Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/600

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' \.` .‘ x' \‘\ '· ` N I .§J268. j" ¤ - · · -· TITLE 19.-01 _ 268, Boarding and disglgarginlg inspectors; duties: obstruct ing MQ hihderingi p@iTfy\.-——Th¢ c0ilect6r11'0r`the diqtricf 1% whiéh amy. véssél or; vehicle ·arrives‘t1*0m:fa; foreiéri "p¢$rfc place in;iy_ put; my boarq of such Ycssel or vfehlcle while withi ·suc·h` district, :ancI` if necgésax y while goirigf £1·0m‘0n¢.`disfri< to. 3I)0fh€1‘,`0l1é· or more i‘¤sp<§t§iié qr¢”dther customs diiiicérs t ex:m1“I‘1f€`HfEéf and contents ot such vossei or vehicle an superiptexid {hg uxplading thereof, ’ tgmd `fq ‘ pertbrfnx such *0the duties as may be 1·équired_ by. lavy. or thé _CilSt0l¥l8‘ regulation for tbé pmtection. of the revei1ue.\ .,Sucl{ `inspectbr 10r otige customs Qiiicéf i1;'ziy,`§if;_he sl§all·dee1in;ithé same, necessary to the? protectibh 0£`Qthe" revenue, secure- the liatchés orotherycou muuicatipns or outlets-° of such Zyeésel mj vehicle custom gems or rother ipmper msteuingé vsjhile such·`jreése1_ is not __i · the act of uuludingmnd such ktizsteuings shql1’uot remove with0.ut_ pern;issi0u· or the inspector 01* cqhér customs Qilicev Si1chi'iugpe;.—t"0r 01·_ qther customs officgr mi1y· 1*eq1:iire any vessn or vehicle to discontinue or Iéuppénd hulading during the co: tinuance ot unfavorable. oi any conditions rengetin fthe; discharge ofniargo dangerous mj détriméntal Dto the `revému · ·d11y#0fii<;e1·,' 0wne1f, a,gen1;_ pt the gwuem or member ot. the erm

 of {py such vessel who pbstructs or hinders dui such jpspectc

_or xitheréustoms bmcer in the, péptcrmance br dutiéé, sha; be liable jq6`·u,pénalty qthot mon; tbmi‘.$500. 21,.1921 c. 356, Title WIV, $454, 42-Stat. 965.) ‘ _ _ .' W »-j -_ ‘ · ’·269. Sync; qompénsgtinn expenses.-—-The compahsatio of anyixispcixtcr ot qthétcpgtoxhs 0ilicer,' stationed 0H_.8lIY véssc or vehiélé while proceeding trdm one port t0_ guother and ra turning t]1¢refri>m; —·ghnl1 be reimbursed .t0 the_'Gdvcrnment "b the ‘master or owner bt such iesgel, together with the- dctp; " expense of l such-i_i¤spec¢0r or customs omcér for- subsisgenc< , og iujlieu of such; eqrpcpses sdqlg vessel cr. vehicle may -ftir¤iis such inspector qr customs iofficer thé,dcc0mm§dg1§i0¤s usuall ·supp&ied 'to (Sept. 21Q 1922, c. 356, Title =IY, 5 452 42 _ » ‘ F A  » ‘ . 270. Qdstody of csrgb npt imladen. ,proniptly.—4Whenex·e any mexjéhandiée remains on board ‘-ényf wsse; of yehlclec fron A tm-:-eign port more than twéuty-five days. utter: the date 0 which rkgport of sai:} vessel or yehicle was ‘ made, `t€he_ collesitc xj1ny_t a1§¤, ¤p¤ ot si1ch"ihei·chandi$é an‘<;1mm uSc*the samét be nnlqdeu at we expense and risk of the owimrs ‘¢he1·éct,· ¤ " mn!. Nice one or more `inspectors ongofhqr cuskt0msY0Mcerf6

 of said? vessel or `vchicla t,o» prqtecb thé revenue: Th

c0mpe¤;nt1¢>¤_a¤d_éxpen¤¢• bf "any puck inspector or custom 0$c¢rl!0:· pxylxgslstenéc. while pri bogrd of bucéh vessel` or vchlcl

hall be mimbursed to.t;he`Govgrnme¤t by the owner _KQ1' maste

`ot such‘vup§1 ofiyehiclé. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 35QQ}Titi¤ IV] 454 42 Stat. 955.1 ` _ #»s ~ __ __ · * 271; Unldinf it risk of qmsighec until ‘ gritty made.-—-A t1w_ of · the c0usigime\fot_ any me rch`nndise, or ct th ‘ owner or master ot mug-vessgy of the person in charge of th vehicle ini which xthe same is imported, qi1yQ merchandise ma be mkmi pomssion of by_ tho collector- after the Zexplratiou c one day' utter the .mtry 0; the vessét or _9t ting irehicl and may be nmldden nfnd bald at thehsk and expense at th cénsim .u1;`til·—entry thereof is mpde, `( Sept;. 21, 1922,1 c. 354 Title·IV,§457, -42 Stdt. 956.) ‘ _ _. __ ·— W 272. Time fdr unluiing biglk qzargo.-—-—fI'ba limitagion ot tim tor unlndiqg shall Yung gxtend to vusels laden {cxglusiiely ivit mercl1 an<1isc· in; bulik consigned to one cdusignae and m·ri+i¤ at a port tororders, but it tpegmaster of such vessel request n  » its MPEG; the. compensation "uf " th , ix1!‘5é•”K érothér cinktgius omceié whose services`¤ré require in connection with the xiulagiiug shall, t0r_eve1jy,dny cimmme in ui110._dlng.f¤ hzmess 0£·.twenty·¤ve dqyb trom fhg dpte of th vesse1’s angry} be reimbursed by theymastenf or bwner ot _éuéj jvwsek. (Sgpt. 21; 1922, b. 358; Tit1e..IV,` | 458542 Stat. 956.

. \ » . USTOM8 DUTIES T 586\’

- t_ . 278. Landing aplrita and wines; marking eaaks and eases.-

n‘ _The ° omcers of inspection of any port wnere distilled- spirits »r {or wines shall benlaxided, shall, upon the landing thereof} and - n_ as SOODTRS the casks,. vessels, and cesea eontainlng " the same =*· mu b‘¥[}§?@?d% gseegee 2¢;¤ee¤¤1¤·¤<¤. bfilili or .¤¤:¤¤rwee

o mark in durable characters, the several casks, vessels, and

d jcaees ieontaining the same, and. the marks shall eipresp the er ~ number ofcaske, vessels,. or cases, wl1—ether_ ofspirlta lor wines, nsf rnarked each i omcer respectively}, in each year, in progreser l .sive numbers foreach. of the articles; also the port of importair., "tion, the name of the vessel, and the snrname of the master; 1- algo each grind of `snirite or for which; different rates ls of duty are ‘0r_shal1,be impcised, the nnmher i of gallons iq. n —‘caal;, or case, am1_`the‘ rahesof proof if Spirits; also _ d_ §h0‘ ll8Il18_0f the surveyor or chief oliicer of inspection for_ rr the port, and the date ofngimportation; of allwhich particulars el the chief officers of inspections shall keep fair and correct 1- raccounta, an hooks be be `provided for that pnrpom. =(R. lg ·`—' · ~» ·\ ‘,_ Iv ’ . . · B» 274{Salnc: obliteratioh of marka,—;Q`n the sale of anyt caek, W },+es$e1,ror.gcase; {whiclyhas been or shall be marked aa contaln— yi', "ing jdlstilled spirits or wines, and which hea been emptied of _ U ite tfontents, and prior Ito the delivery thereofto: the purchaser, 2,., or `anyY removal thereof, the marks and_ nurnhers, which shall _,_ have heenset thereon by oi under thendlrection of any otllcer ll of lnspeefion; shall be defaéeq and, obliterated in the presence Bl' of some omcér of lnsjpection or of- the` customs, who `ahall; on B— due notice being glven, attend __ for that purpose, at which time ·Y the certitlcete`which‘·ought to accompany such chest, vweel, ll or case,_shall also be returned and canceled., Every person who B. sliall obllterate, counterfeit, alter, or defaee any mark or numll ber placed by an omcer of lnepection npon any caak, vessel, or_ N" gcase, containing distilled spirits or prince,. or any certiucate 5, thereof; or who ahnll sell or ~ in any wai alienate or remove

 anyncaskg vessel, or case, Awhlch has been emptied of its conrr tents, before the marks and numbers, set thereon pursuant to

11= ·¤the provleions of: section 273 offthle title, shall have been oefeced n or obliterated, in presence of an omcer of inmection; or who >1‘ ehall neglect ev refuse to deliver the certihcate lsened to ac-

0 company the cask, chest, rmi, or` case, of. which. the marks

nr' and,`1iuinbera·shall havebeetl defaced or obliterated in manner ll aforeaald, on helng thereto required by en omcegfor inspection re or of the `cnatomsyahall for every such offem he liable to a rs. penalty of $100, with coats of ault; o (R. S. { We.,) ·

  • ° 215.*, Imports from eentigqeéi mnntrieag reperta. nani-‘

"·” feats; permits; `nmaltiet pad forfeiturea fer we report B- arrival or nnlading without perqit.-—The rnexer et any_ vessel of lm¥ than flve ,net tons carrying and the rtg person in charge of-any vehicle arriving, in the United Statg M from contlgnoua country, ahall ·g¤Bl€dtlt81! report arrival re to the custo;na'of¤cer_ at the port of entry or cuetomhouse which Y ahall be nearest to the place at whlchiauch vweel onevehiele ` lf ahall cross the honndary line or shall` enter the territorial le watere of the United Statw, and lf auch `vemel or vehlcle have ro o board any merchandise, shall produce to such customs omcer 5:. 0, manlfeetraa required hy` law, and nosnch vw or rehicle rt, s all iproeeed farther `inlandnor shall qlscharge or land any .e »merchandl_se, · passengers, or hamage awithont receiving a ‘per-‘ h- mit therefor from auch cumms officer. The master of any g such vessel or the person in charge of any \anch vehicle who ca fails to report arrival in the Uniteq States aa required by_ the e "provtstena of the 'UéWE\jDjé¢$ io"`} lHH§”ofll$100`.`¥for cl eaeh{oi!9§1Sé. and lf any merchandise or baggage is nnladen ord 'dlecharged from any such wfeeael or wjehicle without a permit e_ therefor, the same, together with the vessel or vehicle in which h· imported, shall be subject to forfeitnrey (Sept. 21,1922, `c. ) MB, Title IV, {450, 42 Stst.956,) `