Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/478

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§ TITLE lS.—~CRIetINAL GOBE . Sectlorr 71. (Criminal Code, section 22.) lhiaking, forging,] counterfeiting, or altering letters patent.·~——\\’hoeoe3*er elialli falsely make, forge, counterfeit, or alter any lettcra ihatentl granted or imrporting to have been granted hy the Preaident B of the United States.; or whoever ahaii paso, utter, or publish, or attenxpt to paso, utter, or rpnblieh as genuine, any au°ch§ forged, counterfeited, or falsely altered letters patent, know-Q ing the sameito be forged, .connterfeited, or falsely altered, ienall he fined not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not rnore t than ten years. (R. S. § 5416; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321. § 27, 35` Stat. 1994.) ~ " ,. t { ° . 72. (Criminalffode, section 28.) Making, forging, counterfeiting, or altering honda, bids, or public records; transmitting auch papcrs.—\\i11t}cx=er shall falsely make, alter, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely? made, altered, forged, or conntexfetted, or willingly aid, or assist in the false making, alteringgforging, or counterfeiting, any bond, bid, proposal, contract, guarantee, security, o§cial bond, public record, athdarit, or other writing for the purpose of defrauding the United Statesj or shall utter or publish as true, or; cause to be uttered or published aa true, orhave in his possession with the intent to utter or publish as true, anysuch false, forged, altered, of counterfeited bond, bid, proposal, contract, guar- `antee, wcurity, odicial bond, pnhlic record, a&davit, or other writing, for the purpose of defrauding the United States, knowing the same to be false, forged, altered, or counterfeited; or shall transmit to, or present at, or cause or procure to he transmitted to, or presented at, the o$ce of any o@cer of the United States, any each false, forged, altered, or cohnterfelted `bond, hid, proposal, contract, guarantee, security, odicial bond, pnblic record, aiiidavit, or other writing, knowing the same to be false, forged, alteredyor counterfeited, for the purpose. of defraading the United States, shall be hned not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. (R: S. §§ 5418, 5479; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, 5 28, 35 Stat. 1094.) " 73. (Criminal Code, section 29.) Making, forging, counterfeiting; or altering deeds or powers of attorney; trangxnitting each papere.—Whoever shall falsely make, alter, forge, or coun- " terfeit, or cease or procure to be falsely madef altered, forged, ‘ ·_or connterfeited, or willingly aid, or assist in the false making, altering, forging, or counterfeiting, any deed, powcr”of attorney, onder, certificate, receipt, contract; or other writing, for the purpoae of obtaining or receiving, or of {enabling any other person, either directly or indirectlyyto obtain or receive from the United States, or any of their o@ccrd·’ or agents, any num of moncy;‘or whoever shall utter or publish as true, "or cause to be uttered or puhliehed as true, any such ~» false, forge»d,,.Eltered, ” or counterfelted deed, power of at- , torney, order, certiiicate, receipt, contract, or other yvriting, with intent to defraudothe United States, knowing the name , tobe false, altered, forged, or counterfeited; or whoever shall transmit to, or present at, or cause or procure-to be transmitted ‘ to, or presented at, any omce or officer of the _Goveru— ment of the ignited States, any deed, power of attorney, order, certificate, receipt, contract, or other writing, in support ot', or in relation to, any account or claim, with intent to defraud the United Staten, knowing the same to be false, altered, forged, or connterfeited, shall be fined not more than‘°*$1,000 and imprisoned not more than ten yearn. (R, S. I 5421; Mar. _4, 1909, c. 321, 29, 35 Stat. ;094.) ‘ S 9 74. (Criminal Code, aection 30.) Poaaceaioa of false papers.-——-Whoever, knowingly and `with ixgent to defraud the United States, shallhare in his poeoeaeion any false, altered, forged, or `counterfeited deed, power of’attorney, order, certidcate, receipt, contract, or other writing. for the purpose of enabling another to obtain from thetlinited Staten, or from any officer or agent thereof, any sum of money, shall be

AAYD CRIMINAL PROCED UBB 464 F deed not more than $500, or lmprisened net more than dee { years, or nom. (R. S. »§ 5422; Mar. 4, 1900, c. 321. § 3Q, aj, l Stat. 10%}-4·.), _ 0 , r r ‘ 75. (Criminal Code, section 31.) Oideer tasking false ae. E knowledgments.~—¥%’heever, being aa sffleer authorized to ad-» minister oaths or te take and certify aeknowledgments,“ shall knowingly make any . false acknoxwaletlgéent, eertideate, er statement concerning the appearance before hid or the tal:. y ingZof an oath or afnrmation by any person with rtespeet ifs ( any proposal, contract, bond, undertaking, er ether saattsr, submitted- to, made with, or taken on behalf o£,_the United °States,·and concerning whiclyan eath or a@rmation is reqaired by law or regulation) made in pursuance of lass, or with respect - to the financial standing of any principal, surety, as other party to any such proposal, contract, bead, undertaking, .0r other instrument, shall be Sued net more than $2,000, er imprisoned not more than two yvearsgor both. (Mar. 4, itat}, 'c. 321, § 31,35 Stat. 1094.) , . , 0 76. (Criminal Code, section 32.) Falsely pretending te be United States o§cer.·-;—Wh0ever, with intent to defraud eijther

the United States or any person, shall falsely assume er

( l!`l retend to be an omeer or employee acting under the authority ot the UnitedStates, or any department, or any o§cer of the 'Government thereof, and shall take amen himself te ast as such, or shall in such pretended character demand or sexes; from any person or from the United States, or any department, or any oincer- of the Government thereof, any messy, bas-er, document, or other valuable thing, shall be deed, not mere than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than three ymrs, er both. (ll. S. 5 $$3; Apr. 18, 1884, c. 20, 23 Stat. 11; Mar. 4. 1900, c. 321, 5 32, -35 Stat. 1095.) _ ‘ . 77. Fakely representing te be o§cer, agent, er employee ef United ‘ States and makinrnreet or search.-—Whoever not _ being an oflicer, agent, or ernployeeof the United States shell falsely represent himself to be such o§éer, agent, or employee Land in such assumed character shall arrest or detain any . person, or shall in any manner-search the person, beildings, or other droperty of any person, shall be (deemed guilty of a misdemeanorand ·npQll Cvnviction thereof shall be punished by. a Hne of not more than $1,000, orrimprisoned for net more than one year, or by both sue}; dne and imprisonment. (Nov. 23, 1921, c. 134,-§ 6, 42 Stat. 224.) . . . , 78. (Criminal Code, section 33.) ;False persenatien of helder of public stocks or 'pgneionera-———-%Vh<>ex*er slrall falsely A persenate a any true and lawful holder of any share or sdm ia the pablie stocks or debt of the 'qllitéd States,,or any person entitled to- _ any annuity, dividend, pension, prize money, wases,·o.r other debt due iromlthe United States, and, antler color of sues false personetion, shall transferaor endeavor `to transfer soon . public stock or any part thereot, or shall receire or endear er to rebeive the money of such true and lawfiil holder thereof, or the money of any person really eatitledi to receive such annuity, dividend, pension, prise money, sages, or other debt.1 shall be fined not more than ‘ $5,000 and imprisoned not mere _ than ten years. (B. S. § 5435; Mar, 4, 1009, of 321, §r 33, 35 smc. 1095.) _ . n n Q ._ · * 0 » ‘ .79. (Criminal Code, seetion 34.) False demand en fraudulent power of attorney.—·Whoever shall knowingly or 1{randu- _ lently kmand er endeavor to obtain any share or sum in the ( publicw stocks oi the United States, or tcghave anypart thereof transferred, assigned, sold, or cogveyed, or to have any annuity, dividend, pension, prize money, wages, or ether debt due from tHe United States, or any part thereot, received, or paid by C virtue of any false. forged, or eeunterfeitm pmtwor attorney, authority, or instrument, shall be dned not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not more than ten years. (R. S. § 5430; Mar. 4, 1009, c. 321, § 34, 35 Stat;1095.) ~ J · *_ ‘