Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1952

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_ §422c TITLE .16.--001 nnd the Secretary of War in wtnbllnhing this militari park j is hnthm·ized· to employ such labbr uml services and to obtain. 1 such supplies and material as may be cdnsidemd bent for the < _ interest of the Govunxnent, and the Secretary of War ghall make and enforce all nee<1ed_mg¤1ations 1'01{ the care of the park. (Jung2;1%6,c.4·§8,S8;44Stnt.@.¥) ‘ { · »New section. . · I - U · . _ { ’ 422c. Asccttiining and marking of nt battle.—It slmll Q be lnwfnl for any Sute that had .tl‘0¤i3¤ in the battle. T nf the Maura Creek National Military Pafk; to enter npgn tné - same for the purpose nf nsc@lnlng and marking the lines of. t % mttle nf its ujoops $8d tlnereln: Providg, That befoxje any such lines are permnnwtly designated the position bt thellnes and the proposed methods- ot maxilclng them by monuments, tablets, or otherwise, shall be knbmitted to and .s,pp1·0ved by the Secretary of War; and all such lines, designs, and lnscrip; finns for-the same shaH Ent; receive the written approval of ' the Secretary ct Wu. (June 2, 1926,·’c._·l48, i 4,-44 Stat. 686L)_ Ne1v_a&ction. `_ ‘ _ ~ '{ _- _ 4wd. Mnnnnmts, -It by permimion ct the Secretary nt Wu, dstmy, émlce, lnjufs, or mmm any mcnu@t,_ccl¤mn, hmm, nmorlal structures, m·svorkc£n17t,ivhl&shs.llbe§nced_@¤nth¤§¢!’¤l¥¤d8ct·th¢ park by lnwtnl authority, ng shall d$¤’¤! W remove any fence; xtlllm lndnmra, or mhz: tw thepmhection oxiornamenanna at snidpnxk, crhnyvpcrtlcn or dull datmy, ent,

 bark.- break d¤W¤._ or ctnerwine l¤:|m·e—any.t1~ee, brush, 9:

tnhrnbbsy that my be growing upon said park, or ¤sll·¢¤tv d<>wn‘0r remove cr"!dl_nny timlmi, battle relic, true, or tmegmwingumnaid wrt, cnhunt withintnclimitsct thépnrk, any pcmén so offending and found guilty- thued before any mance of the pane ci of %@'•·8Clt8·0!·NOTm Gtwlinn, for en¢ and avnrrxbitmne, forfeit and pay • l nne, in thediscm‘d0nci&e1usti¤c,1ccbrQi¤:`t9ibélw'¤Y¤· · tim 01 the oxwsqot notlnm thin $5 $50, one halttcrthensent thepark nm_clwt¤thnr»ha1tw the lntormer, to be-miorced and!*8COV¢l'Bd`·?Q!B nucl: justice ln like manner an Sues at like nature are now bylaw recpvémbla m thépnid county nf Bender, State at North Carolina. (June 2, 1928, ‘e. ·H8,§5,44B=t¤t.686·)·` ” " ` New section.! t _ . - 423. Pcternbnrg Natimnl Military Park; Lestalmslxment.-5-In t order in commemorate the campaign and sign and defense of _ Pnbersbnrg, Virginia, ln 1864 and 1865 and to preserve for histcrlcnl purponm the bregstwérks, mrthvvcrks, walls, or other detensm pr used by thenrmies therein the battle held: at Petersburg, in the Staten! Yifgiiiln, axe hereby dsdpred =a national military park whgnevcr the 'title to the name shall have been "scqmved by the United Bates by domtl¤n_ and the jn`rlsdi=ction oven the lnnlk and r®ds of the same shall have been granted to the Unitell States by the Smtav ot Virginia-—· that is to Assy, one hundred and elghtrnve mms or aq much the:~no¥ ns thesecremry of War, may gleam n in and sbqnt the city ci Pétershurg, State at Vlrginld. _`(July 3, 19%, c. 746, § 1, 4-4·Stnt.822.) · ‘ ‘ New section; 423a. ’ Anceptance nf dnnntions 6fl@.?*-ééllfhe Secretary of _'W8? is hereby. authorized to accept, onfbelxalf ot the United ` States, donations of lands, interests tlwxjcln, or rights pendinlng thereto required for the Petersburg National Military Park. (July 3; 1926, c.`?46, O 2,_44 Stat. 8%.) · ‘ » _ Ney nnctln . _ \ ~ 423b. n;ganiintion.—=--·Thc aEnlrs qt ·Ul£_.P8¢B1’S· burg National liilltary Park shall, subject to the supervision and direction of the Séctctary of 1Wn1·, be ln charge nt three écmmisslcners, consistinz of Armv omcers, civilians; or both,

VSERVATION 1938 to be appointed by the Secretary of War, one of whom shall be designated as chairman and enotheras secretary of the commimion. (July 3, 1926, c. 748, { 3, 44 Stat. @.) New _‘ . 423c. of eommhden.-—It shall be the duties of the commlmionera, under the Mrwtion ot the waretary of War, to superlntend the mening or of end: roadséee may obs neoeemry-to the porposmot the Difkrnm to ln·ano marbwith or owwiise, as the-Secretary of War may determine, all breaetworke, eartnworkn, walls, or otherdefenaeeorshelterallnesofbettlebcedonotuooygs, buildings, and · other historical polnta of intermt within the park, or in its vicinity, and the said commlsmn ln establishing the park shall have authority, unda the direction of the Secretary of War, toemploy such labor and service at rates tobedxedby theS olWar,.andtoobtelnsn&é@l>¥ies and nmterlaleiaemsy be necmery to carry out the provlsions of this-Act. (July 3, 1W8,*¢. 746,} 4, 44 Stat. E.) New section. _ . · . . . _ _ = - 423d. Acceptance md HQCWK d Me.—The“comi@, acting Secretary-.of War, is anthorhed glfteendoontrlb¤tion¤fmm8tetee,'.Rrrmlee,•od&,or· ~ tary 1?•;k:Pnwt’de(,‘!l‘»t eh  » of mx recévcd shall m of and credited to 1 fund tobedmgnated “P Nt@ mln ¤1'!Psrk,F¤¤<!,”whlchfond`ehaHbe•pwedwe¤dexp@ded under the dlreetionof the Secretary et W¤{fo¤‘ e•¤'!¤ oat ?·h¤,H'¤V¤i0·¤l¤f¥iF¥3Aé$-°' °(J¤ly3, 1% c. { 5,44 Stat. . New sedan:. _ - . .· _428e._Aseertehbg nd mayb:-hee •f_b•ttle.—rIt null be lewtul togtnenuthoriticeof mylutebevhsbodhoope m- °·¢¤§ed_I.t Petersburg, to mter upon t of the National Kllitary of ueertelningnnd marking theltnesof battle oftroom etmw therein: designed; tbejioeition of the lines and thy of marking them by monuments, tablets, or- otherwhe, the dwgn. inscription for the same, mul be mhmitted to the Secretary of. War and shall drst mcelre writtm emroyhl . ·of the Secretary, which approval shell be based muon form!. written reports—tobemsd·etohimln”¤e}¤csaeby—tbe@mletsioners of the parE:"Proo|'dcJ,l Tbstm shell be · made against any State as to the mannq.3 od Mdnim bat any grant made toany State by the Secretary od War may bo. used by—_•ny. other State. (July 3, 1928, ·c. 746, { 6, 44 Sw- W-) . ' , _ ’ · "New eectionr _ F 423f; Protection ofmonnments, etc.-·-·If any person mall, ex- _ cept bi permission of the Secretary of War, dw; matilate, deface, injure, or yrmove any monument, column, mtnes, me mortal or work ot art that shall be erected or “¤po¤ the 'srormds of the pork.- by lawful aotbority, or`-anal! de- . etroy or remove any fence, railing, lncloeure, or other work for o the protection or ornament of mid perk, or any portion thereof, ’ E or shall destroy. wt; heck, bark, break down, or } injure any tree, bush, or ehrobbery that may be growing upon r said `park, or shall cot down or fellor remove any‘@bef, battle o relic, t or trees growing or being upon mid park, or hunt n within ot the 'park, or shall remoye or dmtroy any breastworka, rtbworks, walls, or other defenses or shelter or any part thereof constructed by the armies formerly engaged in the battles on the lands or approaches to the bark,-any person ao odending and found guilty thereof, before any United States commissioner or court, justice of the peace of the county lu

— *¤“‘I‘hl’e Act" |hou1d_be translated "sections 423 to 4231 of this title of the appendLi.” I ~ ” K