Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/477

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463 TITLE 18.~GR1.§l1sVAL scmvs , wr are required to bcsperfmwméd, or tc injure Izdmln his psmon sy pmpexgg/9,¤*·scccunt cfg his lawful discharge of the duties § fii his miles, bziwhile engs.gc<;l·iz; the lawful discharge thsrsst, ar to lnjme his prepeny so as to molwt, intgrmpt, hinder, i me impede him is the .Gl$€ll§1‘g€. of his cfhcial duties, egch at i smh i}ers¤¤sshs11‘ba §.¤é&=`§¥>t more than $5,000, or imprisoned sm more than mx years, pr both. (R. S. § 5518; Ma;. 4,g giiléil, c. 321, 5 21, 85 Stat..1®2.), g. · 5.5. (Criminal Cade, 22.) Unlawful `brescnce of tmcps at polls.--Every cmcér ofsha Army mr Navy, or other ,,.—s·ms in the civil, militsry,W0r usgs! sscrvi<,~e_,0f the United sasias, who Orders, brings, keeps; or has RUGBY; his authority °j . ss mntsrsl say tmsps or armed men at srly place where a general ? _.Zs· spmisl clectrlm is held iii any State, siuless such iorce be lss-e+sssry tc rspel armed enemies nt the United 'Statés, shall lim lined: not more than §,00G and fmprisoixed not more than me years. (R. S. { 5528; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 921, Q 22, 35 Stat. }_§ s$_$2_) s _ e `_ . · I $6. (Criminal .C0d¢, section 23.) intimidating voters by A rluy or Navy c&ers.+—·Every officer or other person in thex milimry cr naval service ot the United States who, by force, , threat, intimidawm, order, advice, Of- otherwise, prevents, or sszcmpts to prevent, aéy qualmed vote: of any State fmm_ fzwly exérizislxig ihe rfght bt sufrage at any general or spe- <·i:ll‘eIectic¤ in s¤ch·8tate shall beéned not more than $5,000 and imprisoned m>t"m01·¢ than Eve years. (R. S. Q 5529, am. 4, wps, c. s21,-5 m, as sm. 1092.) ‘ _ · 57. (Crimiasl Cqéc,.seéti¤¤ 24.) _Army cr. Navy d&ccrs prescriwsg q¤nH$B¢aticns Q! voters.--Every cificey of the Army Us Naw who cr mms, or attempts tp IlI`€SC1‘ibé\<l1Y sx, whhther by prqclsmation, ·ordex·, or qtherwisc, the` qualimizsk mms at voters at aw election in any Ststesshall be punislxegl as pmvidm in secucs 58 ot this title. `(R. ,8. 5 5530.; Mar. 4. @09, c. 321, § 24, as Stat. 1092.) _ V ` 58. (Criminal Code, wétim 25.)- Interfering with election ¤§c—crs by `Amy cr Navy; ·q5mr¤.·—-—Eve1*y cmcer or other °pér··—

  • scm in we military 01·’ms%i&l~ sm·vl¢e of the United States wi16,

_ by £m·ce,_ threat; intimidation, order, or otherwlm,. compels, op —- sttempts to compel, any `c§ccr holding su election in any State tb receive ~s vm from as person not legally qualmed to vote, or who {mmm, or attempts to any _ irkgulstions _ for mmlscting any vgemml or. syeclsl election -i¤ ‘a State dif-. iferanll those i§ed by liv, or who istsrtsws in any mama: with any omcer ot nn, electlpn the discharge - ct his a duty, shall be punished as provided in sgctigy 56 nf- this title. (R. S., S EIM.4, $@1, § %, 35 Statgléw.) * 59. (Criminal 26.), Additimul p¤¤lnhme¤t.——%—· Esery §€l*&$11 cmswcted at hay; éiéhw deans:} in sections 55, tc., 58 at tms title shall,°` lu· addition to tlas puhishmsxnt thergin prescribed, be holding any umm ot . .homr,· pgomg, or __¤Bd€‘1', the United States'; hutlfuothing therein shall be ccmstrxtéd to prevent my cmger, soldlsf, sailor, or ms.- riée {wm sim-clsing thé Hgh; of mwrsge ln may elactlbn dis~' trict tp which he may belong, it atlxexwyise qualmed _ according to me Laws ot lake State in ·whigh2hs oiers ta vote. (R: SQ _ § 5532; Ms:. 4, c. 321, 5 35 $tat. 1093.) · Chsspmx 4.-—-g·0F,F‘E§SES~ AGAINST OPWATIONS OF


See. ·_ _ N . l 71. ·M&ki¤§,.f¤1‘§D.§, pmzutsrtsiting, or altering hum pstcm. 72. jgiskiug, forging. 'muntsytsitlng, mz a.ll:sriag bonds, bids, or public `x-ecards; trsusmittlsg meh pawn. ‘ = 73, Making, {urging, `wumrertcttisg; sr altering deeds or powers t ‘ attcméyl tmnsmlttxng meh papers. 74. Psswmm st xs1¤s_;mpm.··s. ' , 7_.€i.- 0Ecez·` makin; {sim ackpcsjlmgmegs. , . 76. Faisal; pretending tcl M United mums umass. ‘ , · 77. Fslscly mpmsmmiug to be umm:. agent, or employes of United Sims! and making arrest or march. ·· ‘


·· 78. Fnlnc pnrnonntion of nolglnr ot nnbllc ntonkn or ncnnionor.

79. Fnlnc domnnd on fraudulent power of ntiornoy. 80. Prnsonting fnlno claims; niding in obtnining pnynxnnt thorcof. _ 81. Fnluo n&dnrit nnd postdnting voncnnrs; 1'nlno cortiiilcntca to vouchers. _ . ` 82. Purloining or ntonling personal propnrty ot Unitnn Status. D 83. Conspiracy to dotrnud Uniton Staten in roénré to. nllmrnncc or payment of fnlnei claims. ` 84. Unauthorized dclivcry_ of cortitlcnte, voucher, rcccipt, ctc., for military for nnrnl proncrty. ° 85. Unauthorized dcllvoryini monoy or property for military or naval service. _ f 86. Unlawful purcbnnc as plodnn of militnry or novnl pruporty. 87. Embczzling arms and stores. _ 88. Connpirfng to commit onensc against Bnltéd $tnton. S9. Threats against Prc‘nident._ ° 90. Intorfcring with delivery ot prize property. 91( Bribery ot United States omccr. 92. Unlnwfnliy taking or using pnpcrs relating to clnims. `93. Interested persons nctingns G0¥»€¥Hm€Bf.8g¢¥ltS. l` 94. Entlcing_dcsortion Iron: Army or Navy. ` 95. Enticing workmen from arsenals 0:: nrmortos. » 96. Injuries to fortiflcntgons or harbor defenses; jurisdiction of oftenscs committed within Dunn! Zone or defensive non nrcné. 97. Unlnwfolly entering military rescrvntinn, tort, or arsenal. ’ *98. Possession or control of property or papers in aid of foreign govfcrnmont donignod or intended for violating penal stntnton, 1 treaty rights, or obligations ot United States, or rights. undo: · lnw of nntions. - ~ ‘ o r 99. Robbery ofpcrnonn.1 property ofbnitcd Staten. ` 100. Exnbozzling public moneys or other propcrt,7. -.101. Rccclving stolen public property. __ _ ‘ 102. Stealing, clctnclng, etc., hooks, pamphlet;. or manuscripts in r Ijllrrury ot Congress or other public Hhrarien. 103. *1‘imbor`doprcdntiona on.punltc¤1nnon; rights. ot entrymcn. 104. Snrno; on Indian lands or trust allotments. · 1.05. Boxing tron: for turpcntino. 1 , 106. Setting nrc to timber on public? lands. · · 107. Falling to extinguish nm. " ‘ 1,. 108. Fincq pntdlnto school fuuck. — ‘ » 109. Trnspn ing on Bull Rnn National Forest. _ 110. Braking {once; or driving mttlo on incloscd public lands.

 111. W injuring or rcmoving survey marks.

1112.* Interrnpttng surveys. r _ . ° ‘ 118. Agwont to provont bids on land mlns. · 114. willful and. Xalan ropronentntionn to intending purchasers of pnb-

ltclnnd».1"; _ . . ·

115. inducing conrcynnccn by Indiana oi trust intcréstx in lands. 116.. to tc.lcgrnph` lines. ‘ ~’ 1 ‘“ 111, Cunntcrtnlting wcnthnr torccantx. . ~ o x · 118. Mog.@ng Anim;} Industry omoloyou; using dadly weapons. o 119. Foroign cnstonu entry cortlnontun. g 120. ‘ Concnnling or dontroying invoices. . l . ` 121., Budsting revenue o¤cors, running. ut 6nntroYi¤¢ ached. PWWYWS » dcsoly wmnon. .

 122. magtrnctinf rcrnnnn o¤unr• by mnston or vena:.

128. Fnlnoly nsnumtng to bu` rovunno · 124. 0¤'cring prcucnts to cnntom omcor. ¤···· 126. Admittin} tontriqs for `lm tnnn legal duty. "

   also entry or   .

.127. Falnn cort1§os.tion` bg consular .oMccr. _ .. .128. mined propertj from ruvcnnc omcnr. ·~ ‘ 129. F`i§r:in5*;#~n.r_.g.1_toring. n.lx£p*s or `cnstonnhnngn nnpcru. _ . - · _ 180. Couontcrfnttinf Government- ann!} frnuclnlcritly or wrongfully amsin:` ml out uznnntiro departments to ocrtmento or instrument ` or wrongiully using such certincntc or instrument. 131. Enlsoly @1n$ nr toréing of executive dennrtnront. _— .132. Fnlncly mnlringor. torging nnrnl, military, or o&cg¤l DBS!. ` 133. United States dnnnnd. ‘ ‘ r 134. Forging, etc., nrllitnry bonnty·lnnd_ · wn·n¤n.» · ` 185. Forging mttncntns `ot citizenship. 1 · 136, Forging ccrtincntn of oncnoxgooncm nztlitnry or nnva.1 service or _i" using such. forged . cnrtinmtc. \ x . 137. Engraving conntortntt plntns for citizenship ncrtlncntcs; printing; L distinctive · ~ .138. False pornonntion. tn__ procuring nnt rnlizntion. · , 139. Using. tnlsu curtincnto ot c1tlz.onnnlp;‘%t1nennh1§ blanks; denying _ cittznnnhip. ‘ _ _ . ’ · ~· ` 146. Attempting to vote on tnlno ccrtitlcnto.

 l  1. Fnlsuly claiming cttslnonsblp. I

142. Bfnldoly `nrcnring in naturalization canon. ..4 143. Provisions applicable to all courts of nnturnlizntion. 144. Shnnghniing sailors. ‘ ‘ , ‘ o ‘ 145. Hunting or taking eggs on blrdhroccling grounds. _