Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1910

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V §452 2*11*w 7.-40 452. Btablislnment of division.-—Thc __S·ccr@§ary of Agriculmré’ is hc1¤éI1y·auth0rizcd and- glirccted to establish a division ct cocperatiée marketing with Suitable pcrwxmcl in the Bu- ·rcgu_ of Agriculfural Economics `of the Departuxeut of Agrlcul-. , tum cr in such bureau in the of Agriculture as , may-hcrc;1ftc1• bc` concerned with t:hc~ms,rkcting»and distributicu of farm products. Such divisioxn shall be uqdcr the dirgc— ~ tion and supervision of the Sccrciary __0f Agricultnire. __(Ju1y 2, 1926, c. '¥25,__§ 2, 44 Stat. @2.) ‘ I 7

  • Ncw section; ` · .’

453. Authority md duties of division.-—(:1) The division shall tcudcr `scrvicc to associations of producers of agricultural [}1‘0dl\C‘tS,_&Rd féderations a¤d_ subsidiariés. thereof, cnégcd in . the ccopemtivq »markctiqg of agricultural -p1·0d1icts,_ including f proccsiug, warehousing, manufacturing, storage, the coopcm- ·. tive pmchasiug of farm gugplies, credit, ¤H8I1CiDg; fiusuraucc, ° and other cooperative activities; ·— -- I _ " (b)· The division is_ autlnrizcd-L V 7 7 _ _ (1} To acquire, analyze, and- disseminate economic, statisti- .‘ @1, and historical information ·l‘9g&l‘dil1§`thB progress, organiq ‘i gticn, cud businm methods of 'cooperative associations in ‘thé _.‘ United; States and iorcign céuutries. 3 · _ ·- 7 .- i (2) To conduct 'stqdies of the economic, legal, iiuancial, social,. G.Hd.0th€1` phasw of cooperation, and publish {hc results thereof. Such studies, shall include the analyses ·0f the organization, ·_ operation, Fmmucial, a1;d_ merchandising problems ot cooperative a$ocia`t:icns. I ‘_· —° ° _ .(3) Tg make surveys and analyses gt deemed advisable of thé_ , accounts and lziusium practices cot representative cooperative L asaciatious upon their request; to report t0°the assdciatiou so, { survcycd_ the results thereof; and with the consent; 0; the as-` , scciaticn so . surveyed to publish summaries qt. the resh1ts ot .E such surveys, together with facts, for the guida.ucc_ of ( cooperative associations and fop the purpose of ’ assisting co- { operative associations , in developing methods of business Yand· { market analysis. ·‘ a ._ ...· V I . ` (4) To confer had advise with committees pnigroups ot I producers, if deemed aeiviséblcy that may be- dcsyjous of from-· c ing {cooperative camciatiob gud to make au economic sutécy s and analysis ct the facts-·s31rr01mding the _ production and I mcrkctiug ci the cg*ricu1tuml product or products which the "i 2m0ci.a¤o¤, it formcc, would handle or market. ‘ ‘ · · Ll ‘ (5)- To acquire from all available sources information con- I ceming crop prcqwts, sqpply, demand, current cx- a pbrts, imiacrté, and of the agricultural prpducugphaudlcd t or marketed by éo9pe1jative,—mociati0¤s, and to employ qualméd t commdity marketing spécialisurto summarim and auilne Q this information and disseminate the same among cocpernhrc @ciatio¤samothers. c _ . ‘m 7 (6) To promote the knowledge ct cocpcrative principlm and cp macticm ,and· to c0cpcra,t•, 1¤` pmmbting mach hcwladgc, j, with, ccmcaticnal and markctius hgezidés. ¢00P¢!€u¥¤ mecca- 0 tions, and cthersf _ · , _ `.· _, . (7) To make such“.wé·cin@ stddics, lin the United Statu and `¤ {crew ‘c01mtrim, and to acquire and di unta such in- 0 toymaticn audlpdluy as may be ¤Se£\}1`i¤ thé development `I and practice of cooperation. __(Ju1y 2, 1926, c, 725, { 3, 44 Stat} New scctid. r' W

KRIGULTURE »· 1896 , ,454; Advriaera to counsel with Secretary of Agricultareyex. pe A. as and —snbistence.—The» Secretary 0t’Agricn1ture is- au. thorized, in his discretion, to call advisers to couuselfwith him and/or his representatlves relative to specldc probleina of c0- operative marketing of farm products or~ any other cooperative activity. _Any perscn, other than an ollicer, agent, or employeeot the United States, calléd into conference, as provided for in. this section,. may be paid actual transportation expenses and not to exceed $10 per -dlem to `cover subsistence and pther expenses while- in conference and en route from and to his home; (July 2, 1926, c. 725, S 4, .44 Stat. 8%.)

 ~ New sectlou, . ‘ · Y _

.455. Dissemination of crop, market, etc., information by ccoperative marketing asseciations.——I’ers0ns enmged, as eligina1`p1foducer;s of agricultural products, each as farmers, planters, rauchmen, dairymen, nut or trait growers, acting together in· associations, corporatepor otherwise, ·in collectively I¤‘9<>¢·ss- ” ing, `prepa1=lng·fcr ’mar1;et, handling, and marketing in inter. state ·and/or foreign commerce such products of persons so . engaged, may acquire, exchange, interpret, and disseminate pa$t,_ present, and ., prospective ycrop, market, statistical, economic, and othérqslmilar information 'by directexchange between such persons, and/01* such associations- or tederatiohs thereof, and/onby and through a common agent created or selected by— them. _ `(July 2, 1926, c. 725 §_ 5, 44 _Stat;' 803.) . _ New section, " _ _ - · _ a 458. Rules- and regulations; appointment, removal, and ceagiénsation of employees; eipeadituresy apirepriademe-The Secretary of Agriculture may make such `mlm am regulations as may be deemed. advisable to carry out the provisions at this Act" and may cooperatewith anydepartment er agency of the ·` Government, any State, Territory, Disulct, 01·”pemmien,`or iebartmeut, agency, or political énbdlyleion tMrect,‘ er any person; and maycall upon any other Federal °depart@t, .b0ard,· >r commission for assistance ln ent- the purpose; et zing Act "; and shall have the power- to awcint, remove, and hr

he compensation ot auch cmcers fand employees not in

with existing law and make sué erpendlture fer rent, AUBRR the District§g_f Columbia, printing, telegram;. telephom, _ >t reference, books ct law, periodicals, newspapers, ·fu re, stationery, mace equlpment; travel, and other mppllm and ex· Jensen. aa shall be necessaryto the amlnistraden ,.¢,m1s.Aa·· n the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and there is herex nutherized to be apmepriated, out ot any moneys in the ,. ary not otherwise appmprlated, the sum of be available for expendltniré during the Qscal years 19% and 1927, and he apprepriation or snch additional sums as my be nexry hereafter for carrying out the et this Act° is hereby mthorlzed. (July 2, 19%, c. 725, § 6, 44 Stat. %»)” · New aectloa. ,‘‘‘ · _ · _ . _ 457. Paw! lavtlidity of Act;-·-It any prcvlsidn at this “Act " s_ declared unconstitutional cr . the appllcabiiltl ***2*w* to an! rerson (cr is hdd lnralld, the v•l1&ty at the renainder ot the Act ‘? and the applimlnlity c£ such prcvmcn to ther persons and clrcumstancm shall not be `atected thereby. md nothing contained in this Act " is intended, nor shall be cnstrued, to mcdiiy cr- repeal any of the provisions at the Act ( February 18,1922 (chapter 57, Forty-seccncl Statutes at large, page 388). (July 2, 1226, c. 725, § 7, 44,Stat. 803.)

 Newiectlcn. _· . _ . ° .  

“"Act·” should be translated “chaptez·." ·` sl K UM- Act et Feb. 18, 1922, see M 291, 292 or Title 7 at the Code.