Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/991

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977 TITLE 31.-·-MON! of the Treasury and Assistant Gomptroller ot the Treasury are l abolished. All other officers and employees of the oillce of the Comptroller of the Treusuryexcept as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be omcers and employees in the ‘.Genern1 Ac<·ounti¤‘;g Oillce at their grades andealuries on July 1, 1921, gmt; all books, records, documents, papers: furniture, `omce xeguipnzent andother propertyx of the office of the Comptroller o; the Treasury shall be the property of the General Account- `. ·· Ufliee. The Comptroller General is authorized to adopt a

 the General Accounting Otlice. N‘·(.Tune 10, 1921, c. 18,

g :::11, 42 Stat. 23))/ g 9 _.  » .42. Comptroller Genetnl and Assistant Comptroller General.-—'[here·shnl1 be in the Genernl A(.‘PtZ)lll1E§1g~OHl(£B 21 dmxpmdler General of the United Stntee and an A§i§tnnt·C0mpxroller General. of the United States, who shall bene ppointed _ lay the President with the advice und consent of t® Senate, emu shell receive salaries of $10,000 und ’$7,50Q`Ti~year, respectively. The Assistant Comptroller- General shall perform such duties ns may be nssigmed to him by the_-Comptroller General, and during the absence or lncnpncity of‘the.Comptro1ler Gen-` (wl, or during n “vincnné·y‘in that office, shall` uctns Comptroller General. _(June 10, 1!)21,'c.$18, § 302, 42 Stat. 23.) Q _ . °. » 43. Same; terms of oEce; removal from office; retirementsl·2x¢·ept nn hereinafter provided in`tl1is section, the Comptroller` General and the Aéslstant ComptrollerL’Ge11eral ’shnll hold otllve for Bfteen years. { The Comptroller General shall uotlbe e·li;;f»le;for ‘reappointment.` The Comptroller General or the Assietunt C¢_»mptroll'er’(?!enernl may be removed atxuuy tim€’“bY joint resolution of Congress after notice andhearing, vejhen,`iu the judgxnent ofbongress, the`C6mptr0ller General or Aéisilstant Comptroller, General has become permanently incapacitated or has been lnetllcient, or guilty/`of neglect of duty, orof male iensance in office, or of any felony or·conduct_-involving moral ' turpitude, nndFfor no other cause and in no ot11er‘ manner ‘exl·ept by impeachment. Any ComptroHer·General or‘A,ssistnnt é UOIDf}C1'0u€F—G8D0f&l.,_ removed in the manner, herein provided ,¤-their be ineligible for reappointment. to that odlce. When n ¢Jon1ptroller·General or Assistant Comptroller General attains tlnealge at seventy years, he shnll _`be' retired {fom his officel ·. (June 10,`1921, c. 18, X5 303, 42 Stat. 23.) _ ,‘ ‘ . 44Q Certain powers and dutief transferred to General Accounting- Ok; éonclnsivenesa of balances certihed by. Comptroller ‘Ge¤eral._·4-All powers nnddutles which on June 30, 1921,, _were conferred‘or imposed by law upon the Comptroller ot tl1e,,'1‘reaé\1r7 or the six auditors ot the Trealsury Department, and the duties of the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrints of the Omce of ther Secretary of the Treasury relating to fkeeping the personal ledger Accounts ot dlsburslng and collecting ,. ·‘ottlcers,`, shell, so far as not inconsistent with sections 1, 2, 11, 13 to 24, 41,to 47, 49 to 55; 58, 471, and 581 of this' title and provisions of law enacted subsequent to June 30,1921, he vested in and lmpoéed upon the Geuernsl Accounting·0mce and he exercised without direction from any other oiilcer. l'I‘he p balances certihed by the Comptroller Genernzl shall be ilnnl and V conclusive upon the executive branch of the Government., The revision, by the Comptroller General of settlements made oy the nix auditors shall be discontinued, except as to settlements ·mede `betore july 1, 1921.r (June 10, 1921; c. -18, § 304, -12 Stat. '24.)_; ‘ l. . ‘ 2 n`- ·_ , _ _ N3". ,45. Bureau of Accounts in Poet Omce Department; admin-· istrstive examination of aceonnfh end vo¤<:her•.-——-;'1?1¤e hdmlnf lstratlve examination ot the accounts and vouchers `ot the Postal Service impoeed"‘by law on 30, 1921,- upon the Auditor. for the Post Othee Depgrtmt t shell be pertormecl ·by a bureau in the Post-0&ce Depnr wn as the Burea,11 or- Accounts. The Bureau ot Accounts sh l be under

 the direction of a comptroller, who ,eha11 be nppo ted `by the

‘ President with the advice and consent oi the Senate, and shell ,5 receive a salary of $5.000 a rw; The cvmwlle vent- ' 86270°-··--26---62 · ‘

EY AND FINANCE § 52* form thiéministrative duties performed by the Auditor tor the st Otiice Department and such other duties in relatiog thereto as the Postmaster General may direct. The officers gud employees of the Omoo of the Auditor for the Post Otiioé Department engaged in the administrative examination of accounts shall be officers uéil employees oi! the Bufoau of Accounts at their grades and sa°l;u·ics‘on July 1, 1921. (June 10, 192~1\fg:. 18, §·304, 42 Stat. 24.) ’ . 46. Laws governing .Geueral 'Acrzountipg ()§cc; copies of books, records, ctc., thereof as evidencct—All laws relating _ generally to the 8dII1iI1iSt1'8ti0I1%0f·th€` departments and establishments spoil, so fa? aé appkloable, govern the Gex1aral`Ac— counting Oihce. oqpies of any books, records, pdpers,`_or docu-, ments, arid transcripts from the bookajmd proceedings of the = General Accounting Othee, when ·CB1‘CiH€d by the Comptroller General or the Aéazistant Comptroller General under its séal, shall be admitted as evidence with the lsame edeét as the · oopies and transcripts referred to in sections 661 and _665 of Title 28. (June _10,, 1921, c; $18, 5 306Q 42 Stat. /24.) l ·47. Payment of adjusted gacéoums or claims.-—Thé Comptroller General may provide for the payment ot accounts or ‘ clnimsndjusted and settled in the General Accounting 053:12, - through qisbursiug oficers- of the several departments and esthbliéhmentg instead of by warréimi (June 10, 1921, c. 18, '§`307, 42 Stat;-25.) " , ‘ . . _ _ · Y 48{Samci regulating payment of arrears of "pay.+·The Comptroller General may prescribe rules to govern the pay- m`ent ot arrears of pay duo to any petty oiBoei·,`seaman,"or other pérson rmt an 0mC€P,`·QH board any vessel in the employ of the Uriitecf States, which has been sunk ox} destroyed, in case of the death of such petty omcer, seaman, or- pétson, to the person dosignatedjyylaw to receive the same., (R; S, { 274; July 31, 1894, c. 174,·'§ 4, 28 Stab 205; June 10, 1921, c. l8, § 304, 42 Stat. 24.) ~ · u ” ‘°_” _ P . ` `49. Formg, systems and procedure prescribed by, Compltrcller General.-»'1"he Comtitrolletj General shall prescribe the forms, skstems, émd procedure fol‘—8'dII§il1iStl’&tiV9 pmftopriation - ' unql. fund accounting in", the Qveral departments and mtablislr ‘ments, and for the administrative examination of fiscal o&cex·s’ ‘d¢coimts‘m; against thellnitgd States. (Jlilgé/10, 1921, . c.·_18,·§ 309, 42 §tut.»25t) .. _ ,t - _ t — ‘ A Y50. Forma for> use in o&ccs for co\le9ting,t’c1g3;toms.-—T)1e

 Comptroller. General shall report to tho ‘Secretary of the,

Ticasury omcial forms to be used in, the dittereut omces `1'or · 'collectiné theepublic receipts from customs. (R: S. §— 318; Jul; 31;'1&4,‘ c. 174, } 4, 28 Stat. 205.; June 10, 1921, c; 18, 5% 30-LJ ,309, 42 Stat. 24, 25.)· t . — z Q · _5l. Room; of ._Qcneral Accounting Omcg.-——-The General Accounting. Oifice shall occupy temporarily tlié rooms occupied

 on J tune 16, 1921,,by the ofiice. of the Comptroller of the Treas- _

. ury and the sig auditors, (June 10, 1921, ¢. 18, `§ 310, 42 ` Stat.25.),- . U . o 52L Attornéiiy audombloyees in General Accounting. O$cc; appointment; removal; compensation; ‘ idutics; o§cia] acts; rules and rcgulationsgmédc by Comptroller Gencnl.——y-(a) The .Comp,tml1cr Genéral shall appoint and Hmové attorneys and other employees in the General Accounting Omcey — ·` M - ‘ (b) All· such appointments, except to positions curryH`{g`KL éalalry at a rateiof more {than. $5,0Q0~a year, shall be made in · accordance with the civil scrvigre lows and regulations. _ I . _ L (c) The Coxfnbtroiicr General may upyiointr not more than four , persons without: regard to thé civil servic·e_ laws and 1°0gl1l_}`tti0l\·S._ Q ‘ (d) All ofécers and employees of the General Accounting , 08109,- whether transferred thereto ox; appointed by the·Co1;1p- · trollor Gcue·ral,· sha1ll‘ perform su<:h dutiesfaxs- may be nssignod to W ,thembyhim. L ‘·` j" V ` . (2) All omcial acts performed py such `othocrs ot- onxgployccs · 8p€€i&lly désiguuted tbéréfcr by th0*C0mptr011er _Gcuem1 Shall