Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/603

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{ Q _ · E _ I — 589 Y * ‘ ” TISf#LE·»I9.-44 on the invoice the time véheh, tizcipléce where,.t1m» Perma {rox ` wming meh merchandise wuslphrchssed; {nd thai izriéa pq! u;emi’or-i§ thé caumncy of the gtatiug whexhef Quia 'si1vér§-<>r;`m1>¤1’·E L(S€H--"21; 1922;·.c. 356; Title IV, I 4S1(bj 833; Same; gbbds purchmpéd in- difcrént consular · dig tric§s.——1Vhe¤"t·henmercl1ant1¤ise has been purélxqmd iu.;diffé1i¢:1 mnéular- distficts for shipment {6 the United and ’as>;e~mb1ed for shiyiment and embraced 1 ini a single invqie - which is *pmdi1ced_ for cértmcation under the prcvisiLo:;s ». g

»&1‘¤gFSph (2) of §Sé0ti0¤"`%4 of tiiis title; the 'invoi¢e sh;

have aiitééhcd thetetc the gsriglnél tgil}s.0r invoicegreéeived b thi; shippér qr extmctsl therefrom! showing. the _ aqtual png `paid or to bewpaid fiir suc;) `_'` merchahdise. __'1‘he- consular c@ m whomgthe invciea is sq produced fmi ce;·ti1i¢ation‘~may requir that zasy such origi¤a1_,biI1§gFor invéicebe gértifiéd by tBe`c<ms·ula ofécer ;f<>r the dimrict iz; whiéh qxé mérchguqisa was/purchaser

(Sept. 21g`i922, c. 356, Title ly, §·_481(c),]42· Stat; 958.) , y ”
 384. C0!$ti§gatié¤ df invaices.; kcnwlar di8tl'i§tS•··—r··E\’é—}'y in
  1. 016e coverings pqepchandise $100 in vglué shall, u

_c·f betcm the `fimé I of tke shipmeizt of the merchandisé; ox; a soon thereafter as the t:qndi·ti<éi1é‘ will pegmit, be, pmdubéd fo certmcaticszt to the cqusxxist 0@cm· Z0! the Unitcé Stgtcs··—· . `(1) For theccmsular district in V which the merchandise wa maautgctumd, mi parésmegg mj §1·0m»_which it ; wgé ·tq be dé —,, . livered purmht tqcpntmct; M-; ” ‘ ; `_ `_ Q (’2)1For the ccngulmi distxrigzf ug whichf the m21•chandisg ·" i — awembled had repacjkad forishtpment to the United `Smtes, if i has been puréhgsed in dmemm couéular dis$.ric ts. " (Sépt. 21 1922, _'I‘itIc_IY,‘§ `4&( a»);°f42_ Stat. 959.)e W . i 335.’ Declgrafiéml umn inmigpss-—‘Such invoice: shall have ”iud0tned_ thereon, Zwbexi so `progucéd, n‘ ver1§ed·dé¢1a _· ration, iq a #!orm_ preséribed bye the Sec reta·ry_ of the Treasury · émtiug whethé: thé fmaertghaixdiée is sold ~ di- agreed to ¥be;' sold or whetha —if is shipped éthergvise than in purhxiance 1 qt s pqrcimse ar in égmement to purchase, that there is no otqhea invoice diiTerix1g» from the; `irnvéicesc produced, and that all the » sfatemanwccntaiqed in such invoice and in declargtiomxra true and `(8cpt..i21Z 1922, c. 356, Tit1elIVQ"§ 48*2(b )' 42Stat. 959.·)·· ‘ = l ·* » 336, mrtiéegi inv•1ices.·—-—·-Every.certif1ed‘-i¤v¢1ic< shéil bé made opt in tfipiiéme or in qundruplicate, it desimc by the ezhippet, for merchandise iuteudgd for immediate t;un s· pcrmtimz, xmdexs fisr0€1sidns’cf sec¢i0n€452 of this·”t it1¢,· add shall mi signed bi the miler or shippex*,; cr the ag·ent‘fbt4 either Wham any such mvéice is signed byrau agent, hé shall state tlwrécn the name 91 _ his-, pri11cipg1. (Sept, 21,.1922; ·&:. 358 Title IV,} 4S2(¢),¤42—Stmé.`959.) _ · i ‘ ‘ V . P

 337. Certifying ‘fnvéice¤.-—Su—chl iuv0ic&· shall be ééitiiied in

nmondamse with thépnjovisiom Qt existhdg law. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, G 4·&2(d), 42-Stat; 859.) * A " * ,338.. Indorsement umn iuveice; vcd af ·mtry,—-——·Tbc person pmducing an mycice fox certihcgtian shall gt the same time dav:·1m··e to the mam:] 01*. vim c01muI`the port in the United States aiawhich it is intgmled to make entry ct merchandise; whertsubcm the caisul, lor vim consul, shall tndorsa upon Xemzb of the triplmiteg n certmmte, u§der his hand and c¤cial se l; stm1ng‘t!mt_the inmice has béen prcduéed in him, with the date ct such proéucticm, ané the name of he person by when the samaqwaa produced. aqd the port in theo United ,c o Statm at wkiéh it shall be the decland iutentma tcpmnke mtry at the merchandise therein (1%-4 S. \`%55· >

 Reftricthn   cumin  ¢:éiti§cnt¢s.—-·—-·N¤ cmisular ¤fficer ot the Uuimd States sm}! grant 5 teammate for ·m¤;·chan.,

dim shipped from cmmuim djacsnt to the United States, which havé mma Wa consulate after pumhkqe tm shipm&mt. (R.} S. » 349. Ccmuls té exact pmcf nf immicw-—·A1l consular omcers am Authorized to réquim, before certifying any invjoice, satis-

p‘}JSTOM8¢BUTIES' § 346 m factery evidence, either fby the with — of- the pere0ni__pr~eéentin»g td? saith.; inveices. or otherwise, that such invoices nre eerrect and cl, true. In theeexereise of the diseretien hereby given, the censu- Y, · {nr emcersf shell, be f·g0v*émed by sue}: generél cir épeciel regule·-~ ` . or instructions an may from time te time m established 3- ·»·01‘ given by- the "Slecrgfery of State. Z (R. S., § 2862;) , it . ° ·34L$ Fraudulent practices; eonenké repm·t.?¥g·All consults ot E6 the United §tntes having any knerélenge or belief of any ease

  • 9 or preptice or any person whe obtains verinmtien of any invoice

’? ‘whereby the revenue of the United States ‘ is or may de· U fmuded, shall report the facts to the lcqbllecter of the port where Y the revenue is or may be defraucled, er to the Secretary of the

_  ee     V reasury. {R. SQ}   ·.; 1 i -· i _ ~ ‘

· bhtt  ». ‘ 342; Ilispeéition nf eriginsl. invoice and é0§i£8f··vTh€ original "2 _ of the zinrolce shall be Bled in the office ¤:~;1:efe0¤en1¤r.proper

 by` whom it wn3‘¢ertt§etl,"-to be therekept until. the &cretery

L of State mitihnrizw ite destruetiong The duplicate, and if made, ` rthe quadruplicgte shall be delivered to me exporter.? to be for- '* rwnrcled to ·¤eignee. for use in making entry of the men Lt! and · the triplicate shall be promptly transmitted by S the mmsular .05cer in the éollectnr of `custorzne at. the port of

 _éntry`n;m1e¢lYin' the invoice. ·· (Sept. 21, (19%, c. 356, Title IV,

»§482te)Q42Smt.959.1~ ...‘ .. - ‘ 1 S 343. Certiieition hr inveices by me than Amcrichn cen-t . °" sulsr 0§icers; in llnitleé States p¤ ene.·—— S .When¤·merchnndise in to berhipped trmn _ a place. so remote S . from an '.Ame1*icnn consulate as te render impraeticeble certifi-

t cation di, the inveiee by an Amérimn§1_é0nsn1ar‘0§cer, such in- ·

" rulee may be certlned by consular 0§cer of e natien. at the time in emity with the UnitedStates; or lt. therebe no seen consular . S efncer av‘aihible‘sueh `inveiee shall be exeented before e netery I" pqbllc `dr other g@cerY hgxjing apthority _’t0_, adminiéter dhtml ’ ind havlng an o&eial seal. Invéicgtfer merchandise snippet ’ tb the United Stetee from the `Philippine Islands er any et its l ether possessions may be ceréined by the bollecter of customs I

° or =the‘persexfa.c
ting as eu<:h,·0r by this deputy. (Sept. 21, 1922,

“_ c. 356, Title IV, 5 482(f), 42 Stat. 959.) l -· 4 1 » . B ES44. _0wnership efmer&nndim; cnneigner; cmsignee.————All ’ — mer<:hnndise imported into the {United ¥ States shall, fer the"? pm-- _ peeeelot this title, be held to be the property of the’¥persen te i whmn the same tag consigned; Wand the holtler of a bill nt lading · duly lndcrsed by the cnnsignee therein named, or, if ceneigned I to order; by the coneigner, shnki be deemed the ceneigxee there- _ nf., The underwriters ei! nbenclcbed merchandise and the Q eex»·m=s‘ ot merch_éndi& saved n·¤m»,;¤ wreck at sen or en er ' » along the coast of the United. States may, fer enc}: purposes, be ’ regarded an the <:0nsigne&. (Sept. A21, 1922,, c. 356, Title IV, K `5 483, 42 Stet:;_959.)` `£ · fe . 345. Entry of nrerchnndim; by 1rhem_made; time for mak- ' ing.-——·l<.}x<.·ept ge provided in Sections 159, 37Q, 452, and 453

  • of title, the coneignee et. iwrted merchandise shelf make
 entry lzlnerefnr either in perenn er by an agent nntherieed bf:

him in writing under such regulations an t.he·‘Seeretnry of the Q Treasury ‘mny_§`Fé"§Eribe. Sncghentry shell he mncle at the me- L temhouse withtn fqrty-eight1heurn, exclusive reef Sundnysweml 1, helidgys, after the entry of the importing vessel or report of the g `vehiele, ornfter the arrival et the port nf destination in the

 1`caee ctmerchenthee transported in bend. unless the eolleeter J

A Qsutherieee in writing at longer time. {Sept. 21, 1922, é. 356, t Title IV, S ~1$4(al),n42`Stat. 9Q0.)· . . — » 846. Same: eerti§eé invoices to Qc prndncw; exceptions.-- Nn merehnndine shell bendmitted an entry under the provisions . of secdéns 345.ttn 351 of this title without the prodnétien et at eertined invoice tbere£er, ekcept that entry; méy be permitted if-Q-· . ·.[’ A . '(1)_" The rgclleéter is sntiemedxthnt the fnflnreeto prnclnce smh invoice ie due to causes beyond the control of the person maklng entry; · ’ x