Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/569

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555 l' ( A QITLE .19.+-001 wgmm; go,-414:, _¤m¤·. Ann HA1§U|’A¢TUlH.0¥ ‘=‘ . `pm, 1001. Fini strtw, ¤ per son. \`\_ ¤n.;,;.·¤ot hackled, 1 cent per pound; 1lnx,_h•&led, _‘Y drewod ’l1¤¢.;‘* 2 pe; pound; dui tow and Yezewl. or Doin!-loo! m,,,,·_ gwtetou or not twisted, thteeéfonrths of 1 cent per pound: hemp and hemp tow, '1 ecentoperpounn; buckled herup, 2 cents p¤¤·'.p<>¤¤¤¢. I. ° v =  ;*=· . ppg, 1002. Sliver and roving, of glu;. hemp,. ramle, dor. other yogetable uber, not specially provided tor, 20 per centum acl vulorem. · ‘ ¥ .; ;.' . Pnn. 1003. Jute yarns or roving, single, coarse:. in size-than {wontypound, 42% cents peripound; twenty-pound up to but ‘ ..0. including ten-pound, 4 cents per pound; ten·p0und up to but not including nvegpound, 5%.. cents per pound; tlve-pound .1 nner, 7 cents perpound. but not, more then. 40, per centnm y .;.1 velerm; Jute; sliver, 1% cents·pe°r pound; twist, twine, und eordnge, composed. of two or more juteynrns or rovlngs -med together, the sine of the single yarn or roving. of which .1.; coarser than twentyqiound, 8% cents per pound; twenty-.; pound up to but not including tenjpound, — 5 cents per pound _; l ton-pound up to but not including dvepound. @3% cents. per v pound; dye-poundend duet.? 11 oentssperjdpound. — _ ‘ i PAR. 1004. Singleyarns, ln e the gray, made. ot dex, hemp, or ramie, oria glxtnre of any of 'themfnot dne1;"than twelve . len,'10 cents per pound ;_ill1er tboll twelve not finer then _ sixty len, 10 'cents per pound and one·hal£ of! 1 cent per pound additional. for oooh lea or psrt ot s. lead 1.xtexcos5—o: twelve; o liner than siity les., 86 cents pound; and lu· addition 1hereto,_on any of the jorqolni yarns when boiled,}. cents por pound; whm bleached, dyed, or otherwise treated,. 5 cents por pound: Pro&d, `Thnt the duty _0n any ot the ·£eregot_n_g_ _>·¤rp e;.. mths.,lw~t.l¥sn¤¤ ewonormone“eH.§n"”§5"“po¤ ~ centum _“ dad vnlorem. twinm, eords, compowd ot two ore more yarns of hemp, or ruxnle, one xnlxtune ‘of;·eny_ et them, ·twi% together, the of the single yew of which ls not liner thnneleven lm, 18% eents per pound; dner, then · eleven les endnot incr tlmn_Blxty_lm, 1.8% cents per.p0und_snd three-fourths oi 1 cent oper pound uddidonnl lor eneh lee, or port ot ep in g;ce,g_gg_tLeleven; thanlslxty len, 66 cents per P¤@3 ud in on hny ol the foregoing threads, twine;. and eordswhen boiled, 2 cents per. pound; when blenched, dyed, oitetherwlse treated, · B cents per pound: Prov¢ded,d_’1'hnt duty en the toregotns ‘ twlnes, and cordsshsll be not less thsndo galgsnqrem. ¤ Pn. 1006. Cerduge,. lnelndlnf cables, tuned or untarred, wholly or ln chief vnlue of~mnnils,"slssl, gr other hitd dbers; three-fourths. ot 1 cent pound; eordnn, ln¢J·¤€}¤¢ cables, terred or untnrred, wholly or ln chief value ot sunn, or other hast dbers, but not cordage mnde of jam, 2`bents Der pound; wholly. or ln chief value ot hemp, 2% cents penpouhd. , _ - · —· , __ V ? . A Pu. Gill netting, nets, and qelnes, and other nets for dshing, composed wholly Tor; ln ehle! value ot nn;. hemp, or raxnie, end not speeinlly [tor, shall psy the s@ duty pen·ip¤nnd·•s_the hi@.rsts_i@posed Ln ;h1q.&npter upon any ot the thrmd, twine, or eord of véhleh muh is made, soo, an addition thereto, xo per sd yuolem. f " Pu. 1b0'7. Hose, soluble for enndnctln; llqulds or mam — compoaedtwholly or vslus·e!__ve¢ct¤hle dl>er,··17’ cwts per pound and -10 per ad . ‘ A Pu. wholly M inte,. . pl§|h;-»woven, twilled, and all 9¢h*• #9* imeeisll! p¤ov1d•d tor. not hlqwmd, printed,. dyed, `QQIQIS, nor ranwwd nonlnnammnhle, 1 cent. D9 pound; hlebdhd,. pclhbd, denelled, ' Wlllfod. dyed. eolorod, os tendered 1 cent.pmpound and 10 por centnm=nd‘· alum » · " o

» / sroua »ov2·1ms ” ,§e 121 Pu. 1009. Woven fgbria. ho! articles dnlehed or l undnlshed, of flax, hemp, or rauxlo, 9 of whi&,these j or shy of is the component btohu nlm (except

 as tre   need as poddinpor   in clothing), exceeding thirty and not exceeding one  »~ .· red threads

to the squdre inch, counting the warp yand dlllng, weighing-¤oth____ le; than four and one—half and not than twelve ounces ‘ .per•square yordyand exceeding twelve but not-exceeding twenty-fourfinches in width, 55 per oentem ad valorem. ‘ `Woven fabrics, such as are commonly ESBG for pnddings or elnterllnmgs lu clothing, composed wholly or in chief value of

 orhemp, or ’-of meh these snbnances or either of them is

the component mate ofchlef value, `_exce§lng thirty and not exceeding one hundred and ten threadato the square imh, counting the warp and hlling, not lem than fom and onehalf and ~ not more than tvvelve ounces per square yard, 55 per, centum ad- vnlorem; comwd wholly or in chw value of jute, exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, comting the

 and -illllng,.and `weighltig not lm than four and onehalf l

ounces and not more than twelve ounces per square yard, 50 per centum all vnlorem. · . — · ,’ _ `_ ` Pm. 1010. Woven fabrics, not including articles hished or undnished, or. flax, hemp, ramle, or otherxwetable except cotton. or. of which these substances orjany of them is tm com-

 materlol of chief value, not specially provided for, 40

per centum od velorem. ‘ W. Q . ~ l r , · Paz. 10l1._ Plain-woven·fabrics,_not including articles dnlshed or ·unflnlshed,;of Sax, hemp, ramic, orother vegetable Qher, except cotton, yvelghlng lese.then.fo11r·and_one·half onnceo per ysquare yard, 35 per centurn. ad valorem. 0 , _ , Pax. 1012 Pile fabrics, `eonmoncd wholly or in chief value of'_ -w»tahle` _ `~§ber other thanh n “n,"tEu‘t”oriiincut,* urhetherl or not the pile _ covers the whole surface, and ·men¤faetures» in any form, madefor cut from any of the f¤¤'€8°}·¤8. 45 per emtmn ad Pin,. 1018. '1‘able‘ dmnesk wholly or in chief value `?` of vegetable uber other than cotton; and manufncturw com- ’ posed- whollyortin chief value of such durnask, 40 per centum ndvalorem. — ‘ F · . · ` Pu. 1014. Towels lend oapilna, lhnlehed-or umlnlehed, com- . wholly -0or, in chief 'vhlue of dur, hemp, or ramle, or of lwhlch tm¤elsubstn& is; tk conment material of ehlefveloe, not e@dlm

 to the square tech, counting the   and   fio per

0 cehtum od valorcgrn; `8X€!&(UD§‘;0¤€ _•nd* tvrehty threede to the square inch. counting the vrarp and hlllng, 40 per centuln od valorem ;‘ sheets and pllloicam composed wholly lor in chief value of dex, hemp, or,ratmle, orof which them substancee

 ue. or- any of them ls, the conpomnhmaterlal of chief- velce,

40 per centum ad valorern. 7 p . l . e Pu. 1015. Fabrice vwith fast edged not exo@n: twelve inches lnwldth, and artlelee made therefrom: tnhlnxs, gorters.

 hrnoee. cord; tassels; hud cords and tnseele: ull the ~

foremolni composed wholly or ln ehlef value, of vemtable Sher other than cotton, or of veketgble doer other than cotton end lndln ruhher,§5 pw centum ed vulorem; tape; composed wholly · or ln ph1.·t_of,dnx,_ weren with orgrithout threads, m

 spools, or otherwise. and ded@ exp@Iy for use in the

manufacturer}! meemrlng tapw, 30 per centnm ad nlorern; " 4 _ Pa. 1016. Hnndkerchlefs, oompoeed wholly or in chief velnee dof veietahle hber other than cotton, hulshed or nudulthed, not u bummed, 85 per centm nd valorern; hemmed or hemstltched. or ¤n¤nl&‘hnvi¤g drawn threads, 45 per centum ed volorenr. PA;. 1017. Clothing, and articles of wearing epfmrel of every [description, compooed `vrholly or in chief onlne of vegetable ¤b•r other than cotton, nncfwhether manufactured wholly or in put, notmeclnlly provided for, 85 per centum ed valorexn: