Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1953

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“1939' rfrajw 16.—-com which the 0¤€!1S€ may be committed, or any. other court i ot z ecmpetezrt jurisdiction, shnlL ter each and every such otfense 4 forfeit sud· pay H hue, in ‘ the discretion of lthe said United - -Ststes` ecmmlssieuer 0: court, justice of the peace br · other court, according to the ugruvetleu of the offense, of net less than $5 mr merethux $500, eee half for the use ot theparkv I and the other half to theilhformant. to be enforced and reepp ‘, ered hetere such United States eeremlssieneror cmrrt, justice ot 4 the peeee er other court, in like- manner as debt ct like nature 1 are new by _ law? recoverable in the several counties where the eiferxse may be committed. (July 3, `1926,.·c. 746, § 7, 44 Stat.

 , Y , · `

New wales,. _ _ 4233. Rules had reg¤l•tieus.—Tlne Secretary of War, subject te the epprovslef the President, shall have the power to make `aml &nl1 make all needful rules and regulations {br the cere ef the perk, and for the establishment end markingbt lines of battle mid other histbrieel_features.- of the park. (July 3, 1926,. _ eg. 746; § 8, 44 Stat. 823.) t Q New section. ° f 423h. Report "ef completion; superintendent of @srk.——Up0n ‘ eompletimrct me acquisition of the lupd and the w0rk_ of the commission, the Secretary of War shall render :1 report thereon " to Ccmgrm and thereafter the perk shell, be placed in charge et —a superintendent nt a salary to be Hxed by the Secretary of ` War and paid out er the appropriation availsibleptor the maintenance of the perk. (July 3, 1928, c. 746, I 9, 44 Stat. 823.) 4 New sectien. - J . 423i. Approprf•tio¤.—’1‘0 enable the Secretary or War to 3 begin to carry out the provisions DI this Act,” there is hereby eaxthérized to be appropriated not more than the sum of $15,000, eut ot any moneys lu the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, te be available until expended, after the 'United States has acquired title, and disbursements under this Act "‘ shall `“be_ annually reported by the Secretary of War. to Congress. _(.T_uly 3,51028, c. 740, { 10, _44 Stat. 823.) " New uctien. __ _ N V 124. Purdase of re•l estate for future militqry parks. I U See .5 455c et this title lh the srspeudix. ‘ . NATIONAL MONUHENTS -431, Num;] iwauneets; reservation of llnud; relinquish-- neitef privete . ‘ M ~ . ‘ I . Sita d Bu H•n.—·-——Lct Apr. 14, 1026, c. 138, 44 Stat. Ze!. reid! as follows: _ . _. · - Wwe Secretary of the Interior is hereby sutherized sud directed to acquire, by condemnation or otherwise, meh land as may be deemw nppreprinte; not exuedlsg one hundred sud sixty acres, ` eu_ the site/of the battle with the Sioux Indians ln_ which the l commands of Major Marcus AL Repo sud Mejor Frederick W. Ben- . teen were €¤$l@d» sud te erect thereon n suitable modumeut end · hismrteu tablet. ‘ _ · I- —_ _ “Sec. 2. That there is hereby autherlzal to be appropriated, . ent at my money in- the Treasury rmt othervvise appropriated, the sum ci $2.500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry- ·eut the provisions at this Act." · S · ‘ ' MISCELLANEOUS . 455. Study of hgttle . ldd: for eemnenerstive purposes.-- The Secretary ot Ware is hereby authorized · to have msde studies and investigations end, where uecmary, surveys qt all mttle helds within the continental limits of the United States whereou troops .0t the United States or ·o£ the orlgihs1l" thirteen `celonles have been engaged dgslnst a common enemy} with a view to preparing 1- general plan had such detailed projects as , ”"This Act" heuld be translated "sectlo;1.s 423 to 4231 of thisiitle in the appendlxf · . - .

FSERVATION _ mi}? be required for properly commemoréting such battle Helds or other agljacént· points of historic and military interest. (June_11, 1926; g. 555, § 1, 44 Stat. 726.) ‘ ‘ ·New·iection. " _ » ‘ 455a. Reports to Con§ress.——0n or before December 1; 1926. the Secretary of War shall subinit Qtlujough the Pr•:·~,sident to Congress a preliminary plan by which the pnrpdse of this Act" call, in his opinion, be most economically carried out; and BH2 nually thereafter he shall submit thrétigh the President to _ Congress n_ detailed report. of progresg mg? under this Act“ together with his I°€COII1l1'tQH‘(]2lti§)DS for urther operations. (June 11, 1926, c. 555, § 2,4-I Stnt. 727.)- _ ' New seetion. U · · . 455b. Estimate of cost.-g—Thnt the Secretary of War shallinclude annually- in his War Department appropriation .e;Sti= mates it list of the battlefields for which sm·veys`0r other Eeld inyestigations are planned for the thscal year in question. together with the estimated cost of `making each._snrvey or other field investigation. (June 11, 1926, c.· 555, § 3, 44 Stnt. 727.) · .- New section. ’_ ° _ “I . — · 4551:. Purchase of real estate for military park.—Thz:t hereafterj no- real eetateshalt be purchased fm; military park pur-_ poses by the G(,)j’€I’HH1t3Ht_·1lDl€·SS report thereon shall have been made by theVSec§mtairy of Wnr through the President to Con-. gressunder the provisions of this Act.“ (June 11, 1926,. c. 555, § 4, 44 Stat; 727.) ‘ ’ gw New section. _ . 456. Expense of depositing money payable from appropriatiqns.—Here=after appropriations made for the administration, protection, and maintenance of the natioixal pa`i·ks and national monuments under thejurisdiction of the Secretary of the In- · teriQ01• shall be available for the expense of oepositing public money. " (May 10, »1Q26,"c. 277, § 1,_44»=Stat. 491.) . · ·· Newsectioxy.-" ‘_ · Q Chapter 2.-THE NATIONAL FORESTS. Sec. .· . · " · 471a. Colorado National Forest; transfer of park land to forest. = New. ‘ - - · 471-b. EoE·est reserves in New Mexico ant! Arizonn restricted. [New.] 485. Exchange ot lands ur national forests. _ t 491. Egport of timber and other products. · _ " 493.- Nebraska_NationnI Foreqt ;k“ trees from §or_homestead_settlers. 506[ Agricultural ‘1a£nds` opened to jhomestead entry; . · 471n, Colorido National Forest; transfer of park limi to forest. _ . · ’ _ » ‘ ._ See §“ 195 of this title in the appendix. "471b. Forest reserves in Nei Mexico, and Arizona restricted.——-Herentter no forest reservation shall; be created, 11or·- shall any aélditionsbe made to one heretofore created, within the limit; of the States of New Mexico and Arizona except by Act of (June 15, 1926, c. 587, 44 Stat. 745.) — ~ “S Nevnsection. · ‘ _ ~ 485. Exchange of lands in national forests; ` Aét Apr. 13, 1926,1:, 131, 44 Stat. 248, nnttgeirlgeg the excngnga of lands within the Medicine Bow National Fomt, Wyoming. Act Apr. 21, 1926; c. 167, 44 Stat. 303, provides for the acquirement by the United States of privntelf owueq lands in New g Mexico, within the Mora grant, and adjoining one or niore national . forests, and to excb¤uge"therefor land or timber in notional teresa in either New··Mexico or Arizona, and requiresthat land-thu; no quired become part of the Carson National l·‘orest or Santa Fe . _Nationa1 Forest. · ` 491. Export of timber and other produets. V Suction 01 ·•! Tith 16 repe•t•d.———?l*he·`statrxtc>ry provision cron stituting { {91 of this title in the Code has been repented in the- Agricultnre Department Approprintion Act for 19:27. {.\1·’t May 11. é 1926, c. 286,44 Stat. 512.) ‘ _ ‘ ·‘ **"’I`his Act"]sh0uld be tmnskttcQ"‘·`t¤cctions 455 —t0 455c of this » title in the appendix? l ‘