Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/358

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o § Q2 _ TITLZE 14.--» organlmtion and government of the employew of the service x to prepare and revise regulations therefor as may be necewnry to · Hx . the number of Q snrfinm to be employed stthe meters stations within the provisions of law; to snpervisejthe expend _ture not all appropriations made for the Qwwrt and maint: nance ot the Coast Guard; to examine the accounts of dlsburs< ments ot the district superintendents, and to cerdfy the stm to the General Accoundng Owce; to examine the property `re turns of jthe keepers of the several stations, and see that a .~public property thereto belonging is properly accounted for; { ` acquaint himself, as tar as ‘pncticable,; with all means on ployed ta foreign` countrles `whichs may seem to advantageous! affect the interests not. the sefvice, and to cause to be proper] investigated all pla-na devices, and inventions for the improve ment of l;lfe>saving apparatus for use - at the station, whic may appear to be rneritorious and available; to exercise supeu vision over the selection of sites for new stations theestabltsl ment ot which may- be authorized by law, or toroid tonesth “ · removal of which my madezneccssary by thecncroachmet of the sea or by other e causes-: to pfepate and suhm1t_to`tl1 _ Secretary of the Treasury estimates for the support of the sexo ice; and to collect and compile the statistics ot marine disaa `tcrs. · (Jane 18, 1878, c. 265, 5 Z, 20 Stat; 164.), ’° _ · ·92. Regulations. for stationsg gcnerally.—Tl1e_ _Sccretary·· of tb Treasury is authorized to make all, necessary regulations fc the government of the Coast Guard not inc0nsisteut’ with lat (June 20, 1874, c."344, 5 8, 18 Stat. 127.) -‘ _ ‘ · ‘ - 93. Diseentinuanccof stations.-The Secretary ot the .Trea:

 is authorized to discontinue any Coast Guard station <

h se of refuge whenever in his judgment, the interest ot con merce and humanity no longer requires its existence- (-M8? * 1882, c, 117, § 2,_22`Stat. 56.) .’ _ .94. Stations at "lighthouscs.-—=~{The Seeretary oi the Treasur ’· may establish such stations atsuch lighthouses-as, in his Jud; ment, he shall deem pest, and the keepezfs of such llghts sha wake charge of such; boats and apparatus ns may be put 1 their charge respectively, use part of their official dutles, ° (1 . S. § 4245.) _. — _ · . _ 95. T$~me.of_ manningstations, ctc.; establishment, etc., c districts and divisions.--5-The Secretary `ot tth‘e_'I'reasury in tim l or pwce and the Secretary 01 the Navy'in_‘.tlme ot war ma; " in his discretion, mann any Coast Guard station during tt entire year, or any portion thereof, maintain any house °q refuge as a Coast Guard station, and change, establish, and il the limits oi Coast Guard districts and divisions. (Au:. 2 1915, c. 417, 39'Stat. 601.)` ‘ · . . _A .· - I; 96. Acquisition of sites for .Coast_"Gusrd stitions, etc.—g-Tl: Secretary ot the Treasury is hereby authorized `wheneverl lz shall deem it advisable, to acquire, by donation or purchase 1 behalf ot the United States, the right to .use.·and occupy nite for Coast Guard stations and houses or refuge, the atsblisl ment or which hu been, or shall hereafter be, authorized} Congress. .(Ma1·; 3, 1875, c. 130,1-1, 18 Stat. 872.) ` 97. Transfer of appnr•tus.———<The_»commandant ma_y transit the apparatus, nppllances, equipments, and supplies of any ~dl continued station or house of refuge to such other stations a houses `ot reruge as may need them, and may also transfer ar portionot the ,apparatus," appliances, equipments, and éupplle of one station or house of refuge to another whenever in ln judgment the interests of the tservlcenzay require it. (Ma _ 4, 1882, c. 117,`§ 8, 22 Stat:56.) I — ‘ ; · 98. `Divisioaof Coast Guard stations into districts.-—-The se and lake masts of the United Stutm are divided-into thirtei districts as folloara: First district, coasts of Maine, New Hami shire, and Massachusetts to the _ south end ot Plum` Island second district, coast of Massachusetts téom the south end 4 Plum Island to Woods Hole, except the Islands of Nantucke

cprasr em-Rn ’ P 344 »;. Muskeget, and Mertheey Vineyard; third district, coast et ·; Meseachusetm from W<>0ds`He1e,2 weste coasts of Island rl- end Obxmectieut to the Thames River; twether with- Nani-E tucket, Martini “Vineydrd,` and Fimerst mw; fourth distriet, e- coast of Leng Is1and,jNevi York; Hlth coast ot New, e- Jersey; eirth district, éonét betwwn .De1¤were ged Chesale peake Bays; seventh district, emét freer Gepe Henry; Vire· sinh, t0_Key-West,-F1orlde~;. eighth district, Gulf coasts of ll the United States; ninth district, embracing the ceersts bor? ie 'derlng on_L;1km 0nte1*l9,_Erie§ and Huron te Hammeede Bay; 1- tenth. district, embracing the cease bordering en Ldke Huron, 3 west ¤1;Ha.mmoud‘Bay; Bois Blade, Mackinac, and Beaver .y` ·1sl;uids;"the coast bordering en the .e¤st·‘ side ref Lake Miemgy gan;-and _¤ station at Lenisville, Kentucky; eleventh dkstrict, hl embrectrag the eoaet bordering on the west of·I4¥€·_Hichi·* rl gan ¤.nd_the bordering en lake-‘8¤per1er_;. twelfth die- ¤.‘ trict, `embracing the ·c%mst—0f’ California, eogst of Orekg gexr to the sbqth side, qt Ilmpqua `Riverythirteehth district, nt embracing the coast et o¤ frem the seeth dde ot Umpqnin le _River and the coasts ot w&éh]@t0B_illd' Alsslup (Jm:e6,; vQ ,1900, c. 791,‘§ 1, 31_Stat._596; Mar. 1, 1905, c. 1%%}, Q 2, 33 5- SIZALSIQ.) · V. . ‘ _ . 99.· Delhi! of e$t:ers for inepectiui ref stntiws.-—·Tbe Secrele tary of the Treasury may detail such omcer er e@cers‘_ of the ue Coast Guard as may be il9€ l'!, te actas insinecter, and 9, Assistant mspectore, who bball perforrh meh duties in mance! ~ tionc with the cbndqct of- the service as may be required ot 3. them-by the commatxdant. _ (June 18Q._1878, c._· 265[ { 8[ 20`Stat. [I- _` 10% District r, superigutendent is chief écer of d&rict.-—- 4, The district · superintendents shall. be the chief emgers md first - ixreuthqrity ini their’ respective dietriets;-subject ti? author- ·y. ity of the cemmandafmt. (Jam. 28; 1915, c. 20, I 4; % Stat. g- 802.) . `C \\ V _ r v ‘ . Qwww 11 ·_ 101. District superintendents as di i¤g and cmte¤s_eE- an cers; bcrid.-··——All· dlétrlct superintendents et Const Guard stations 3.. shell be disbursing emcere end ·pdymasters for their remegtive districts, and shall give suw bonds as the Qecretary of the »£ Tredsury may require, dud shall here the powers and perne Y£0rp_ the duties ot inspectors of .cu§t0ms had shall perform y, such other duties as tbeSccretary_‘ef the Treasury may designe- nate. (Hay}, 1882, c. -117, | 4, M_ Stat, 66;) Q - it 102. Pmmetimn M4!} vacancy · of ?&sttict mberbtwdent I; of kceper.—»-·Wl1e¤ever-n vacancy occurs in the grade ef 9, bcamwaln 2(llfemving) et n Genet Guard statlen er house efrefuge, it' p1igaI1.,bef¢ill1ed ``‘‘ by promotlexi- end appointment from te the grade et edrtmnu, and whermver u vecabcy jebeli eécur in ne `the grpde ot district éuperintmdmt me vacancy shell be tlhéd ln" by promotim and nppemment the grade er .b0atswnin as ’(llIe-Sewing). ._(Jm1. 28, 1915, c. M, {.4, H Stat. 802.) · tn- NS. Appeintment of keeperi.4-Jllhe wet the TreuS— ry my r nutheri¤m_ to eppeint the nererel keepers of all Coast - Guard stetiem and houses of refuge. (Mey 4} 1882, c. 117, ar §_5,22Stet.57.)—_·‘ _ ‘ _ ; . _‘ `_ e·‘ 104. Power: and ddties of keeper: gégwrally; residenre.-g ar ‘1'he·`keepers et Gegst Guard stntions and houses of refuge shell ny have the were of inspetstere of ¢¤stems,·bu`t shell receive_ v0` es additional eempensation for duties performed ee such: Pmis vided, f1‘l1`nt nid keepenr shall here duthority and be required my etc take chirger et and metect `gll property saved trom ship- " wreekrt which they may be prwentg- until it id claimed -by_p•u·- za ties legally `eutherlsedj to resleive it, er until otherwise instructse Q to dtspose etiit by the Secretary et the Treasury; and keepe p- ers or Guest Guard stations and hmm et refuge ebelt be, P8- l:` quired `to mide cqntiuudlly at or "iri the immediate vicinity of ¤t_ their respective stations. (June 18, ,1878, c. 285, 9. 4, 20 Stat. et, 163.) `