Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/422

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§ 212 mmnzzn 16.-·-¢ ., Q ' log cabin in whirl; Abraham Lincoln was 'bem and the [me meriel hall inclo ng the eeme, fmm epolletion, dwtructioz and further disibgratipn, to the end that they may be pre served for ell time, so far es may be; and further agreeing the there shell never be euy charge or fee made to or asked fron the public for admission to the said peek or reservation.i (Jul; H, 19*16. e. 247, § 1. 39 Stat. 385.) » , 212. Sawe; endowment fund; P¥T0tection·and ation:- The United States ot America also accepts titleto the endow ment feud of $%,0·00 mentionedin the assignment and ··t1•aus£e1 new in the pessession of the Secretary of War, which design _ment and transfer,. was executed on the 11th day of April 1916, by the -Llm:0ln Farm Aeeoclation,. a corporation, to th UnitedStates of Ame1;ig_·_a,___,¤·ausferring and tm·ning"0ve1·- ai its right, title, and intereet ne audyto said endowment {und heretofoxje invested .in certain étocks, ponds, and seéurltie held and owned, by the Lincoln Farm AsQs0c°iatio11,· and incr -partieularly identided and described in said eseignmentv an transfer. The title to wid endowment fund LS aecepted upoz the terms and conditions stated in seald assignment and trans `fer, namely; that the United States ot America} shall foreve keep the said tract of lend dmcribed in said décd, tegethexf wit} the laglldings and app;1rtenances.therennto belonging. dedicate · to the purpose of .5. national park or.rewrva‘tion, `jand the there shell. never. be any chai·ge or fee rnadél to or &Ské(i;f1’OI the public fog admission to the said pn;·k;_,__0m' reservation and further, shall forever protéét, preserve, and maintain sat

 building, and nppurtenences, ··a¤d‘ especially! the le

cabin in which Abraham Lincoln was born and the memoria hall inclwing the same, from spoljation, destruction, ”and fun ther disintegration, to the end that they may be preserved fc all time, as far ae may {be, as a nationel pafk or reservation , (iluly 17,1916, c. 247,} 2, 39 Stat. 385.) ‘ " j * _ ‘ " _, ‘ 213. Same; execution of instruments necwry to carry ou purpms of gift.--·~The 1’resident.o#£ the »§Jx.gited· States o America and the Secretary of War are authorized to execute ln the name of the United Steteé ot America, such lnstgumexa or instruments ee' mejfbe of meybecemejneceesery tojcoiznpl; with `or· cmjiy out the termspend conditions of such gift .0 gifts end to secure the full benefit therefrom; (July 17,_191( c 247, §~ 3, 39 Stat. 386.) `_ _ ° .,-_‘ ‘ _ _ nf 214. Same; rules me regulations.5——Abre.ham Lincoln Ne tional Park shall be ‘under’ the control of the Secretary of Wa and edminieterw under such regulations [not inconsistent wit? lawns he may-·_frem` time to time prescribe. _ (July;-17, 1916, < j 247, S 4, 39 Stat. 386.) ‘ U ` ...,__] _ . `, _ t A · GRKND OAN§0l§T NATIONAL PARK _ 221;. Grand Canyon National- Parkgf establishment; bound aries.-——TI'ber‘e is reserved and withdrawn from settlement, oeeu {nancy, or- disposal under ;the lews of the United States mi dedicated and‘_set apart as a public mr}: to; the benedtfau - enjoyment of the people, undef the pamé tot the “Gram Canyon National P§l1§,”‘ the tract of , land in the'"State‘ o Arizona partienlerly described by end included within mote and benudmas follows, to wit: » · F ~ » _ A 4 1 S mgimxing at a point which is the northeast career ofrtowm ship 30 north, range 1 east, eel the Gila. and Salt Bivfer me !‘l.Gi8l1,_·.Ql'lZ0l1& ;___thenee’ west on township' line between town · ships EG and 81 north, range 1 east, to miner common to mtime 1 and 2, township 30 txiorfh,· range I east,-and S ` and 36* towpelalp-31 ¤»0l'tH,i1'HB,gG 1`enet; thence north on sec [tion lines to the intersmtiou with Toebcobya Sprl¤g·Rowe·Wel ’ Road: theme northweeterly_ along ‘ tlxel southwesterly side o said Tebocobye Spri¤g?~Rowe Well Read, @1ng end in rela · ttion to United States Geologiéal survey bench maths stamps " Canyon ” and numbered -6340, 8235,* @72, 6412,. $02, ,-6144 audi 8129, through townships 31 and 32 nexrth, ranges 1 can

TONSERVATJON 408 e- _ .ar1d 1 and 2 west, to its intersection garith the Section Hue bon, twoon Sections 9 and 16 inttownnhip 32 north, range 2 wont; e- thence west along the sotstlou linosthrough townships`3.2 north, .t graugos 2 and 3 west, to its intrersoctionfwith upper westernn rim of Catarnct Canyon; thénco northnfontorly along upper y rim of Cataract _Canyon, c1•o&§in$,H\1&l&phi Canyon and cou., . tiuuing nonthwwtérly nlong said upper rim' to its intoz·@ctiou -— with range. line, township ~33 north, between oranges 4 and 5

  • ·` west; thence north op said range line, townships 33 and 3.;

r, i.\0I'[h,_1°§Bg§’3 4 and- 5 west, to north, of the Colorado n¤ River; thoncof northeastern? nlong the north. bnnk ot the_Coio-t l, rado River to junétion with Tapents Crook; thence mstérly o n1ong_ north bank ot Tnpents Crock to junction; with Spring Ll Greek`; thence easterly nlom the north bank of sprang Creek I, "to its intersection with Gila and Salt River meridian, town-. s ship 34 north, ‘botvg·oen ranges 1 east and 1 ww and between e section 6{township 34 north, range 1 cant, and muon 1, town a Ship 34 norm; rnnge 1 won; www mm on range nm·,be:wt~m ¤_ ranges r cast and 1, west to corner éomnaon to aéctions 7 s- and 18, townshi;i'°34· no~rth,.range 1 mst, and 12 and 13, r township 34 north, range 1 wqgt; {hmm out on nation lines o h to'soction~comer-common to motions 7, 8, 17, and 18, townd ship' 34 north,.rango»_42 least; .thencc` south lines to x township um between township ·¤¤o=:a4 muh, range 2 mn, n` nt Section corner common to Sqctionn_31 and &, township 34

north, razfge.2 énst, and sections 5 and_6, t_,owmhip_33 north,

cl range, 2 east; thence enston township to_ section homer g éoxnnxon to 31 and 32, township 34 north.- range 3 east, tl · ‘nnd"_seotionq 5‘nnd_ 6, towns1;ip’33 north, rgixgo 3 mn; thence r-» jsouth on poction lines to section &:ommosi—to`nqotions 17, r` 18,19, and 20, townmip 33 north, 8, cast n. on soctionf lines to motion corner common to onddon 13,,14, 23,

 and 24 townhhip ,33 north, range 3?enSf; themlmrthnn new l

it tion lines to section oorner common to `oncttonnl, 2,·‘11,`nnd. if 12, township wlnorth, range 3 mu; on 5, lingo to tho intersecdon with upper rim `ot Grand &¤!¢¤: °' =t thonco northerly along hid umm rim ot to min Y ·hydroi;raphic oivido north of Nankowoan of easterly aiong‘ the com hydrogriphté dharma _ to its 3. · with the Colorado River, epproumntoly-at the mwth ol N•Lnko— _ woop Crook; thence méorly mom Coiondo River and n- up the. hydrogrjnhic divide nmron tho jnnenon M Nsnkowehp r and Colorado Riva: to]: mint on tho.-wr out rim ti `ot tho Gram! Qnyon; thence by shortest route toon

. tion with rnngo Uno,-towmins & and 34 ranges

5 and 6 east; Tthonco south on~·mid_r¢nge hno, 5 ind Qéast, to soiztion corner to motions 18'ind 19, township 33 north, lrangoh mst, ind ¤ectionv_13 nm' M, town-_ [. t ship &_ north, rnngeh ohm; tlwnoo ann m Section llnu to occ- , [I tion cornor—,c n to;¤oét§m 16,_17,`@, and ¤,'to·wnship _ g1 33 nor§h, range B east; thence uonthnn Enos to section d. ncornor cohmonko sections 8, 9, 16,-and-I1, township & tmrth, q rnngo 8 eastkthenco wom on nogtion lino to section xoornor · »t common to sections 7, 8, IT, and .18, township 31 ‘ north, range h 6 east; thencohonth on paw to Li ia line botweoh townships 30 and ’31 north-ht mtion corner t ·» ¤ M to» s- tions 31 and 32, township 31 rings 6 east, and auctions _ g. 5 ind 6, township 30 north, rnngé 5 nant; thonoo root on x-' township uno to section corner ·co@mon` to 84, ani) Q 85, township 31 north, ranks Biéaat, and sections 2 and 8, town- 5 ship 30 north, 5 east.; thmco sonthon ¤e¢tion.lino_ > toé sections corner, common to aoétionn 2, 8, 10, mr 11, township L1 30 north, range 5 ohm; tmnco what on swtion to -1 ° mm, township w north, hotwooh 1'&}1§B§.4_l®;.5 ntowj L- tion corner ‘common to section 6 and 7, township .-30 north, d mn¢o·5 Qt, nnd_1 and 12,“t'ow¤nhip SB north, ram Q out? ·g L, thoncelsonth on range line, township $0 north, hgtwoon ranges rt- 4 and Iiloost, to seotion oornu to ¤oct,ions‘ 1 and 18,