Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/500

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_t § 329 TITLE 18.-CRIMINAL CODE A postage, any canceled postage stamp, whether the same has been used or not; or shall remove, attempt to remove, or assist lu removing, the canceling or detacing marks from any postage stamp, or the supgerscriptiotf from any stamped exzvelopeleor postal card, that has once been used in payment of postage, with the intent to use the same for ae 11ke,paipoge, or to sell or omer to sell the same, or shall knowingly have in possession any such postage stamp, stamped envelope, or postal card, with intent to use the same; or shall knowingly sell or oder to sell - any such postage stamp, stamped envelope, or postal card, or uw orpattempt to uselthe same in paymentof postage; orrwh0· ever unlawfully and willfully shall remove from au? mail matter any stamp attached thereto in payment of postage; or · shall knowingly use or cause to he used in payment of postage; any postage stamp, postal éard, or stamped envelope, issued in pursuance of law, which has already been used for a like — purpose; shall, if he he a person employed in the I’o_sta1· Service, he fined not more -tl1an'$5OG, or imprisoned Hot more · - than three years, or both; and ifehe be a person not employed in the Postal Serviceyshall be fined 1i·ot more than $500, or imprisoned not-more than one year, or both-. (R.`_S. §§ 3922~ · 3925; Mar. 3, 1879, c. 180, §# 28, 20 Stat.362`; Mar. 4, 1909, c. $@*1; § 205, 35 Stat. 1127.) . ` , °`T » 32§. (Criminal Code,( section 20*6.) False retupjxs @1 .in-l_ ‘·* crease cémpensation.—\Vhoeve1-, being a postmaster or other pérsonfemployed in any brarlch of the Postal Service, shall iuake, or assist ln making, or oause to be made, a false ret;1ri1,.‘state; meat, or account to any aoflicer of the United Statesjlor shall make, assist in maki;1g,"o£.»cause to he made; aifalse entry in ' any recqrd, book, oraaccount, required by law or the rules or megalatioixé of the Post Oilice Department to be kept in respect ‘ of tb; business or operations of any post omce or other branch g ’of ghe Postal Service; for the piupose of fraudulently increasi11g§jhis domperiéatipn or the cotupensation of: the postmaster or aayfemployee ixfa post o@be`;p_,to§.whoever, being a postmaster or other persoh employedmln a‘i1y post odlce or station `thereot, _ shallelgduce, or attempt to induce, for the purpose of ipcreaslng theeexiieluments or compensation of his office, any person to deposit mail matter in} or forward in any manner for mailing at, the omce where'--such postmaster or other person .is employed, kuowing`§`uch matter to he properly mailable at another post ofdce, shall be lined not more than $500,*or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. (June 17, 1878, c. 259, § 1, 20 Stat. 141; Aug. 4, 1886, c. 901, § 3; 24 Stat. 221; Mar. 4, ".1909, c. 321*, §» 206, 35 Stat. 1128.) .. _ ` 330. (Criminal Code, section 207.) Collecting unlawful watage.———Whoever, being a postmaster or other person authorized to receive the postage of mall matter, shall fraudulently demand or receive any rate·of postage or gratuity or reward other than is provided by law for the postage of uch mail matter, shall be Hned not more than $100, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. (R. S. § 3899; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 207, 35 Stat. 1128.) t — 331. (Criminal Code, section 208.) Unlawful pledging or sale of stampsgindueing purchases to increaee»a·pay.——Whoever, beiug·a postmaster or other person employed ln any branch of ` the Postal Service, and being iutrusted with the sale or custody ·ot postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal cards, shall . use or dispose ot them in the payment of debts, or in the purchase of merchandise or other 'salable articles, or pledge or hypothecate the st same, or sell or dispose of them except for rash; or sell or dispose of postage stamps or postal cards for any larger or less sum than the values indicated oa their faces ;” or sell or dispose of stamped envelopes for a larger or las sum than. is charged therefor by the Post Omoo Department for like quantities; or sel1‘or dispose of, or cause to be sold ' or! disposed ot, postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal

ND ORIAHNAL PROCEDURE ,.1 cards atany point or place, outslde of the delivery of the onion where such postmaster or other person is employed; or induce or attempt to induce, for the., purpose of increasing, the emoluments or compensation ot such, postmaster, or the emolumenta or compensation ot any other person employed in such post oiilce or any station thereof, or the allowances or Iacilities provided therefor, any person to purchase at such post, office or any station thereof, or from any employee of such post office, postage, stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal cards: or sell or . dispose of postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal careli. otherwise than as provided by law or the regulations of the Post Oiiice Department, shall be Hned not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (R. S. § 3920; r June 17, 1878, c. 259, § 1, 20 Stat. 141; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, ·§ 208, 35 Stat. 11-28.) _ '332[ (Criminal Code, section 209.) Failing td account for postage due.#-jwhoever, being a postmaster or other person engagedin the Postal Service, shall collect·and tail to account for the postage due `upon any article of mail matterwlrich he may delirer, `without having_-previously aihxed and canceled the special stamp providedrby law, or shall fail to aillx such stamp,‘sha11‘—be Ijlnednot more than $50. (Mar. 3, 1879, c. 180, § 27,.20 Stat. 362; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 209, 35 Stat. 1128.)_ 333. (Criminal .—Qode, section 216.) i Issuing unpaid-for money orders.—¤—Whoever, being a postmaster or- other person employed in any branch` of the Postal Service, shall issue a money order without having previonsly received the money therefor, shall be lined not more tha:n‘$500. (R. S. { 4030; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 210, 35 Stat. 11%.) _ p 334.. (Criminal Code, section 211, amended.) Mailing ‘ebscene matter.——Every` obscene, lewd,‘ or 'lasclyions, and every filthy, book, pamphlet, picture, paper, letter, writing, print, or other publication _0f an indecent character, and every article, or thing designed, adapted, or intended for preventing conception or producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral nw; and every article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described- in {manner mleulatetl to lead another to use or apply itifor preventing eo¤ception`or_ producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral purpom; and every written or printed card, letter, circular, book, mmphlet, advertisement, or notice ot any kind giving information, directly or indirectly, where, as how, or from whom, or by what means- any ot the hereinbeforementioned matters, articles, or things may be obtained or made,`or where orby whom any actor operation ot any kind for the procuring erprodncing otabortion will be done or performed, or how or by what means conception y may be prevented or abortion produced, whether. sealed “‘or nn- ' sealed; and every letter, packet, or package, or other mail mnt- - ter containing any tllthY._vlle, or indecent thing, device, or snbstance; and everypaper, writing, advertisement, or representatioxf that any article, instrument, substance, drag, medicine, or thing may, or een, be used or applied for preventing conception or producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral purpose: and every description calculated to induce or incite a person to so use or apply any such article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing, is hereby declaredto he nonmailable matter and shall not be conveyed in the mailsaor delivered from any post omce or by any letter carrier. Whoever shall knowingly deposit, or cause to be deposited, for mailing or delivery, any- thing declared by this section to be nonmailable, or shall knowingly take, or cause the same to be taken, from the malls for the purpose of circulating or disposing thereof, or of aiding in the circulation or disposition thereof, shall he Hned not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. The term " indecent " within the intendment of this section shall include matter not a character tending to incite arson, murder, or assassination. (R. S`. § 3893; July 12, 1876, c. 186,