Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/429

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' 415 t YITLE I6.-T-Ct 311 to ani one P€I°$0¤, corporation, or company for the erection ood maintenance ot buildings for the ~ accoxmnodation of yiaitors; but no auch lease shall laélude any _ of the objects ot

 curiositj or interest in mid park or exclude' the public from

awe convenient approach thereto orjcoxxvey, either expressly or bv implication, any exclusive prlyllege within the park. except apart the premises held thereunder and for the time granted tlzo1fein;.aud every such lease shall require the lessee to observe mal obey each and every, provision in any Act or Congress and ,...·ory- rule, order, L or regulation of the Secretary of the Iu- {prior eoncernlngwhe uae, care, management, -or government ot me park, or any object. or property therein, iinder penalt,y of yarfolttzre of each lease. Ha may'-in his discretion grant to

 persons or; corporations holding deasea ot- land in the park `on

·` .- _\u;:ust 1,,1916, upon the surrender thereof, new leasestgheree mater; upon the term; and stipulations containedin their preswatt leases, with such modilicatious, restrictions, and reservations as he may prescribe. `All of the proceeds · of said leases and other rexienug that may bederived from any source connected with the park shall be expended underl the direction of the secretary, in-the management and protection of the sanxej and me `conatrnction of roads and pathalthereln, Hernay also, in - his di>a·retion,` permit the erection and nxaintenanee. ot build» mae ia said 'purk for aclentiilc purposes. No appropriation Ystmll he made for the improvement or malntenance of said park until proper conveyanices shall ·be made .to the United states ot such perpetual easements- and rights of way` over pz·ivate·`18i1ds_ within theeztterior boundaries of said parkas the Secretary of the Interior shall Hndlnecessary to make said park reawnably accessible in all jtsparts, and said Secretary >h:tll— when such easements and rightseof way have been conrt-yt·4l to the- United States report the same to Congress; (Aug. ~1. 1m6,‘c. `2ti4, § 4, 39 Stat. 434; June~5, 1924, c. 263, 43 Stat. IZUU. ; ` · “ o I . ' ‘ I UTAH NATIONAL PARK 4o1.,Utah National Park; establishment; boundaries; administration.-—There_ is reserved and withdrawn from settlemom., occupancy, or dikposal under the laws_ of the United 'Smtos and dedicated and set apart as.g;_pt_1_bllc park fo1‘»th8 l·.·m·tlt and enjoyment of the people, under the nameiof the ‘: l'tah_ Nationalfark,-l' the tract of land, in the State of Utah . l•{l1'li<;lll!1l’ly described byf and included `yvlthin metes ‘ and luiunds, as follows, to Wit: " ‘ '. U t h l'a>;arveyed sections 31 and 32,- township 36 south, range 3 ·m~st; surveyed section 36, townslmip 36 south, range 4 west; ` north halt, southwest quarter andwcst half of the southeast . quarter of partially aurreyed section sgi unaurreyed sectiona 6 and 7, great halt, wesf halt ot the northeast. quarter, and swat! halt o£_ the southwest quarter of partially surveyed section 8, partially surveyed section 17 and un3sixrveyed·.sectio;1 IS, township 37 south, range 3 west; "and ·unsnrveyed.sectiona 1. 12, and 13, township 37 aouth, ranae 4,, all west of the Salt Lake meridian,-in the State or Utah, ·A.l1 the land within the o’xte:·ior boundaries of — the aforesaid Mtract shall firsf become the property of the- United States. The administration, prog ‘tt·ction, and promotion of said Utah ° National Park `ahall be oxorclaed nnder the direction of the Secretary of, the Interior `lhy the .National· Park Service, suldect to the provisions ot Mmtioua -4 ot this title. (June 7, 1924, e. 305,* §§`j 1, 2, 43 s<»;,sa4.) T . » _ ‘— < _ .· 402. Same; existing claims, locntiona, . or entries not af- ‘ fected; exchange of landa.·i=——Nothlng contained in section. 401 ’ Ofttlxls- title shall affect any valid claim, Qlocatlou, or étgttlv <—‘xistfng under the `laad lawa of the United. States prior to June 7,1024, tjvhether. for homestead, mineral, right of ivay, or any other purpose whatsoever, or shall affectwthe rights ol _ · any isuch claimant, locator, or entryman to. the full nse ’an_d AA

DNSERYATION 416 enjoyment of his landl The Secretary of the-Iuteriorjs hereby authorized to. exchange, in big discretion, alienated lands in Utah N_gtional_Park for unappropriated and unreserved public lands of equal value and approximately equal area in the State ot Utah; outside ot said parks. (June 7, 1924, c. 395, _ { 3, ·:t3_Stat. 594.) " », ’ _ r THE NA'.l3IONAL.·MILiTABY PARKS ~ ·41`1, Nation;] military parks; ‘¤ilitnry mxtneuvers ‘i¤.-—-—In 0rde1·__t0 obtain practical benents of great value to the country from the eetablmliment of national military parks, said perks and their approaches are hereby declared to be national Belds for military maneumrs for the Regular Army et the United States sind the N&tiOB&1,GU&f(I. or militia, of the States. ·Said* parks, shall be opened for such purposes only mjtlie discretion or the Secretary ot, War, and nnder snclrregulattens as he may prescribe. _. (Miny 15, 1396, c. 182, § 1, 29- Stat;`120.) , · - ‘ 412. Same; camps` for inilitary regulations far · Zmilitim-4*1*he Secretary of Wir is authorized, within the limits i got appropriations which may troni time to time M, available for e _such‘ purpose, to axisemble, at his `discretion, ·’i1x camp at suéh season of the year and for such period as he may designate, as e ‘such,,iield of militm·y_mnneuvers, portions ot the military _ forces of the United States as he may think best, te receive "militnry instruction there. - — - . ` . ’ The Secretary of War is runner uuthérized to make and · publish reguladons governing the * assembling at the National - Guard or militia of the several States upon the maneuvering grounds, and he may detail instructors {rem the Regular Army r for such forces 'during their exercisesl (May 15, 1896, c. 182, s 2, 29~“St8t._’121.) · . ‘- · _ ‘ , i ‘ .413; Same; oEe¤ses relating to structtires rcgetatien.-- Every. `person who' willfully destroys, mutilates, deféces, in-- jures, or remores any monument, Statue; marker, guidepeet, er other structure, or ivhqwlllfully destroys, ents, brwks, injpres, or removes axiy tree,_shri1b, or plant within the limits et any national military parks shall be deemed guilty of a misdeQ ‘meauor," punishable ‘b$r ayline of not less than $10 nor more l than $1,000 for each monument; statue, marker, guidepost, or

  • other structure, tree, shrub, or plant destroyed, defacéd; in-

, jured, cut, or- removed, or hy, imprisonment for‘:1et‘l@·°thnna_ __ fifteen days and not more than oneyear, or by~beth~ mze anf! 2 ·imprisonment.' (Mar. 3, 1897,.0. 372, §§ 17 §, @. Stht. 621, w.) 1 *4§14. Same; trupaming for hunting, or shooting.-——·Every L person who shall trespass upon any national military parks for "the. purpose ot hunting or shooting, er who SBR]!-'hl1iTl€`8ll¥ ? kinil otgume thereon with gun er dog, or shall set trap er net ‘ or other device ‘&v'h»§lZ$~0€\’€1‘ thereon for the pm·pm` of hunting ? _ or catching game of anyhkind, shall be gulltyet n misdemeanor, ' ‘ fine of notmere than $1,000 or by iinprisonr

  • ment for not less than five dgys or mere than ·thirty,deys, or

‘ 'by both Sue and imprisonment. "(Mur. 3, 1wT, c. 372, § 2, 29

`Stut.621.).‘. _. ;-, , _ ·_ e 1 ‘ Jn,

’_ 415. Same; arrest andfproseéution ¢;>f.o§exsders.-—·-—'1fhe super- ’- intemlent or any guardian ot sinch national: military park is '· au arrest forthwith any person engagekl`0r_ who may ’ have been engaged in committing any `·mis<leme;nerY°¤amell in ' sections ,413.and 414 ot this 'title, and shall bring such person Y before any Unitegl States .•:;-ommissioner or judge. of guy dis-

  • trlct or circuit c0urt_,0t the United Statesjwithln; either of the

districtehvéitlxin whielrthe park is sitzietecl, nucl in the <listrlct· · within which the misdemeanor. has been committed, for the . of holding him to answer for such misdemeanor, and ' `theu and there shell make complaint in `due torn; T (Mar. 3,; — » 1897,4:. 372, 5 3,329 Stat. 621.) . _· . " , 416. Seme;.reft1s;ul'to. surrender leased land in; recovery.-- _ 5 Any peréon to,`l5‘i11g within any notional military ‘ l ;$urk:s‘·may huvje been leased,_who refusesjto give up poseession