Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/867

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353 ..T1TLI:J 27.——·~INTO; TITLE 27.-INTO] { A {MM, _ Sec 3* ,,,;w;R_tr. rrigvrsrows- ..---------· - ---------——·-—·-· -g ---—-· 4 J ,.,,_,,,,,,,·,~,,, gr [X*l`()X{CATING nameless .. ... 1 l h CROSS REFERENCE ~ ` l‘n<tmction as to effect of alcoholic drinks; see Title 20, Enucxrros taxation: see chapters 5 and 6 of Title 28, Ixuzaxar. Ravnxcs. vislpter 1,-—-GENERAL PROVISIONS.

'short name of title.

Z. 'lg-rritory affected. z; l~’a`.·.·r on existing legislation. sj lsesinitioxis. · . 3. Authority of conlmlssioners agents or assistants. Section 1. Shortname of title.-—'I'he short name of this titi snail he the °‘ National Prohibition- act." (Oct. 28, 1919, c. 85 g 1. 41 sm;. 305.) ‘ . . ` - 2. Territory aHected.—This ti_tle shall apply not only to th l'::iu·d States but to all territory subject to its jurlsdictiox iatlutllmz the Territory of Hawaii and the Virgin Islands; an jsrialiction is conferred `on` the courtslof the Territory of- Hz .w:ali and the Virgin Islands to enforce this title in such Terr tory and islands. (Nov. 1921, c. 134, § 3, 42 Stat. 223.) 3; Efect oa existing legis“lation.4——·All laws in regard to th iaanufactnre and taxationqof and traflic in `intoxicating liquor and all penalties for violations of such laws that were in fore on october 28, 1919, shall be and continue ln forcefas to bot

 iuwerage and nonbeverage liquor,2 except such proylsions c

’ such lapys as are directly in connlct withlany provision of thi ritle;`hnt if any act is a violation of any of such laws. an also of this title, a conviction for_ such act or olfense undo one shall be a bar to prosecution therefor under the othe: (Nov. 23.. 1921, c. 134, Q 5,·42 Stat. 223.) . . r `_ 4. Deinitions.-——When_ used in this title (1) _The wor “ liquor " or, the phrase " intoxicating liquor f' shall be eoi strued to include alcohol, brandy, whisky, ruin, gin, beer, alporter, and 'yylne, and- in addition thereto any splrituous, lv sons. malt, or- fermented liquor, liquids, and compounds, whethe 1ll{‘dl(*§t€d,`r proprietary, patented, or not, and by whatever nam called. containing one·half of 1 ntum or more of alcohe ley volunxevwhich are Bt for erage purposes: , Ph sided, That the foregoing dell l on shall not extend —,t0 dea1c· holized wine nor to any beyerage or llquld producedg by th process by which beer, ale, porter or. wine is produced, lf 1 eontains.less· than one·half of 1 per centnm. of alcohol by vo anne, and is madelas prescribed in section.5S of- this title, an is otherwise. denominated than as beer, ale, ora porter, and 1 contained and sold ln, orfrom, such sealed and labeled bottle <·a_sl~;s. or `aontalners as the connmissioner may. by regulatio

sres¢·rlbc. . ” { .

fill The gvortl "person"' shall mean and Include natur:

»e¤·¤.1nas;__` associations, copartnershlps, and corporations. (

(ill The word -"coinn1issioner "‘ shall mean Connnissioner < Internal Revenue. _ V. . . . y o. (4) The term -"application" shall mean pa formal wrltte request supported hy a verified statement of facts showin: that the eomxnissioner may grant the request. · · ~ (ill The term ‘l‘ permit"! shall inean a formal written ai thorlzation by the commissioner setting forth specincall tlrereln_the things that are authorized. , .— ‘

 _ (6)   term "hond” shall mean an k>m,tga:lo¤`_ao¢norize

or required hy or under this tltle or any regulationjexecutt in such form and-fotvsuch a penal sum as maybe require by n court, the commissioner, or prescribed by ’r$\gulatio¤, `


. Chapter See.

10 3. lxm·s*ruux. Ancimot. .,.,,,_ _,,,,,_~ ____, _ ____,. -,_ _,,. ?l 1 · . · (7) The term "‘ regulation" shall menu any regulation pre- '• scribed by the coinmiqsioner with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury for icarrying out the provisions of this title, (and the commissioner is authorized to make such regulations. (Oct. 28, {919, c. 85, Title II, § 1, El Stat. 307.) _ 5. Authority of comniissionéfs agents or asisistants.--Any uct authorized to be done by the commissioner muy be per· ‘ formed by any assistant or agent designated by himtor that purpose. Records required . to. be tiled with the commissioner may be filed with an assistant commissioner or other person e designated by the commissioner to receive such records. (Oct. i‘ 28; 1919, c. 85,. Title II, § 1, 41 Stat. 307.) Chapter fz.-PROHIBITION OF `INTOXICATING ABEVER- Q i I ‘ AGES. * 1 ’ Sec. · · . F1 11. Investizntion mrd report of violations of chapter; duty to prose L--- - cute; search warrants. - ~ , `. ·,. 12. Manufacture,. sale, tra‘nspor_tation, importation or exportation, 1 _ . ‘ · delivery, furnishing, or possessing intoxicating liquors proliiliitcd; exceptions. _ _ _ .

  • €_ 13. Articles exempt from provisions of chapter: permits to monur, · tacture; quantity of alcohol; sale of enunierutcd articles ton

.8 lpevernge purposes; punishment. F J_ 14. Analysis ot manufactured articles; notice to manufacturer; rev h , ._ _ · ocation of permit. _ _ “ _ ‘ I ’t `15. Change of formula of preparations being used as beverage or for ls_ intoxicating beverage purposes. ~ o- . d _16. Permits .to manufacture, sell, purchase. transport, or prescribe _ Jiquors; exceptions; expiration of permits; wine for sacra- 1 ·’ mental purposes "“/ l r• -17. Physician? prescriptions, . — 18. Kinds 0t liquor which may be prescribed; percentage of eieonoz ·d `in; quantityqpermitted to be prescribed. - n__ 19. Prescription blanks. ‘ · 20. Number ot blanks issued tophyqiclnn within given period. ?# 21. Violations of low by pernilttee; cltation;` bearing; revocation oi i- permit. ‘ _ * ` Br 22. Record of manufacture, purchase. sole, or transportation of liquor ké 23. Copies ot permit; to be kept by manufacturer; and wholesalers; ` sales only at wholesale. ` DI 24. Labels gn containers. · _ .» 0- 25. Sliiptne ts ot liquor; . records of carriers; delivery; veritieotlor D. of oopiu ot permits. . _ L, » f A le 26. Notice to-carrier 0t·n•;1ments; information on- packosteu 27. Consignlng, shipping, transporting, tlelirering, pr reeeiving pack it . ages with false statements thereon. . _ · · »l· 28.. Orders to carrier fovdellvery to persons not actual bonu tide ld consignees. . _ . . · is 29. Advertising liquor or mnnufncture. sale, or keeping for sale thereof 1 · .exceptions. ·‘ _ · · I St !·l0.—‘Advert.lsing, rnunufncture, or saleput utensils, apparatus, ingredients •¤ · orformulsa for manufacture ot liquor. _ . 3.1. Solicitlng or receiving orders for liquor. 11. 32. Rlght·0t action for i'nj·uries_emmed by intoxicated person. · ‘ 33. Property used in'-connection with violation of law. ns._-eununon ` _ nuisance; punishment for maintenance; liability ot owners ot af buildings. ‘ . ‘ " Q 34. Abatement of nuisance; injunction; procedure; bond by owner —` or lessee of building. . . . ‘ °n 35. Person keeping or carrying liquor with intent to sell. or solieiting \K . »0rders for liquor guilty ot nuisance and ·r•·struin:1hle by in- — · junction. _ ° ‘ __ 36. Fees ot otl‘leers._

1 37. Forfelture ot lwse at option ofi lessor. . °

y 38. Violation- ohinjunction at contempt :· procedure; punishment. ‘ 39. Unlawful possession cfgliquor or property designed for mnnufuck gd_ _ “ ,ture thereof: search warrants. _ . ‘ _ ad 40. lfnlawtnl transportation of liquor: seizure ond destruction of . ‘ llquogsnd sale. ot vehicle. 5. ‘ ‘ `. Q ’ , ’d `4·1. Forfelted vessels or vehicles used for enforcement of national prohibition act. · · .