or qnpcrsou acting for orcrnployod by anysuch coi·poration,_ who _ shal·l‘bo~ convicted as aforesaid, shall; in addition to the Hilo hcroia provided for, be liable to imprisonment in tho ponitony tiary forQa term -of°uot_éxcooding two years, or both such flac ‘and imprisonment, in tho discretion of the .court.° Evcry vio-` lation of this section shall be prosocutéd in any court of tho . limited States having jurisdiction of crlmoé within tho district lnwhich such rlolation, was committed, or through- which tho transportation may have hoontl conducted; and owhcnovcr the oHonSo‘is bcgun`_ in ono jurisdiction and complotéd in anothor it may be *doalf with, inquired o£,` triod, k dctoruxincdi andptmishod in clthor~jurisdlction intho same manner as if tho oiénso had boon actuallyiand wholly committed thoroin. _ ` (2) Lfabiliticb for acts of agents; departara from published roz=es,-··-In construing and enforcing tho provisions of this se·c—-ij tion, the actyoxnlasiongcor failuro of any otticcr, agent, or othor ‘ .porsoa·actii1g for or employed by_any common carrier; or ihlppor, acting within tho scope ot his_omp»loy=ment,; shall lu