Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/499

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485 TITLE 18.-·—UEI§I1¥4L CODE tended to he conveyed by mall, or carried or delivered by any earrier, messenger, agent, or other person emplomd in any doismmeat or the Postal _ Service, or torwarded through or delivered from any post chica or station, thereof established by authority of the Postmaster General; or shall merete, rr.; destroy any such letter, postal Qrd, pgekage, hag, or mail ;, or shall steal, ~abstract, or remove from any such letter, packhrs, hag, or mail, any article or thing contained therein, shall

 lined not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than Eve
.·rars, or both. (R; S. §§ 3%,,3%1, M67'; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 621,

k a § 195, 35 Stat. 1125.) _ 6 _ 319. (Criminal Code, section 196.} -Detaining or destroying news§a§ers.?—yWhoever, beingea. posmaster or other person olllfeloyéd ln any department of the Postal Service, shall imyyraystgrly detain, delay, embeazle, or destroy any newspaper, or ,s·rmit any other person to detain, delay, embeazle, or destroy the same, or open, or permit any other person to open, any mail or package of newspapers not directed to the 0Ece where he is employed; or whoever shall open, embezzle, or destroy any mail or package of newspapers not being directed to him, and he not bdag authorized toopen or receive the same; whoever shall take or steal any mail or package of newspapers {1%*3}} any post omce or from any`·person having custody thereof, shall be hned not more than $100,91* imprisoned not more alma one year, or both. (R. S. I 5471; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321. § 196, 35 Stat; ,1126Q) · 6 ‘ _ 320. (Criminal Code, section 197.) _ Assaulting mail custodian and robbing mail; wounding custodian.-——Whoever shall ssssmlt any person having lawful charge, control, or custody of any mail matter, with intent to rob, steal, or pnrloln auch mail matter or any part thereof, or shall rob any such person of snob mall or any part thereof, mall, {or a first oEense, be imprisoned not-more than ten years; and it in edectzing or sitexnpting to effect suoh robbery, he' shall wox1nd_,the `peraoa having custody of the mal”l»,Wor_ (put his life ‘‘‘c iiiljeopardy by the 119£T§—·(}f a,,d.aageroua‘w&§on, or for a subsequent offense, shall be imprisoned twenty·§ve years. (R. B. H 5472, 5473; Mar. 4, z i19n9, c. 321, 5 197, 35 Stat. 1126;) _ . ‘ 321. (Criminal Code, section 198, amended.) Injury to letter heres.--Whoever shall willfully or mallcionsly injure, tear mma, or destroy any letter · box or other receptacle intended as- for the receipt or delivery of mail on any rnail route, or shall break open the same, or shall willfully or mallclously injure, daface, or dmtroy any mall deposited therein, or shall willfully take or, steal such mail from or out of such letter box or other receptacle, or shall willfully aid or assist in any of the aforementioned odenma, shall_ for every such otense he punished by a 9ne of hot more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than three years. (R. B. H 38w, 5466; .~ Apr. 21, 1902, e. hw, l 1, 62 Stat. 113; Mar. 8, 1903, c. 1009, Q 3, 32 Stat. 1175; Mar. 4,1909, c. 321, 5 198, 35 Stat. 1126; May 18, 1916, e. 126, $,10, 39 Stat. 162; July %, 1916, c. 261, § 1, 39 Stat. ,418.) i 322. (Criminal Code, section 199.) Deserting the mail.- Whoeyer, having taken charge of any mail, shall voluntarily quit or desert the same before he has delivered it into the post omce at the termination ot the rente, or to some known mail carrier, messenger, amnt, or other employee in the Postal Servioe aathorlzed to receive the same, shall be Hned notmore than $500, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (R. S. 5 5474; Mar. 4,1909, c. 821, 5 199,..65 Stat. 1126.) 329. (Criminal Code, section 290.) Delivery of letters by master of vessel.-r-···The master or other person having charge or control ot any steamboat or other vessel mssing between ports or places in the United Stem, arriving at any meh pod or place where thm is an omce, shall deliver to the post master or at the post omce, within three honrs utter his arrival, it in the daytime, and it at night, within two hears

awp onczmzun rnooan mea § 323 after the next srlmrlse, all letters and packages brought by him or within his power or control and not relating to the e cargo, addwed to or destined for such port or plaee,~*for which he shall receive from the postmaster two cents for eaeh letter or manga so ddlveregl, nnless the same is carried under a con- e , Tract ger carrying the mail; and for every tallore so to deliver such letters or packages, the master or other person having _ charge or control ot such steamboat or other vessel, shall be Bned snot more than $150. _(R. S. 5 3977; Mar. 4, 1%9, c. @21, 5 200,35 Stat. 1126.) _ - ‘ 824, (Criminal Code, section 201.) .0hstrncting the mail.-- Whoever shall knowingly and willfully obstruct or retard » the passage ot the mail, or any carriage, horse, driver, or g carrier, or car, steamboat, or other conveyance or vesselcarry- ing the same; shall be Sued not more than $100, or imprisonm ` not more than six months, or both. (R. S. S 3005; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, Q 201, 85 Stat. 1127.) » - · 825. (Criminal Code, section 202.) i Ferryxnan delaymg mail.—Whoever, being a ferryman, shall delay the paawge ot the mail by wlllfpl neglect or refusal to transport the same - across any ferry, shall be BDGG not more than $100. (R. S. { 8996; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321,, 5 202, 35 Stat. 1127.) ” 326. (Criminal"' Code, section 203.) Letters carried in for-·e eign vessel to be deposited in pest o§ee; fai1are.—eAll letters or other mailable matter conveyed to or from any part of ‘ the United States by any foreign vmsel, except such sealed letters relating to such vessel or any part ot the cargo thereof as may be directed to the owners or eonsignees of the vessel, , shall be subject to postage charge, whether addrwd to any person in the` United States or elsewhere, provided they are conveyed by the packet or other ship of s foreign country lmpwing postage on letters or other mallable matterr con· _ V€Y¤d to 01; f1‘<>I¤, each by any yemel of the United S€&t€8'"§“i§Hd such letters or other mailahle matter carried in foreign vessels, except such sealed letters relating to the vessel or anyapart of the cargo thereof as may be directed to the owners or consignees, shall be delivered into the United States post omce by the masterjor other person having charge ·or control oft such vewel when arriving, and ‘ he taken from l the United States post omce when departing, and the postage F justly chargeable by law paid thereon; and for refusing or failing to do so, or for conveying such letters or other nxailable l matter, or any letters or other mallahle matter, intended to be y conveyed in any vessel of such foreign connnjy. over or across 1 the United States; or any portion thereof, the party odfending = shall be Hned not more than $1,000. (R. S. § 4010; Mar. 4,

1909, c. 321, S 203, 35 Stat. 11127.) , .

~ »827. (Criminals Code, section 204.) Vessels to deliver letters at post o§ce beforeentry} oath; failm·e.—··~—~——·No_ vessel arriv- . lng within a port or collecdon district of the United States l shall be `allowed to make entry or breakholk until all letters , on board are delivered to the nearest post o@ce, and the master or other person having charge or eontrolnthereof has — signed and sworn to the following declaration before the col- · lector or other proper customs owcerz ` e I, A. B., master of the —-—-—··—--·—, arriving from —-·—-—-·, r and now lying in theport of -————-·-—·—-, do solemnly swear ( or l awrm) that I have to the best ot my knowledge and belle! > delivered to the post omce at every letter and every . bag, packet, or parcel of letters which was on board the said vessel during her last voyage, -or which were in- my posses- · sion or under my power or control. to » And any master or other person having charge or control l of such vmsel who shall, break balk before hephas delivered

snch letters shall be heed not more than $100. S. 5 3088;

· Mar. 4, 1000,lc. 321, { 204,85 Stat. 1127.) , . A n 828. (Criwinal section 205.) Using canceled s stamps.-y—Whoever shall use or attempt to use in payment of