Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1909

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‘ \ . 1895 TITLE 7.-AGR. 205.. Genera} duty as to scrvicm.——It shall be the duty ot ( every d owner and' marlget agency to furnish upon _ ; reasonable requat; withont ppdiscrlmtnadon, reasonable stock—. 4 yam. www at e¤cn_s¢ocrya¤~¤1: Pmmes, what ln any stm r where the weighing of liyestock at a `stockyard is conducted 4 by ~a duly ·anthorlzed` department or agency of the State, the. . Secretary, upon application of snch department! or agency, °may· 4

 it as a market e agency for the weighing ot livestock _
received in such stockyard, and upon snch{ registration such 8

aepart1nent·cr_sgency and the members thereof shall be amenable to all the requirements of this Act"; and upon failure of _` snch demrtment, or agency or the. members thereof to- comply I 4 with the orders of the Secretary under this Act " he is author- ` ized to revoke V the registration of such department or agency · andto enforce snch revocationlas provider: in section *315joi this Act} (Aug. 16,-,1921,·"c."64, { Stat, 164, amended Hay 5,1926,-c. 240, 44 Stat;-$7.) ‘ p V · ‘ scctisa ,86 sg Two 1 :dsd.¥—Scc··tion 804 'ot Act ot Aug. 15, 1921, c. 64,,42 stat. 164, countering { zosuot Title 7 or the Code, nu nee: gneaded hynct otjnys, 1926, c. 240, 44 Stat. 397, to read as above. The srnendwent added all ot the section begin·‘ ] ning vim theword "Pr¤vlded." , v_ ‘ ‘ I Chapter 13.-AGRICULTURAL ANI) MECHANICAL COL; Q LEGES· ` 1 `fGOLLEGE—AID LAND APPROPRIATION . j $04. Investnut •f proocedsof sale, of land or scrip.—All_ l moneys derived sale of lands aforesaid by the States to whiw law are hom the sales of landscrip . herdnbefore moyldod-for shall. or of the United St¤t&orof the$¤tosm·some`others•fobonds;orthesamemay. be =»:v·~-· by the8%havlngnoStatebonds‘ln any manner. e aftertm &blst¤res ot such. Ststusball have aéccnted thereto and engaged that meh yield s fair and reasonable rate or to benxed by the ststellegslatures, and the ` pri l-_tMreot ·toreyer‘ m1¤‘_u¤1mp¤1:e¢: 'lfhat moneys so invwted Tor loaned shall constitute ‘a per- , pewal fund; the cspiul ot which shall torever undl-· , . mlnwred (exoeptzso tar as may be provided in section 305jof . thb chsptm•),.nM the ln@t ot which shall be inviolnbly up- ; propriatw, by each State whi&` may take and claim. the beneilt ,Q of $01 to 308, inclusive, of thischaptcr, to the endow· , wt, t, and ot at least where ·'

   military tactics, toteach<
 such hranwm otlosrntmss are relstedto   and the
ll zer o , ,   insneh   the   of the States ~

may t§vely. lbe,·ln order to promote the liberal and practical ot the II1d¤8IZ1’I&1‘¢I8»$BS‘I¤`IZIlB pursuit; gag ’ m-llts.{(1Lar. 8, 18%, c. 1®,_R Stat.

  • 84: Am- ¤.H@¤.cs1·S¤.44S¤¤t-'”247,l I ._ , ·
 ••ss!'D!•!••s•s•d.·#-'rhsprovldon ot Act ot Har. 8,

1888, c. M2, ¤ sont. 484, constituting { 804 et.,.•1*ltle,'l et the Code, has been I, — by Alot ot Apr. 18, 1926, c. 130, 44 Stat. 247, toreadls shows. , 4 { , ° Chapter 14.-AGRICULTURAL EXPERIBi·ENT_ STATIONS. · 367. Secretary to prescribe form eflnsntlal npwt by ststions and to coordlustecdepsrtmcatsl work with that of, · · Seems 367 of Tltls 1 updated.?-Tho·statntory provision constituting] 367 et Title 7 ot the Code was repostw ln Act ot May 11, 1926, c. 286, 44 Stat. 502. ,4 ‘_ °¤ “éAct" should lie, translated “ chsptcr."· - ·’ ‘ m‘t§;<·:lEr;; 213 of tls title constitutes the "sectlo¤‘315" mentioned

IGUIQTURE §'451 Thaptcr 17.-—MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. · icc. i _ " . - ` 14; Certldcation of condition, etc., of agricultural products shipped in . interstate commerce; certlilcnte as evidence. · . .1Q.‘Sale by Secretary ·of Agriculture of produptsof agricultural ex- — periment tetions in Alnsku and insular possessions; `dispoel- ‘ tion of moneys. · __ · — -_ I ‘ 21. Dnirylng and livestod experiment station, Mendan, N. Dnk. {New.] ° 414. Certidcdtion of condition, etc., of agricultural products shipped in interstate commerce; certiicnte as evidence. Section 414 of Title 7 repcated.5-Tlxe statutory proyision constitnt- · ing ·§ 414 of Title 7 of the Code was repented in Act of May 11, '_1926, c. 286,-44 Stet.=523;, ‘ - - _ 419. Sale Yby Secretary of Agriculture of products of agri: zultural experiment stations Alaéka and insular pesswsions; lispositsion of moneys; _ , ° . _ 419 •f Title {repeated.-The statutory provision constitut- _ ing { 419 of-Title 7 of Zthe Code was repeated in Act of May 11,· 1926, c, 2dB, 44_Stat.·502.· _ . . , _ n _ . 421. Dairyink and pliyestock experiment station, Marsden, N. Dalr,e——'1‘l1e Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and lirectcd to establish at Mandnn, North Dekote, a dnirying and Livestoclr&,experime;1t_ station, in connection with the Grent Plains Egrperiment Station; for investigations end experiments in the dairy "and·»1iv‘er§¤t0ck·_industries and the problems pertnlu- ‘ lng to the establishment and development ofsnch industries, und tor demonstrations, assistance, and service me llvestox-breeding, growing, and feeding. (July 3, 1926, c. 7%, O 1, 44 Stat; 840.) f Newsection. .° · __ _ _ ._ _ · Thiajsection is _§ 1 of can Act entitled “An `Act to provide for the establishment of a dnirying and livestock station at Mandan, North Dakota," cited above; Section 2 of. mid Act reads as follows: = _ _ . · “Src. _2. Tlmt `there is hereby authorized yto ue appropriated, out of _ any- money in the Trmsury not otherwise appropriated, the -sum of $25,000; or so muck; thereof as maybe necwsery, ‘ to_· carry out the provisions of this Act, including the acquisition of suitable _ lands, the construction of buildings, the purcheee of livestock and breeders, and the employment of necessary persens." Chapmr‘18.+COOPERATIVE MARKETING ACT [NEW]. Sec. l I I ; G . . . Y . 451. Division of, cooperative marketing in. Bureau · of Agricultural . Economics j; definitions. _ ` 452, Establishment of division. `_ 453; Authority and duties of divlsionn · · _.. - _ _ _ 454.·Advlsera'to counsel‘ with Secretary of Agriculture; expenses and . subsistence. -- _ · ‘ . _` 455. Dlséeminntion of crop, market, etc., information by cooperative . marketing associations. ‘ · L , ' 456. Rules and regulationer; appointment, _ removal, and compensation . . of employees; `expenzdituresj appropriations. . ’ 457. Partial invalidity of —Act. _ _ " · _ , { _ New chapter. Derived from Act of July 2,, 1928, c. 725, M ` Stat. 802, the Act belgg entitled “An_Act to create a division of `coopemtlye unarketin in the. Department of Agriculture; to provide for the acquisition and dissemination of information pertaining to cooperation; to provide for calling advisers to counsel with the Secretary of Agriculture on cooperative 'activitiee; to

 authorize cooperative aaaocietionsho acquire, interpret, and' dlsi

Ieminnte and market information, and for other purpoeesf . · 451. Division of cooperative marneting in Bureau of Agricultural Economics; d€§¤i§i0BB.;——Wkl&H need in tlgis Act " the term f‘ agricultural products " means agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, and dairy products; liywtock and the products thereof, the products of poultry end bee‘raising,.the edible products of fore,etry,nnd_u1iy and nllproducts raised or produced on farms ,and processed or manufactured products thereof, transported orlntendecl tobe transported infinterstete :imel_/or foreign commerce. ” (July 2, 1926, c._725, § 1,44 Stat. SO2.) New section. · -_ - _· . f*·"Act " should bc translated ‘fchnptcr.f’ ‘ "