Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/421

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407 rzamn 16.-cc ·34,~sald township; thence westerly along the sslxth standard parallel north, allowing for the proper oKsets, to the northeast Corner ot sections 3, township 39 north, range 6 east; thence eonrtherly to the southeast corner ot section 27, said township; thence westerly to the southwest corner`, ot the southeast quarter of section 28, saidtownshlp; thence northerly to the northo·osfcorner of the southeast quarter of- saltli section; thencexvesterly to the sonthwmt corner of= the northwest. quarter of ~ said section; thence northerly- to the°northwest‘ corner of saidsoction; thence westerly to the southwest corner of the south= mst quarter of section 20, said township; thence northerly to the northwest corner of the southeast quarterqof said section; thence westerly to the range line between ranges 5 and 6 east; thence southerly alongsaid range line to the southeast corner of township 39 north, range 5 east ;,thence westerly. along the. township line between townships W and 30 north to the southwest corner of section 33,- township 30 north, range 5 east; ,_thonce northerly to on northwest corner of said section; thence ` ;n·este.rly to’ the southwest, comin of the southeast quarter ot, section @, mid township; melee, northerly. to twrthwest corner of the southeast quarter ot said section; thenc o westerly to the southwwt corner of the northwest quarter ot! said tion; northerly to the northwest corner ot said section; thence westerly to the southwest corner ot the' southeast quar- 'ter of wction 20, tonmshlp `W north, range 4 east ;._ thence . northerly to the northwat corner ot the southeast quarter, ot section 8, said township; thence easterly to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 0, said township ;» thence northerly to the townshlpllne townships ,30 and 31 north`: thence easterly along the slxth·__sta_ndard parallel, north, allowing for the proper ottaets, to the southwest corner of section %. township 31 north, ·range°‘4 east ; thence northerlr to the northwqt corner ot section 21, said township`;. thence·‘ easterly- to the fline between ranges 4 and 5 east {thence, northerly, alongnsnlgl range line "to the _ northwesto corner of fractional section 18, township 31 north, range 5 east; thence ' easterly to the-southwest corner, of section 12, said township; , thence. northerly to the northwest corner- oi! section 1,, said toarnshlpc thence egasterly· along the township line between townships 31 and »32!north to the northeast corner of section 3, townshlp‘31_north§ range 6_ east, the place of beginning, are .. reseryed and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, disposal, · or sale, under the laws or the United Statu; and sold tracts are dedicated and setioapart as Aa` public park or pleasure ground for the ·bene¤»t and enjoyment ot the people. ot! the Vllnlted Sutes under the name and to be known and designated as the Law Volcanic National Park; and all. persons who __ shall lodte nr settle. upon, or occupy the same, or any part ‘ thereof, except. as. hereinafter provided, shalt beoconsidered `trmpauers and be rexuored [therefrom. Nothing herein conjoined shall adect any valid existing claim, location, or entry existing. under the land laws ot the United States before _Au·-’ rust 9; 1916, or the rights *0; any such claldant, locator, or cntrynian to the full use and enjoyment of his land. Rights W ot may for stearn or electric milways, automobiles, or wagon . roagls may he acquired within L@__v;sea¤1e National Park Juneer slings or proceedings made or instituted under the laws- »¤D1>}lcable to the acquisition ot such rights over or upon the national tomt lands ot the United States when the constrncq tion of meh roads will °not"l,ntertere. with the objects of the national 'park, and that the United Btat$ Reclamation Serrice may enter upon and utilize for nowageor other any area within said park which may be necemary for tim develop- "ment_ and maintenance ot a Government reclamtion project; " No lands jocated within the park .boundaries hold prior to August 9, 1916, in private, .nmniclpal,· or State ownership shall

  • =·be,, alfectm by or subject to the provisions of this section and

_ sections 202, and 203 ot this title. No lands within the limits I * j "

Q r" )§NSl§RVA,TION o § 2},1 of said park hereby created belonging to or claimed 'hy may railroad or other corporation having or claiming on August 9, 1,916, 'tlre riglxtlof indemnity selection by virtue of any law or contract whatsoever Shall cbc med as a basis for indemnity selection in any State or Territory whatsoever for any loss sustained by reason of the creatiézm of Mssidi park. (Ang, 9, 1916, c. 302, § 1, as shit, 442.) _ ~ , . p ; 1202. Same; controlgjrules and regulations; fish and game; leases; automfbiles; stock grazing.-—-Lassen Volcanic National, Park shall becunder the exclusive control of the Secretary of the.Iuterior.` He shall make such rules and regulations and exercise such powersas are enuxxierated in' section ‘3 of this title in so far as, not inconsistent "_with this section. Such regulations shall be aimed primarily at the frcest use of the V , said. park for recreation purposes by {the public and for the preservation; from injury or spoliation of all timbef, mineral deposits, and natural curiositiea or wonders within said park and their [retention in their natural condition as tar as practicable and for thepreservation of the mrk in a_ statelof nature, so far as is consistent with the Vpmfposes of this section and sectjpns 201, 203 of `tlxis title. He shall provide-’aiai¤st the wanton destruction of the Hah and I game fotmd‘witl1iu .said’ park, anfdgalnst theircaptare or destractfon for parposw of merchandise or proflt,_and .geaerally—shall be aatlxorizétfto take `all_ such measures as shall be necesaaryato fall? carry out the objects and purposes of said sections. , He may, in his discre- _ tion, execute. leases to parcels dot ground not exceeding _10 - acres in exgtent at any_oae_ place to any one person or persons or company for not? to exceed 20 years when such ground is necessary for the erection of lyaildlngsnfor the accommodation Qf,V1Si§Qlf§ and to parcels of gronnd not exceeding one acre 'in` extent aud~!%;sot to exceed '20 years to persons who have, A _heretofo;·e erect ,` or wl1otn_11e°`may_ hereafter authorize to erect, summer, homes . or V cottages. Such leases or privileges may be renewed or extended. at the éxplration of ithe, ternrs thereof.- No exclusive privilege, however, shall be granted. within the park except upon the ground leased. The regulations governQg the-- park shall inclnde provisions for- the use of automobiles therein and the reasonable grazing of stock. - (Aug. 9. 1916, c. 302, { 2; 39 St§t._444.) V ‘ — _ ·_ 203. Same; sale and removal of timber; charges lesau and. privileges.-—'1‘l1e Secretary? o£_,·t,lie —Interior" may se1l`and permit the removal of such ·mati’ired`Q. or `dead or down tiaibep `. as he may deem necesaari or advisable for the protection or _imp_rovementa of the park, and may exact each clgaréas as he edceins proper for leases and all otlxenpsivileges granted herey under. A} (`Aug; 9,, 1916,-vc; 302, $5 3, _4, 39 Stat._4f.) “ _· L ABRAHAM. LINCOLN ·'NA.TIONAL PARK _ · »2l1. Abraliaxn Lincoln National Park or Reservation; deed .to;_ admwien fees tw-—Tl1e United States of America accepts . title to the lands mentioned in the deed of gift. or convey-, ance now in powession ot, the Secretary of War, `togctlxer with ’ all the liuildings and appitrtenances thereon,) especially the log cabin in which amaham Lincoln was born and the, mexnorlalghall inclosing. the same, which deed of conveyance was —· executed on the 11th day of April, 1816, 'by`;.l`.hE Lincoln Farm ` Association, a corporation, to the United States of America, dewribing certain lands sitaated near the town of Hodgenrilleg countiv ot, Lame. State ot Kentncki, which lands are more particularly identided-and demriw in said deed or conveyance.- ` The title to snch lands, ·/buildings, and appartenances is ac—`_ ceptcd upon __ the terms and conditions stated ixfsaid ;deed or A conveyance, namely; That the land therein described, together 7\vlth‘tl1e buildings and appurtenances thereon, shall 'beforcvor dedicated ·to the purposes of a national park or reservation, o the United States of America agreeing th protect and preserve · the said lands, buildings; and appurtenances, and especially the