Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2165

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9151 `· °· , , INDE Army-—(Tontinued ~ __ _, ___ _ , . Enlisteil.meny—(`ontinued. _ . _ _ _ · a J intoxicated persons not to be enlisted, p._ 193, § 622 d Lost time not counted in enlistment period, p. 193, § 629 nas`; time to no maaeop. p. 239, Q nate ‘ Medical department, number of enlisted men in depart'- v' ment. p. -173,5 81.. _ . · · _» · . - Medical treatment, see Hospital serrice; infra ; 1l\Iedi— {cal Corps, infra _ · a , " Militaryéaeademy, special duty, p. 211. § 1142 Minors, enlistment of, p, 193, 5 627 . .. . Koneommissioned omcers, rank and grade on reenlist- ' ment; p.`193, 5 630 ~ _ ‘_ ;

 “Number of men authorized, p. 192, §§§602, 603 _

Oath of enlistment, p. 239, $*1581 · I t ` Qdenses by enlisted men, see Aarrenm or Wan . , ` · Utiicerspusing enlisted men as servants, p. 192, 5 608 _ Ordnance department, number of men in department, p. 177,§191 _. I - - s

 Pay of enlisted men, see Pay, infra L . _

`=Perlods‘ of enlistment and reenlistment, p. 193, §' 628 ’ ‘ Philippine Scouts, number of men.-p, 181, S _ ` Portokicans eliglbleior enlistment, p. 193, § 626_ I’romotion·t0 commissioned .. rank, system ofexamina-e tion and certldcation. D. 188, Q-502i ‘ ·_ _ Qualidcatgons for enlistment, p. 192, §§.621-,,622 ` Qnartermaster Corps, number of enlisted men in corps, C _/p.172,§71 · C ·` `. Rank and grade oi noncoxnmlssioned oliicer on reen- — listment, of 193, § 630 ` _ ° p `. Rank and grade on reenlistment after, temporary com-· ‘ missioned service, p. 193, § 631- · - Rating enlisted men asispéclalists and percentage in each class, p. 1'92,"§¥605 _" _` - Recrnitingand enlistment, p. 192, §' 621 et, seq, · -·—·-j-deductions from pay of recruits for necessaries . furnished p. 201, S 973 “ ». P Q ¢ -—-retired officers assigned to récruitinglduty, p. 206, - 5 991 I __ 0 . I ~ · » Ileenlistment, honest and faithful service as prereq,ui·- it site, p. 193, §§ 623, 624 » _ ’ · ' .’ Reserves, see ENLlSTED..REéP7R\’E Coors , .&hool detachments at service schools, p. 212, § 1174 Signal Corps, number of merlin corps, p. 177, 5 211, Soldiers under sentence not counted in computing en·— ~ listed strength, p. 192, ·§ 603 0 n i e » Strength o£_enlisted,torce, pj 192,'°§§ 602, 603 , ’1`emporary~sergeapts and cotporals for- recruit depots, p.193,,_§‘632 p , . L ~ { · Tours of duty in Canal Zone and Philippine Islands, p. 1a2,§_6oo— - · . . o, · . Tours of duty in Philippine Islands and Canal Zone, D. 188. §· 4% , . s · ° ~·, Transfer. of enlisted meni to Navy or Marine Corps,§ . p. 1105, $177 _ A -· s~~ Vocational training, p, 212, §- ,1177 _ ,Enlisted"r_eserye corps e ' Active ,duty,p. 184, § 426 -, . _ “ Burial expenses of- persons dying in hospitals, p._ 186, Composition of corps, p. 184, § 421 Eligibility for enlistment, p, 184, § Equipment, p. 184, $-422 _ A ‘ Hospital. treatment, injuries by voluntary participation · in dying, p. 185, { 452 ; . t c 0 -—-¤;—·-~injury attraining camps, p. 9186, § 454 Organéization, ·p._184, §‘ 422 _“ —‘ a 1 3 c)

X Army4—·Continuedq W _ t. . Enlisted reserye corp_s——Continued Pay and allowances during hospital treatment. p. 185,

 §§.451, 453 r V ’ _,

Pay and allowances on active duty, p. 184, .§ 427 Pay and allowances, payment of" arrears, · p. 1906, §§ aoaa, 428 . . ‘ Period of-.en1istment, ‘p. .184, §' 424 _, { _Transportation on dimharge from hospital, p. 185,. . ‘¤§_§ 451, 453 . .. _ . . ` War as extending enlistment per/iod, p. 184, § 425 _ Equipment"; · ‘ é . . _ . I g Damage to equipment, deductions from pay of person in ·fault,'p. 201, § 872 T Oilicers’ equipnxentfurnished at ·cost,°p. 2:02,_'§ 904 Estates of deceased soldiers unclaimed) for more than three . years, application to support of soldiers` home, =p; .673, Execution of laws, employment of Army restricted, p. .170, . 5,15.- _ . . Enemptionfrom military service, licensed officer of vessel, ‘ 1 _ . p._1477, § 225 _ ° ` ~ · Expert accountants, appointment for Inspector Generals , Department, p. 172, § 52 _ f , · __ I A Explosires, see Supplies,__St0res,' and Serrice, intra · Field Artillery. _` , · " _ Y Chief of Field Artillery,.rank, p. 178, § 262 Compositionof Field Artillery, p,. 178, § 262 . r Defi·nition,·‘ p. 178, _§ 261·. ._ — . ‘ f Exilistédpmen, number, p. 178, 5 262 . < _' Officers, permanent commissions, p, 187.’.§.487 Organization into tactical units, p. 178, §_262 Fleldclerks, see Civilian employees; supra O Finance department i . — Q » S ` Accounts of Army officers, settlement of, p. 981. § 95 Accounts of paymaster, settlement .of advance bounties, p.981,§94— - _ c · . ——-——settIement of overpayments, p. 981. §` 96 _ p Atfldayiitsand declarations in bounty cases or claims " for bagk pay, p. 981,`§ 99 8 ·· Bonds,. tofficers required to gire, ip. 217, §. 1312 _____ 1 Bonds of finance omeers, periodical. renewal, _ p. 217, § 1314 - _ _ ~ . ,, -· Chief of finance, duties, p. 176, §,_ 172 -——-·-——-rank, p. 176, §`,171 _ . it n Claims for; arrears of pay and bounty, settlement of, _ 13- 981. §§ 97.. 98 i 9 . ~ · Claims for pay and alloufances, no deductions of fees . lor attorneys and agents to be made, `p. 982, 100 · Commandby onicers of department, p. 176, §·17ti Composition: of department, `p. 176, § 171 Deposit. of soldier’s-sayings witty finance omcer, p. ,203, ·§`906etseq.__~ J. - A Disbursing omcers, delegation of duties. pl 176, 4§ 173 _ Q Q-·-·-w-··1‘€])01°tS ot, inspections, p.·176, ~§_'175. - -—-»- supervision of disbursements,_p.*176, § 174 Flying cadets, see Air Service, supra " Gases, investigation, development, etc., p. 177, § 222 . General omcers _ ·. ‘ A · , . Aids of general omcers, rank and number authorized, ,» p.188,j§498` · _

 Appointment of general officers of the·line, p. 189, § 551

i Line and staH, p. 187, § 483 D M I. _ O Retirement, limitation or right, p. 204, § 946 ~ General- Stan Corps - " , Actingf General Staff Officersrp. 171,‘§ 30 . { Additional members of corps, specialdetails, 171, . § 31 _ n ‘ 1 · “ _ n

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