Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2166

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,;' [ ·` _. IND. Army—-—C~ontinued .‘ " Y - · _ General Stat ('orps———(`outinued. _ . ` , . Air section of War Department General Stat created, ‘ p.1901.§23a” ~ · Chief of Stat ’as/ component part of ‘Ge11er_al Stat _ Corps. `p. 170. § 22_ I C . F · Chief of Statfduties, p. 171, § 33 Composition of corps,.·p. 1,70, § 22 . Creation of corps, p. 170, § 21 _ · - . Detail of officers and tours of duty, p. 170,.§ _25 · Iluties. of members, restriction, p. 171, § 32 - i Eligibility for detail, p. 170, § 25 _ ., _ `; `Geueral Staff wirirnioo-m as c6iiiii6nent_part of'General. , Stat Corps, p. 170, § 22 · . _ _ ` _' Line-omcers subject to detail, p. 171, § 27 . / , _ A. C National Guard officers on eligible list, p. 171, § 26 " `. Ofdcersdetailed from other branches! of service,-. p. 187, j§ 487 ‘ . _ _ _ · _ , · Service with troops as prerequisite to detail, p. 171 `§§ 27-29 ·` - ’ { {_ r— _War ‘Departnient·‘ General Stat as component part of¤_ General Stat Corps,_p,170, §`22 " f General Stat with troops ~/. F U. _ . , · L — Component part of General Stat Corps, p.A170, § 22 Composition, p. 170, § 24 V Duties, p. _17¤1,-§ 35 "4 Eliglblellst, p. 171, §/26 _ , " - Headquarters, location, p. 218, § 1332 Horses _ ~ _ , ‘ . . Authorized numbers of officers’ mounts, »p. 198, § 801 gommutation of forage, p. 19%%.5 $06 i r onations of land for remount stations, p. 219, § 1343 Encouragement of breeding for Army,. p. 218, ~§ 1318- ,, Forage, bedding, ete., allowance, p,· 198, § .804 et seq. Indian scouts, allowance for horses, .p. 203, { 915 '_Money allowance, to oticers owning —mounts, p. .198, Mounts furnished officers below_grade of major, p. 198, . · §. 802 . , A ` Purchase in open market, p. 215, § 1206 [ rcbase of officers’ private `mountsby Quartermaster [ if rps in lieu,of\2ransportation, p. 199, `§- 811 _ · 'I‘ran‘ rtation of, ilicers’ private mounts, p. 199`§~807.

 eta. . 1 I __

Hospital. S vice _ ‘ A Seeal HOSPITAI.8 asn A.§Y1.Unts ‘ Sie let ia hospital, p. _197, §;726 Subsistence of Army patients in Canal Zone hospitals,- , .p. 107, §`72’7 . ‘ ‘ _ _`i \‘ 'fransportation .0f disabled! soldiers trayellng on fur·§ laugh from hospital, p.- 198, { 753 . ° ‘ Hospitals vacated ·b§ War Department "transferred to Treasury Departmenbfor Publlc Health' Service] p. 672,* Ice, see Supplies, Stores and Services, infra _ M Incendiary materials, investigation, development, etc., `_ i>.‘177.§222* v A . ‘ `; `; Indian country, enforcement of · law by military] force, p. 70-1, § 223 ‘ ‘ .In1lla’n scouts _ _ ,_ . i Enlistmentauthorized, p. 192, § 611 *‘ "’ Horses, allowance for, p. 203, § 915 .- l’ay and allowances, p. 198. § 786 _ » Status as part of Regular Army, p. 169, § 4 Infantry ·' ~ ‘ _ Chief of Infantry, rank, p. 179, § 281 Composition of Infantry, p. 179, § 281 ‘

xi ax 2152 Army——Continued `·* - Infant1fY‘”Cot1ti11uet1 M {

Enlisted men, number, p. 179, 5 281

Negro regiments, p. 179, § $2 ·_ , — - Otlicers, permanent commissions, pi 187, § -487 { Organization·into'.tactical units, p. 179, §_281· ` Porto Rico" regiment made part of » Regular Arm?. p.‘ 179, § 283 ., " - i

 Tank units as part of Infantry,   179, § 281

— _Injury to property by military operations, adjustment ot ’ ~ claims,p.40,§·208' . ‘ . p , , · . . Insane oflicers and-men, care and. treatment, p. 679, § .161; ‘ p. 681, §§ 191, 198` ‘_ ;._ j _ - · 7 insane persons in military hosplta,ls, transfer to public “ . hospitals for"t1ie insane. P. $1,] 199 · Inspector General, duty to inspect soldiers’ homes, p. 674, Inspector Generals Department » Component part of Regular Army, p. 169,5 4 · `Composition of .aepa¤·:me¤r, p. 17Z» S 51 _ ` _ Expert accountant for department, appointment, p; 172,' .- i § 52-- ‘ , . . . , Expert accountant, mileage allowance, ·p.` 197, §_ 746 » , National Guard, detail of omcers to inspect, p. 1034,. § 15 Q . { M · _ . ' ., l National Home for- hisabled Volunteer Soldiers, inspecr tion by Army oillcer, p. 676,.} 84 ” I ‘ . ‘ Omcers detailed from other branclies of service, p. 187, 5. 487. _ _ ‘ _ Rank of Inspector General, p. 172, _§ 51, Intoxicating- liquors, sale at_ posts prohibited, p. 219, Judge Advocate General°s department · _ ·Compouent part of ArmY»·D. 1%, §.4. · Composition- of department, p. 172, § 61 . Filling vacancies in grade. or captain, p. 172, §· 64 Judge Advocate General, duties, p. 172, § 62 ·

 *—-——rank, p;172;§—61_‘ — I

· Judge advocates, duties, p. 172, § 63` , , . Omcers, exemption from retjuirement of service with . troops, p. 189, S 534 , ·` . -—-—·· permanent commissions above grade ot captain. p.187,i§487 - . · Y Rank ot Judge Advocate General, =p. 172, Q 61 ‘ Yacanciesin grade of captain, p. 172, 5 64' K . Laundry workfsee ,Supplies, Stores, and Services, infra Law enforcement ° · · · é Authority of President, to employ military forces, p _ I §' 55 ie — l \ ‘Use ot Armylas posse "comitatus, p. 170, ‘§ 15 , _ Leaves ofabsence W ·· · ‘ ‘ _ ‘ Annual leave·allou·ed.o$cers, p. .199, § 841 Cumulative IFKVQS, to civilian employees ot Ordnance ` Departmen , p. 200, § 852 . . » _ Cumulative leave allowed to Nurse? Corps, p. 200, Cumulation of annual. leave, p. 199, § — » Instructors at service schools, p. 199, § 843 Ctlicers serving outside territorial liinlts§;of United States, travel time added to leave, p. 200, -§§. 844, 845 Service counted in coinputing leave, p. 200, Q 851 ,_ , Travel time added to leave in certain cases, p. 200, §§ ._844,8»45’i , . , ». ' l Licenses in connection with Government reservations, duty _ ° of Quartermaster. General, p. `172,‘§ 72 - 9 ` l ~· F. Lighthouse Service ’ x . _ " Additional compensation to military otllcers prohibited, _ T p.‘1oo1, s no i *