Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/359

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. 345 TITLE 14.- 195. Appohtmentar nude ortly for §tnesaL—-·Tlie appointmer of district seperietesaeau, inspectors, and keepers and crow or Coast Guard stations shall m made solely with retereuo to their Atuess, and without reference to their political 0 {wry amliatkms. (Mir 4, 1882, c. 117,. 5 10,,‘_22 Stat. 58.). _` 106, Gntuities to 'widovi or dependents of deceased oEce1 etc}-git any omcer, warrant omcer, or enlisted maxi,_on the activ ·1i§t in the Coast Guard, shall hereafter die by reason of perilou] pt·;·vice_or anyiwvundfor injury received or disease eoritraeteq {H me`Llfe Savin$‘8ervice in the liao of duty; leaving a widow or fl ehild or children under, sixteen years of age; or a depend c mt motherf such widow and child or children and fdepepdeu meme: shall entitled torecelve lu equal portloas; during 1 period of two years, order saclr rgulations as the Secretar; .3: me Treasury may prescribe, the same amount, -` payablt quarterly as tar as practicable, that the husband orefather on we would, be entitled to_ receive as pay if he weretative am pttmixlued in tlne service: `Pr0vido@, Tlmt its the wldow sha] ? wxlmrryo at any time daring the said two years her portlorro; said amount shall ceaseto be paid toher from the date oi hex _ 1‘{‘lll3.I'I`i8gC, ibut Shall, be added `to the amount to be paid te the remaining,beneHcia1jes under the provisions of this Section it there be auyi and .if anyschlld shall arrive at the age oz sixteen years during the said two years, t1l€.[l0ffl'Ol1 of. suc! child shall to be paid to such child from the .date‘_o1 which ,sti'ch¥age shall be attai¤ed,’but shall bé added to the mmmut-‘to fbe paid. to thefremaining beneficiaries, .if there be amy; (May 4, 1882, c; 117, § 8; 22 Stat. 57f Mar. 26, 1908, cl 99 §_3. 35 Stat. 46;;Jan. 28, 19l5, c. 20, 38 Stat. 80l.) V. ` ,197. Transfer of books ‘from_'l‘reas¤ry Department. library for use at stations.-Tliat the Secretary of the Treasury be,,am no lslxereby, authorized, in hisldlscretion, to transfer, tron time to time, from the 'ireaéury `Departmeut library, to the (waist Guard stations of the United States, suolrbooks up ix his judgment may be no longer needed-tor use ixrsa_ld library alloc. 11, 1908, c. 1,,35 Stat. 581.) ‘ - · _ 108. Sale of _ condemned articles; etc.-——-¥'l‘he Secretary of tm ilwznsury is lrégeby authorized todispose o£,.to'the best ad van mge, after due condemnation by board of survey, · auch articles or materials belonging to the Coast 'Guard stations as may from long continued use or other oatise, become xiuserviceablo (June 20,_1874;—c._344, § *9, 18 Stat. 127;) · _ . 109{ Dinpoaitioni of proceeds of sale.-—?All. moneys reoeiyet from the sale of old statiousand equipments and- other mate rin! condemned by a .board» ot survey as unservlceable may bq rxpcnded la rebuilding or improving and equipping stations tJunc 18, 1878, c. 265,A 5 3,20 Stat. 163.) · — '· Y l10.·Compe¤satio¤ of volunteer crewr¤a¤.d volunteers; du tics.·-—-The compensation of the enrolled members of voluotee1 l·x·o}s·s of lifeboat stations, Coast Quard, is extended to .0cca lsious ot actual andoeserviog service at any slxlpvrreok, or 11 the relief ot any vmel inrllstress; and such persons ammo; mluutwr to take the place ot any absent or 'tllaabled- enrolled members of a crew,'a¤d who shall be accepted by} the keeper . may be paid therefor, in ;h¢~o1¤a·euo¤— ot the Secretary 01 the Treasury, a sum not to exceed $8. each- on every soc! occasion: cI?roo¢—ded, That all crews and volunteers who may he present er a cwreclralxall be required to use their utmost endeavors to. save life, and. properly care Tor the bodies of such as may perish, and, wMn_¤uch° emrtszaro no longer · necessary; to save property and protect the same, tmder tht xliroction of the senior keeper Present or ot the superluteatl out of `tljle district, until the arrival ot! persona legally authorized to` take charge; ard, for the `tme employed in so saying and protecting property volunteers shall be eotltled to compensation pot 'to_exceed‘_$3 per each, ln thedlacrotioil

-00AsT GUARU § 124 at of the Secretary of the Treasury. (June 18, 1878, c. 265,5 10, · 1; 20 Stat. 165.) D . _, h · —' , e . '· 111.-Investigation of ~shipvirecks· accompanied with losscf r- life.—=-—Up0n the occurrence of any shipwrec}:-within the scope of · qthe; operations of the_G0ast .Guard,· attended with loss of lite, e, the cqmmeudapt shell éause an investigation oi all the circum- Q staneesj connected with _ said and loss of life -t0 pe S made, with a view of escertaining the ot th9·`(1iS&St€l`, 5 and whether any of the `ollicc-:1·—s‘0r mee of the Coast .Guard V, (have been guilty of; neglect 0: misconduct in the premims; _. and any 0Hlce1t·.q1j clerk in. the employment of the Treasury 4; Department who ay be- detailed tmconduct such investiga-‘ I tion, or to examin dntcpeny, alleged 'incompetency or->·misc0ir ’ y_ duct 0; imy 0:.* Qthe cmcers or empldji->€S` of the Ccfast Guard,. B shall have g authorityj to administer an cath to any witness [Q attending to testifytoi· depose in the céurse of such investi- 3 gaticm. (June 18, 1878, c. 265, 5 9,'20.St&t. 164.) I ` { _ 112. Ammunit$n fm: Lyle gmx and repaifcf apparatus at· { station 011. Fargllerie Isla¤ds.·——The Secretary bt the Treasury p is authorized tql furnish ·amm¤¤;;m§ I0; the Lyle gum, placed

, at the Fari1ll0r;e_ Islandsfoft the coast) bf -Celifos·hia, and-

_, make .repairs· to the apparatris fl'0l1l_ time to tinge as neces- { sag. (Mee 30, 1908, c.”231, 5 1,`35°Stat. 553.)_ ‘ · } Chapter •4.-e-PAY_ AND AI2]»0WANGES. 1 i _ _ · 3V ¤ · T IJ B 121. Pay` and allowances fgeneralii. _ ‘ Q? 122. Con_stx·uctor; psy and allowances. ; 1 v, 123. District sniperlntendentsg pay and allowances. · 124."Civl1 instructors; pay and allowances. 125. Surgéoxg; pay and allowances. e ·— - 7 126. '1'ravjel (lll G0vernme¤t·0w¤ed vessels. _ 1 _ 1_ 127. Raéglkétipny,-or allowances unefectcgl by Act of Jiguusry 12, 1923,-

128; .0Qcers’- pay nccmynts ; `V€l.’i§<$It§i0Ds ‘

1 129. Allotment ol pay; _ l . i , Section 121. Pay‘ and allowances g@ersIly.——-Commissioned `A .,€»$cers, warrant oméers, petty 0mC&1’S,·&i}d 0tEet· enlisted men

 of _ the Coast . Guard shell receive the same pay, `alluwances,

B and iecre& es now exe, herein ere, er hereafter may be pre- ’ scribed for corresponding grades or ratings engl length of sexy; 5 ice in the Navy,. _Ai1d they are eptitled {tc me my and at- " l0w8.11<36s·§8 provided in Title 32, PA: me Anowsscns. . (Hey

  • °· U18, 1920..0. 190, _§‘ 8, 41 Stat. 603; iime 10, 19@, c. 21.2,-42

1 122; Conetkéctor: psi ind ellelrsngest-—-A c0rlstmct'or,.a.fter ‘ ten years’ cdiemiwieued service in the ._Be=ve.eue Cutter Service B and C-cast. Guard, shell have the raulepey, end allewsuces of F- a lieutenant co¤imauder,·e11d After tiveixty yeersi commissioned _' ·—ser·ilce the rank, pay, iing etlcweeces et e.comma~mler. _ (Jae. . 1.2,1923, c. %, §`2, 42 Stat. 1139.)_ .» ’_ · ` p " 123. District éuperiiatendenwi P8! •n·d •1l0win¢es.———-The ,._ séni0r'dl,stric't `superleteudent, the three district superizxteedexzts 1 hext in order at seniority, the tour district supebintendexxts

’ next below these three lu‘ order of seelogity, end the junior

{ five district superintendents shell. have the rank. pay, end` _ fellowsnces of lieutenant cemruender,. Iieutermnt; lieutenant., I (juni01·‘gl·ede), and ensign in the Cqast Guméd, resmctively. L (Mgy`18, 19%, c. 130, 5 8, 41 Stat. 603._)` . » é ` r 124. Civil lnstrtictcts; pay and ¤lkm*sxi¢es.——The Secretary b ot the Treasury is-eutl1erised‘ to employ two civilian instrucn tom in the Beast Guard, one et a salary ct $2,000 per simum

and meat e salary of $1,800 per sxmum. . e I

s ·A civilian instruétor in the Coast Guard,. after "H`€*'e yem·s" — ~se:·vice_ as Buch; sha1l`have.the. my and ._a1loxvmx<:es of Q1 r lleutenent (junior grade). and after; `ten years of such wtvice nt shell have the "pey and ellowemmlot a llenntenxeutdn the (mast n Gudtd. _(”Ju& '23,‘1906, c. 3520, { 4, 34 Stat. 453; July 1,, 1 1918; c. 113, {1, 40 Stat. 64%) ‘ `